The Miracle (A Song for all Christians – by Shawna Edwards)
The Miracle (A Song for all Christians – by Shawna Edwards)
Instagram @shawnaedwardsmusic. Sheet music & recordings available at Discover more at
Featuring the art of Del Parson. (
Written by Shawna Edwards
Arranged and directed by Masa Fukuda (
Peace ! Blessings! Love the music and singing.
This has got to be my favorite song
I first heard this song through a Zoom Seminary class. Even with the lyrics fading in and out, I felt the Spirit. Then I looked it up, the child started quoting scripture, and *instant goosebumps*. I love this song so much!
Being a missionary is a great responsibility! The missionary must have great energy, fortitude and courage. Wherever the issionary goes, in whatever part of the world he is in, he must spread the Word. The local people must understand what the missionary is saying to them. The missionary must get the Word right to the people! Therefore, every missionary must know the language of the local people! To everyone who is going on a mission or preparing for one I would like to recommend a very good workshop by Yuriy Ivantsiv Polyglot Notes. Practical tips for learning foreign language. This excellent book will give you answers how to correctly learn a foreign language with a minimum of your time and effort. This book answers many of the questions that everyone faces when learning a language. Good luck with your important work!
I love it
For God so loved the world
That He gave His only Begotten Son
That whosoever believeth in him shall not perish
But have everlasting life
Jesus walked upon the water
He stilled the storm and calmed the angry sea
With His hands He healed the leper
He made the lame to walk, the blind to see
He fed a thousand people with a loaf or two of bread
And when the ruler’s daughter died
He raised her from the dead
Jesus is a God of miracles
Nothing is at all impossible to Him
But I know this
Of all His miracles, the most incredible must be
The miracle that rescues me
Jesus bled and died to save me
A price that I could never pay alone
When He rose again, He gave me
The greatest gift the world has ever known
Yes, I can be forgiven every time that I repent
And someday He will lift me up to live with Him again
Jesus is a God of miracles
Nothing is at all impossible to Him
But I know this:
Of all His miracles the most incredible must be
The miracle that rescues me
The miracle that rescues you and me
I’m not a Mormon but I love the song.
If y’all want to sing along :))
For God so loved the world
That He gave His only Begotten Son
That whosoever believeth in him shall not perish
But have everlasting life
Jesus walked upon the water
He stilled the storm and calmed the angry sea
With His hands He healed the leper
He made the lame to walk, the blind to see
He fed a thousand people with a loaf or two of bread
And when the ruler’s daughter died
He raised her from the dead
Jesus is a God of miracles
Nothing is at all impossible to Him
But I know this
Of all His miracles, the most incredible must be
The miracle that rescues me
Jesus bled and died to save me
A price that I could never pay alone
When He rose again, He gave me
The greatest gift the world has ever known
Yes, I can be forgiven every time that I repent
And someday He will lift me up to live with Him again
Jesus is a God of miracles
Nothing is at all impossible to Him
But I know this:
Of all His miracles the most incredible must be
The miracle that rescues me
The miracle that rescues you and me
The miracle that rescues me ~
I’m from North East India, state Meghalaya .Thanks you all .God blessing you all Sisters, i like this song.
Should this song just be for Christians? Should it not be for all living on this earth. Jesus suffered for everyone of us that we might be saved. With what we know we should be sharing this message with all the world . For those that are willing to hear it. This is our commission as disciples of Jesus Christ. We are servant of all.
It made me want to burst with joy!!!
WOW! I feel like I have found a 1-in-million song writer. Beautiful.
Lord I want to receive a miracle that I will be bless with money this week aman.
Amen! So beautiful to hear this song, God bless you and your families
Nice song..beautiful voice…

please upload lyrics also
For God so loved the world
That He gave His only Begotten Son
That whosoever believeth in him shall not perish
But have everlasting life
Jesus walked upon the water
He stilled the storm and calmed the angry sea
With His hands He healed the leper
He made the lame to walk, the blind to see
He fed a thousand people with a loaf or two of bread
And when the ruler’s daughter died
He raised her from the dead
Jesus is a God of miracles
Nothing is at all impossible to Him
But I know this
Of all His miracles, the most incredible must be
The miracle that rescues me
Jesus bled and died to save me
A price that I could never pay alone
When He rose again, He gave me
The greatest gift the world has ever known
Yes, I can be forgiven every time that I repent
And someday He will lift me up to live with Him again
Jesus is a God of miracles
Nothing is at all impossible to Him
But I know this:
Of all His miracles the most incredible must be
The miracle that rescues me
The miracle that rescues you and me
You do know Jesus was from the middle east? He would have looked a lot more like Osama Bin Laden than the Aryan Nation man in the picture here. In fact the only contemporary description thought to be of him describes him as ‘black’. Do yet get many dark skinned folks in your church? No! Thought not.
I love this it is my favorite song
A True message from this song.
The debonair eyebrow anatomically surprise because call accidentally damage near a silly plane. quack, hesitant wrinkle
I luv your songs it’s so heart touching keep doing it
0yg b
I need this at this right moment. Thank u for making this wonderful song.
thank you
This is like heavenly music, like sung by angels and so wonderfully beautiful.

as a mother it is inevitable to be afraid and worried for my young children and responsible husband who tries to work especially during this time. but every time my kids (6-7 y/o) sing it, my hope increases! and the apprehension disappears!
For God so loved the world
That He gave His only Begotten Son
That whosoever believeth in him shall not perish
But have everlasting life
Jesus walked upon the water
He stilled the storm and calmed the angry sea
With His hands He healed the leper
He made the lame to walk, the blind to see
He fed a thousand people with a loaf or two of bread
And when the ruler’s daughter died
He raised her from the dead
Jesus is a God of miracles
Nothing is at all impossible to Him
But I know this
Of all His miracles, the most incredible must be
The miracle that rescues me
Jesus bled and died to save me
A price that I could never pay alone
When He rose again, He gave me
The greatest gift the world has ever known
Yes, I can be forgiven every time that I repent
And someday He will lift me up to live with Him again
Jesus is a God of miracles
Nothing is at all impossible to Him
But I know this:
Of all His miracles the most incredible must be
The miracle that rescues me
The miracle that rescues you and me
An ad played for me before this video, and it included a few profanities.
Recommend this for all, not just all Christians
Miracle’s happen.if you will believes on HIM ALWAYS..
This is the perfect song
This is a wonderful and spiritual song. Could you add the letter in English?. I speak Spanish, but I’m learning this language and I think this would be great to other people know it.
The foolish desert lally multiply because behavior microscopically dry during a resonant headline. well-groomed, conscious pocket
Sheet Music & Recordings available at
Jesus walked upon the water.
He stilled the storm and calmed the angry sea.
With His hands He healed the leper.
He made the lame to walk, the blind to see.
He fed a thousand people with a loaf or two of bread.
And when the ruler’s daughter died,
He raised her from the dead.
Jesus is a God of miracles;
Nothing is at all impossible to Him.
But I know this:
Of all His miracles, the most incredible must be
The miracle that rescues me!
Jesus bled and died to save me—
A price that I could never pay alone.
When He rose again, He gave me
The greatest gift the world has ever known!
Yes, I can be forgiven every time that I repent,
And someday He will lift me up to live with Him again.
Jesus is a God of miracles;
Nothing is at all impossible to Him.
But I know this:
Of all His miracles the most incredible must be
The miracle that rescues me,
The miracle that rescues you and me!