Miracles Tested: 3 Cases That Defy Science

Miracles Tested: 3 Cases That Defy Science

One of the main reasons biblical scholars question the Gospels as historical accounts is their inclusion of miracles. However, what if I told you there’s compelling evidence that supernatural events have continued since Jesus’s time on earth? In this video, I explore three fascinating case studies of scientifically inexplicable healings that occurred in the context of prayer and divine revelation.

Marlene Klepees: https://youtu.be/H51Ls3s-a3o?si=budFHgZq0pdsYpri

Sister Bernadette Moriau: https://youtu.be/EaG7mesmdH4?si=TaBnoqO_-SsLlJ0v

Miracles Today, Craig Keener, https://amzn.to/4aBYRWM

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  1. @davidmathews9633 on March 25, 2025 at 7:24 pm

    Im suffering cancer and SFI encephalopathy if can pray. I need a miracle

  2. @Messibuxa-3778 on March 25, 2025 at 7:24 pm

    Amém my Lord Jesus I Love You for Begin My Light in the Path of Life amém my Lord Jesus I Love You for Begin My Light in the Hard Harsh And Bad Times Amém My Lord Jesus I Love You for Forgiven My Sins My Errors And Blasphemys My God Amém My Lord Jesus I Love You for Begin My Light And Savior and Protector amém my Lord Jesus I Love You for Begin My Beloved Savior and Protector amém my Lord Jesus I Love You amém amém amém Thank You Dear Jesus I Love You amém amém amém amém amém amém amém

  3. @willielee5253 on March 25, 2025 at 7:26 pm

  4. @ThrivingReality on March 25, 2025 at 7:28 pm

    I recently saw a documentary of a woman regrowing her thyroid after it was removed surgically because she didn’t want to depend on thyroid medicine for the rest of her life, she somehow made it grow back through the power of belief, I don’t even think she is Christian, but clearly shows what Mark 11:24 says is true.

  5. @davidmathews9633 on March 25, 2025 at 7:30 pm

    Dear Jesus please heal cancer. Vgkc Antibodies /sfi encephalopathy. Infection and this disease.
    Jesus please at least heal my faith in you. Amen

  6. @lighthousenetwork.tv-media on March 25, 2025 at 7:34 pm

    I want to comment that in terminology these are miraculous healings rather than what the bible calls miracles though they are similar. I think the bible teaches that the gift of healing is alternative to the gift of miracles though all spiritual gifts are interelated.

    great video love it!

  7. @bulletman6352 on March 25, 2025 at 7:35 pm

    what about the muslim miracles, hindu miracles and zoroastrian miracles.

  8. @Helpy_BR on March 25, 2025 at 7:35 pm

    Lemme tell you a story. My father suffered a heart attack past year. His heart was so big he was nearly dead, he was going to the heart transplant list. And there when he was nearly dying, he saw light, he saw ‘Santa Maria de Fátima’ (St. Mary of Fatima), and there he was healed by God. His heart got back to normal. I was nearly being a lukewarm Christian at that time, but then when that happened, I repented and turned back to the right way. Thank you Jesus, and that the Grace of the Lord be all with those who read the comment, amen.

  9. @bjornbuckley on March 25, 2025 at 7:36 pm

    Do other world religions have a similar documented history of miracles?

  10. @UARAF16 on March 25, 2025 at 7:42 pm

    god of the gaps fallacy

  11. @TestifyApologetics on March 25, 2025 at 7:42 pm

    It’s come to my attention that Matt Dillahunty has recently made comments about Marlene Klepees’ healing that I didn’t see before recording this video, but I think he’s dead wrong. In short, Matt seems to think her condition was psychosomatic because there’s no solid documentation right before her hospitalization showing she was born with cerebral palsy. Some doctors initially thought it might be psychosomatic too. But from what my colleague Caleb Jackson can gather, that’s just not plausible if Marlene is telling the truth about being born premature and not being able to walk until she was five. Psychosomatic illnesses don’t start that early; kids that young don’t have that level of awareness.

    The only way his theory could work is if Marlene were lying about her childhood and later had some sort of psychosomatic breakdown that caused her paralysis when she was a teenager. But that scenario seems pretty unlikely.

  12. @thehitomiboy7379 on March 25, 2025 at 7:42 pm

    Only one is from Gods true church so the rest are probably demons

  13. @user-mr3kf2vr6y on March 25, 2025 at 7:44 pm

    Fantastic video

  14. @CyberHabibi on March 25, 2025 at 7:47 pm

    the problem is theres most likely many reported cases of faith healings of people attributed to other religions that are mutually exclusive to each other (i.e muslims being healed after drinking zamzam water, or hindus healed after making offering to a temple, etc)

  15. @altryea on March 25, 2025 at 7:48 pm

    all of these are easily disproven as only a miracle or at least proven unreliable. marlene klepees has no pictures or documentation before she was supposedly cured from her cerebral palsy, the only source that says she actually had it is herself, and almost every single source you can find online is from a religious group claiming it to be a miracle. a single eyewitness testimony from herself no less means absolutely nothing. bernadette moriau had sciatica, an illness that is not chronical, and many people fully recover after some time without the need for any treatment, according to mayo clinic. things that may change is something as simple as posture or sitting arrangement for the disk to move from pinching the sciatic nerve. as for greg spencer, his disease is genetic, but he was the only one from his family affected by it. apart from that, it may be a misdiagnosis from a single doctor that diagnosed him at 13, when the illness is usually noticeable from age 60 onwards. even with all that, ther are studies that show that the disease may be reversed or stopped, with around 50% of the 650 participants on the study mantaining 20/40 vision or better, and only 20% having 20/200 or worse, which is legal blindness. furthermore its a bit unreliable that all the sources for these miracle healings are all christian apologetics, but even with that it can be proven that none of these were actually miracles, or in the case of marlene klepees, a very unreliable testimony.

  16. @Mert-or4pz on March 25, 2025 at 7:49 pm

    These Elites hold Occult knowledge and they’d rather want you believe in religion before you understand the truth. Its that simple

  17. @Sixty_Five_Pronghorn on March 25, 2025 at 7:49 pm

    I was born with a severe case of Pulmonary Atresia. Long story short, my pulmonary valve failed to detach from my heart, resulting in me being born a “blue baby” and requiring open heart surgery at three days old to save my life. During the surgery, doctors removed the tissue that should’ve been my pulmonary valve, and for the first two years of my life I basically had a hole in my heart.

    On top of Pulmonary Atresia, I was born with Cystic Fibrosis. The two of those things combined should have killed me, even with intense medical intervention. In fact, my doctors tried to convince my parents to take me off life support once (thank God they didn’t).

    When I was a toddler, doctors inserted a stent in my heart to act as a temporary pulmonary valve till I was old enough to get a pig valve inserted there. But, three years later, doctors discovered that I had an unusually high pulse-ox, as well as an unusually low heart rate (my heart was no longer beating super fast, and I had more oxygen in my blood than before). When they looked at my heart via the echocardiogram (which, at the time, was something I got every three months), they saw that a brand new, fully formed and functioning pulmonary heart valve had grown in my heart, using the stent as scaffolding to grow.

    While my original cardiologist (and the doctor who lead my surgery) has since retired, I still see one of his students (who was in med school when I was a baby and participated in my heart surgery) every few years for my cardiology check-ups, and he has absolutely no explanation how my heart valve spontaneously grew back when I was five years old.

    I’m now 23. Not only is my heart not an issue, but neither is my Cystic Fibrosis. I’m not entirely “normal”. I still need to take lots of medications to stay healthy. But, per my last doctor’s appointment a couple weeks ago, my weight is perfect and my FEV1 lung function is 125%.

    If none of those things constitute as miracles of God, then I don’t know what does.

  18. @mihaleben6051 on March 25, 2025 at 7:50 pm

    Must be quantum physics… its likely enough.

  19. @white-vgh on March 25, 2025 at 7:51 pm

    Back when I was still 16 in high-school, I had a real aching tonsilitis in my neck so I couldn’t eat or drink without hurting a ton inside my neck. So, fast forward to a couple of days later when my family and I were attending church like usual at Sunday noon, the pastor for that day had this usual gathering for people who have illnessess and be prayed on stage for healing, but since I was still pretty nervous I didn’t go up stage with the others and stayed on the seats while continuing to pray like everyone else. Not even a couple seconds later, the feel of aching in my neck because of my tonsilitis began to go away and die down, as I was clearly shocked like anyone could be and immediately grabbed my mom’s water bottle in her bag to drink, just to make sure if i was just feeling something weird. But wouldn’t you know it, my tonsilitis was indeed gone and my neck felt normal again after that. I told my mom while we were eating with my sister after that and she was definitely thrilled and praised the Lord after seeing my sudden change. ❤❤

  20. @SantiagoMartinez-r6e on March 25, 2025 at 7:53 pm

    Great video but as a Christian I still have skepticism over this, even tough they may seem miraculous, I haven’t seen information on these cases outside of religious sites and I would like to see the medical records which back these up. It would be fantastic if you knew where to get see them. Thanks

  21. @Kurial94 on March 25, 2025 at 7:53 pm

    Jordan Peterson’s wife has a miracle documented as well and it’s here in YouTube. It’s rather recent, I believe it was a rare disease with no cases of recovery if I remember correctly. She lost a ton of weight and on the way to dying pretty much, couldn’t eat much. But one day, after many months of prayer with a stranger, she was completely fine and doctors couldn’t explain the recovery.
    Pretty interesting and recommend the watch.

  22. @GodofToast on March 25, 2025 at 7:57 pm

    Then why is God so inconsistent about it?
    Sometimes you have medical cases that are incredibly rare or lucky. That makes a lot more sense than anything else

  23. @glennzagelasius643 on March 25, 2025 at 7:59 pm

    I really pray that miracles will also work on me, i currently have HIV , and i regret so much i really sinned against God Jesus , and i have sinned against my body too the temple for holy spirit. I seriously want to repent. But at the same time i also pray that i will surrender to His will if the miracle do not happen because He is sovereign in this world

  24. @Based_Guy on March 25, 2025 at 8:01 pm

    Bruh wait a minute march 29th is my birthday

    Huh that’s funny

  25. @DISTurbedwaffle918 on March 25, 2025 at 8:03 pm

    I had an aunt who was healed of her cancer by an Eastern Church icon of a Saint associated with cancer patients. She went from expecting to die in a year to fully recovering and living another 14 years before a different cancer manifested and claimed her in her old age.

  26. @vbcsalinasapologetics1242 on March 25, 2025 at 8:03 pm

    I would invite the curious to read *Miracles Today*, by Craig Keener. This is the shorter, 300 pp. book. Those more curious still are invited to read his prior two-volume work, *Miracles* (1100 pp).

  27. @swan-cloud on March 25, 2025 at 8:03 pm

    what does this prove, specifically?

    take for example sister bernadette moriau, does her case prove specifically catholicism? does it prove christianity as a whole? does it prove the abrahamic religions in general? how can you discern that apart? couldn’t a shintoist or any animist claim that this is proof that there’s a beneficial spirit in that land?

  28. @royalrice5191 on March 25, 2025 at 8:04 pm

    These are quite compelling but I find it difficult to attribute these so called miracles to a god or supernatural event. We obviously don’t fully understand the human body yet and to fill that gap with “God did it” is a bit presumptuous. I’m sure non religious people have these kinds of recoveries but it’s less likely we hear about them, as they wouldn’t be considered miracles. Sure, we have people’s personal testimonies, but in near death experiences for example, those can wildly differ and it is very hard to tell whether what they are saying is true.
    We also know that miracles happen in other religions and those are extremely hard to attribute to a Christian god.

  29. @KHiy-sj2ko on March 25, 2025 at 8:05 pm

    Why must I still be sick

  30. @Jakku_Azzo on March 25, 2025 at 8:06 pm

    What about miracles in other religions ? Why do you only cover Mormon, “Christian” and Islamic?

  31. @michaelcallisto on March 25, 2025 at 8:07 pm

    I just witnessed my first miraculous healing last Monday. My best friend who had been having debilitating migraines for over 5 years was healed with prayer and holy water from Lourdes, France. It was amazing.

  32. @johnrockwell5834 on March 25, 2025 at 8:07 pm

    What do you make of claims that God heals those people and not amputees?

  33. @frederickanderson1860 on March 25, 2025 at 8:07 pm

    0:48 0:55

  34. @hagaibinsealtiel3745 on March 25, 2025 at 8:08 pm

    Ok, so JESUS’ RESURRECTION was questionable?
    GOOGLE "Smith Wigglesworth" who raised 14 people from the dead, and healed many sick people which were witnessed by medical doctors

  35. @ARockRaider on March 25, 2025 at 8:09 pm

    I was brought up in the church so talking about miracles is nothing new to me, but i had never been pointed to any with a paperwork trail like is mentioned here and I’m so happy to learn that GOD is still at work even with all of our modern miracles of technology.

  36. @mihaleben6051 on March 25, 2025 at 8:13 pm

    Our known undertstanding on science*

  37. @490Believer on March 25, 2025 at 8:13 pm

    Are the before and after pictures of these people who experienced miracles available to be seen?

  38. @PeppyWasTaken on March 25, 2025 at 8:14 pm

    2:28 Did you deliberately spell out L Brah?
    I enjoy your videos Btw, halleluJah

  39. @YeshuarEleison on March 25, 2025 at 8:16 pm

    God is simple. Man is not. A dove will always be here. A dove is the most simple creature. Follow a dove you might find a friend.

  40. @sirnetflix7162 on March 25, 2025 at 8:18 pm

    I think something that should be noted is I hope people don’t hear these things and then expect miraculous healing due to their devotion or lack thereof. Being healed is a blessing, to be sure, but it should NOT be an expectation nor a replacement for actual medical care. Live your life without the expectation, and you may just be pleasantly surprised

  41. @Marcissus on March 25, 2025 at 8:18 pm

    Eucharistic miracles

  42. @Marcissus on March 25, 2025 at 8:19 pm

    You should mention Eucharistic miracles

  43. @SantiagoMartinez-r6e on March 25, 2025 at 8:19 pm

    Great video but as a Christian I still have skepticism over this, even tough they may seem miraculous, I haven’t seen information on these cases outside of religious sites and I would like to see the medical records which back these up. It would be fantastic if you knew where to get see them. Thanks

  44. @WillySalami on March 25, 2025 at 8:19 pm

    Reading so many comments here… I’m sorry to tell you but coincidences exist at a lot of scales and probably most "miracles" can be explained with more investigation put into them.

  45. @SimonReeves2 on March 25, 2025 at 8:22 pm

    Why is curing blindness specifically such a theme of Christian healings past, present and biblical? I’m an atheist but I ask out of a desire to know more. I have a lot of respect for Christianity now.

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