The Bible Timeline: the 4 Major time periods in Scripture
The Bible Timeline: the 4 Major time periods in Scripture
The Bible covers a long history of the nation of Israel and the beginnings of the Christian movement. It can be tough to wrap your mind around the 2,000+ year saga that the Bible tells, but fortunately for us, Matthew gave us a good way to break it down.
The New Testament begins by splitting the Old Testament events into roughly three chapters (Matthew 1:17), and beginning a new era. These chapters are still useful for understanding the Bible’s timeline today.
This whiteboard video will give you a feel for the overall timeline of the Bible by breaking biblical history down into four simple chapters:
1. Abraham to David
2. David to the Babylonian exile
3. Exile to Messiah
4. The age of the Messiah, or “These last days” as some New Testament writers put it.
You can see the whole whiteboard at:
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Love it! Thanks
God bless you!
Thank you so much. God bless you.
its all ok till he start talk about Jessus…who was born as a Jewe and Die as a Jewe and jessus never claim foe new covinenet with GOD
I’m just reading judges and the overall rythm of its first half is that people start worshipping Baal and other gods, then bad things happen since God turns his face away from them. Then a champion/judge/prophet arises and then the land is cleaned up, they repent and God forgives the nation and there is 40 or more years of prosperity and then iterate this many times.
Great breakdown btw! God bless you.
u talk proper. or is it speak?
MessiYah means YahUah’s anointed, aka Messenger, of Yah. And as such.
YahUah sent his Yahhid-beloved namesake, who came in YahUahs name, 2 bear his name, ergo King YahuaSha = YahUah is Salvation as is also written in IsaiYah.
It’s no small wonder why Gentiles, remain deceived by Jesus. And know, King YahuaSha is not Jesus. Jesus came in his own name.
Being that the
denied Jesus as the messiah did they continue to do sacrifices and do they continue. And what kind of sacrifices are they.
my lord –please give lecture on first century ad history –thank u my lord –amarjit – india
Great video.Thanks for sharing. Can you share or point me to a video connecting Abraham and Moses connection. I need clarity on when Moses took over Abraham position before the children of Israel crossed the Jordan river to the promise Land. I know Joshua took the children children of Israel across the river 40 years after being in the wilderness. Am I confusing the events between Moses and Abraham? Didn’t Moses help the people in Egypt free? Were there two sets of children who crossed the river? Thanks for your time..
Thanks for your leadership. You are really helping me develop through christ
Objection, you’re oversimplifying and confusing the northern kingdom of Israël and the southern kingdom of Judah. Israël was NOT allowed to return, that was Judah. Hence the Jews in Jesus days. Israëlites aren’t Jews. The Israelites never returned before Jesus, but God promised their return and servitude to the Messiah in the prophets. Ezekiel promised the reunification of the two broken sticks, and I believe that happened in Jesus
Matthew doesn’t actually write the book of Matthew.
Every Muslim should watch this..
real nice! Thanx for this video!
What is Old Testament –
I can’t stop watching these videos, Jeffrey! Please never stop making them!
Thank you so much for this informative video. Keep them coming.
Love it.thanku
Nice! Shot bro
Are these diagrams printable?
God sounds like a business person
Thank you so much. You are a blessing to many of us. May God bless.
You’re demonstrating the abolition of the law (the brown line that stops-ie laws of Moses coming to an end), something Jesus said he came not to do in matthews gospel. When he actually came to fulfil it.
Where did Jesus even claim to bring a new law? And don’t you dare bring me Paul, a man who never met Jesus (hence why he contradicts him multiple times).
So Jeff, you know only the house of Judah returned right?
May I ask what camera and lighting equipment that you are using. Very clear video and graphics. Nice job with the content of God’s Word.
I know I’m 3 years late to the party but just wanted to say thank you for you ministry and work you do. Praise God
Bro I just found you a few day ago great job and keep on doing what you are doing GOD BLESS YOU.
Thank God you are not one of those false prophets out there who is always looking for money to preach the word of God when the lord said come with no money and no price in Isaiah 55.
Sharing my view based on my own study on the Biblical Prophetic End Times:
Chronological Events of the Last Hour (1 John 2:18) and Half an Hour (Rev. 8:1) Observation of John on Earth while in Heaven:
Seal 1 – The rainBOW/confirmedCOVENANT/kingdom GOSPEL preached throughout the world from Ascension up to the end of the Great Tribulation
Seal 2 – Wars continued on from Ascension up to the end of the Great Tribulation
Seal 3 – Economic Woes and Famine continued on from Ascension up to the end of the Great Tribulation
Seal 4 – Deaths by wars, famines, plagues, calamities, and wild beasts continued on from Ascension up to the end of the Great Tribulation
Seal 5 – Martyrdom continued on from Stephen up to the last martyr at the end of the Great Tribulation
Seal 6 – The Great Tribulation, The Seven Bowls Judgment, Rapture Resurrection, Wedding Banquet, Armageddon, Second Coming of Christ (Rev. 6 & 7, Rev. 15-19)
Seal 7 – The Millennium Kingdom of Christ/The Thousand years of Peace on Earth/Half Hour Silence in Heaven Rev. 8:1
The Last Half Week of Daniel 9:23-27 (3.5 years) – The Seven Trumpet Judgment, Feast of Trumpets (Rev. 8,9,10,11)
The White Throne Judgment (Rev. 11:18-19, Rev. 20:11-15) – The Feast of Atonement
New Jerusalem, New Heaven and New Earth Rev. 21 – Restored Eden, The Feast of Tabernacle
Eternity Rev. 21 – No more Sun and Moon to tell of Time, God is the Light of the Kings and the Nations in Restored Eden.
God robs you from your free will follow his rules or be punished.
I will never understand that because as a human you do not know what you don’t know am I not allowed to make my own decisions my inner voice speaks to me and I have my own thoughts why do we all need to have the same one why banish mine simply because it is not like his ? If God is so powerful why has he allowed so much evil in the world who is helping ? He has never helped me to understand my existence on planet earth simply takes up my Sunday to preach to me about things that’s very questionable but the people are slaves to him they do not question it
I have a doubt about Bible can anybody help me to clear it
I thought the law is a mediator not a covenant but a covenant was made with Moses. And you left out the promise God gave to Son before the foundation of the world and promise with Adam and Eve. But I’m no theologian. Not disagreeing in a quarreling way just a bit confused. Thank you for putting things together on a white board and your presentation was awesome. God bless you
its not accurate better you learn bit more about the OLD TESTIMENT, Jessus…who was born as a Jewe and Die as a Jewe and he never claim in his life for new covinenet with GOD
"The first covenant was with Abraham"….. NOPE
Not even close.
Good old Christian “Covenamental”-replacement theology!
Amazing, thank you for sharing
This is a theologicaly biased video, not at all representing the Bible.
God of the bible is love and wrath there is no in between
This video is excellent from a theological and historical point of view. If only every teacher was so thorough.
You are just too smart, too well researched and too great of a teacher to remain in the deception of Churchianity. Do your research and if your allegiance is Messiah then you will find what I and so many other people found and you will come out of Churchianity and it’s deception and put your gifts to work in the kingdom. Start by examining why the name of Yahweh has been blotted of the pages of every translation you own. It should give you a big clue about which god is behind Churchianity. You have no idea how deceived and blind you are and you’ll stay that way unless you’re willing to lose everything to gain Messiah Yeshua. I’m praying for you.
My new favorite channel!
This is the BEST video everrr!!!