MIRACLES: Coincidence or Divine Intervention? The Incredible Recovery of John Smith
MIRACLES: Coincidence or Divine Intervention? The Incredible Recovery of John Smith
#thinkingtoinfinity “Examining Our World from an Eternal Perspective”
Are miracles real? Are miracles possible? John Smith, a young man who drowned, was dead for over an hour, and had been given up on by medical doctors, came back to life after his mother prayed that the Holy Spirit would resurrect her son. Does this prove God’s existence? Does this mean the miracles of the Bible could be true?
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#miracles #apologetics #christianapologetics
There is power in prayer! God is good!
Showing a modern cell in reference to abiogenises is extremely dishonest.
Ancient protocells would be no more than a membrane surrounding chemicals.
I was asleep in the backseat of a car with my cousin driving. He slid off of the road and hit a tree at 80 miles an hour. The tree hit where I was laying, so it shot me out of the other end of the car. I had broken four bones in my neck, two bones in my back, was paralyzed from the neck down, broke two ribs, one of the broken ribs punctured my left lung, and both lungs collapsed. I also broke my left femur bone. The fact that I lived is a miracle on its own. But if you seen me today, you wouldn’t even be able to tell that I have ever been crippled before. God is good! I deserve none of the credit for getting better. Jesus is still working miracles!
Excellent presentation. Thank God for His love and mercy for this young man and his mother. I love his honesty and testimony of turning his life over to Jesus Christ. We all have a God-given purpose. Many do not find it, which grieves the heart of God.
Your channel has the vibes and looks of a 1 million subs channel, I was surprised to see you only have 2k. Keep up the good work! May God bless you.
Great video brotha
Thank god for miracles!
I found you through Melissa Dougherty and have binged all your videos. I was really excited to see more new content from you! I really enjoy your videos.
It’s pretty crazy that after God saved his life, saved his brain, and cleaned his lungs, he still didn’t submit himself to God. It makes me think about skeptical atheists who say if God is real, why doesn’t he do * fill in the blank, * I suspect if God did, they wouldn’t submit themselves to Him either. It’s not a belief issue, it’s a heart issue. So glad John ended up there after all – and calls that the greatest miracle!
AI is pretty scary. No idea how it created that completely accurate image of me