Jonathan Roumie: Stories from the Set of The Chosen, Christian Martyrs, & the Power of Lent
Jonathan Roumie: Stories from the Set of The Chosen, Christian Martyrs, & the Power of Lent
As Lent begins, Jonathan Roumie of The Chosen explains the power of prayer and fasting.
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#TuckerCarlson #TheChosen #Christianity #religion #MarkWahlberg #ChrisPratt #MarkZuckerberg #China #prayer #Catholic #confession #lent #news #entertainment @TheChosenSeries @HallowApp
0:00 How the Call to Play Jesus Was an Answer to Roumie’s Prayers
9:35 The Weight of Playing Jesus
18:41 What Is Lent? How Does Roumie Observe It?
24:59 Mark Wahlberg, Chris Pratt, and the Power of Fasting
37:16 Heightening Your Spiritual Awareness
40:06 Why Was Jesus So Angry With the Pharisees?
46:03 How Biblically Accurate Is The Chosen?
48:29 How the Gospels Changed Roumie’s Life
51:36 The 21 Christian Martyrs in Libya
1:02:02 The Importance of Confession
1:05:36 What It’s Like Being Recognized in Public
1:12:34 Spiritual Attacks
1:18:17 Why Is Prayer a Threat to China and Mark Zuckerberg?
1:19:37 Christian Resilience After the Bombing of Nagasaki
1:24:38 Roumie Teaming Up With Hallow
They are banning Christianity because they are trying to get us into WAR in the EU… The dark ages were dark bc people were outlaws if they read the Bible…and our world is full of Satanists…
"Your agent calls you and says, we’d like you to play Jesus. What’s that like?"
According to one of Roumie’s previous interviews, when he was asked to play that part in just the crucifixion scene, Roumie reacted "Jesus? He’s only got, like, seven lines!"
It will greatly help you to understand scripture if you note – Not only what is spoken and written, but of whom and to whom, with what words, at what time, where, to what intent, with what circumstances, considering what goes before and what follows. Discover Myles Coverdale quotes.
Saturday is the sabbath..You keep passover..Easter is a pagan has nothing to do with salvation..Easter is from Esther the pagan Goddess.
Wonderful interview❤️
I love The Chosen, but I wish they stayed closer to the biblical story. This last season really bummed me out.
Praise God that you Tucker have come to Christ. Our God isa thrilled to have you and your impact is touching many people.
13:03 that moment!!! That’s what it’s about yet HE loves us.
Tucker you are the best interviewer. Johnathan is the best actor. He has true faith and the reason God uses him. Thank you!
Were not shocked because we read the Bible and know what’s going to happen before Jesus comes.
32:37 if you play destiny or Destiny 2 you’ll know this as the veil
“Resurrection Sunday” is more appropriate than “Easter”
Tucker iam going to lose respect for you man
Hardcore narcissistic tendencies that dude some would call it blasphemy perhaps
1. Fasting is a conscious act
Fasting is a choice. Every conscious choice is driven by motivation. Whether it’s for spiritual power, clarity, or control, it remains a goal-oriented action aimed at improving oneself. And that is ego.
2. "Spiritual power" is an ego-based concept
When someone claims that fasting increases their spiritual power, they are referring to an improvement in their subjective state. Who is becoming stronger, clearer, or more aware? The "self." And that means it’s a product of the ego.
3. No separation between "spiritual benefits" and ego
The claim that a benefit "has nothing to do with the ego" contradicts itself. A benefit is always tied to the self. Spiritual power is a personal experience and therefore inseparable from the individual (and thus, the ego).
4. The paradox of overcoming the ego
Many believe that fasting or other practices help them reduce or transcend the ego. But the moment they say they are becoming "spiritually stronger" because of it, they have already referenced the ego again. Who measures this strength? Who evaluates the gain? The ego itself.
5. The illusion of detachment
Those who believe their spiritual growth is independent of the ego are deceiving themselves. The mere fact that they distinguish between "true" spiritual gain and ego-driven benefits shows that they are constructing a hierarchy of values—and that, too, is an expression of the ego.
You can steer the conversation with questions like:
Who exactly is becoming stronger through fasting?
If you see yourself as having "more spiritual power," isn’t that just a concept your ego creates?
Can there be an experience without an experiencer?
Ultimately, every attempt to bypass the ego only leads to reproducing it in more subtle forms.
What is the prayer application, that was mentioned on the interview?
Much appreciated, if anyone can reply ❤
My take is, why do they still portray the Lord Jesus as a Caucasian man knowing it’s not true and thereby misleading many into thinking its so?
We have the Bible as a witness to what I’m saying that Jesus was not a white man so why can’t they use the right people to tell the story properly without leading people astray?
It’s wrong
What is more difficult for you to do? Create something out of nothing or write a book? Roman Catholics do not believe that God has the ability to write a book and that the book is all we need! How arrogant and self righteous can you get? Let me count the ways!
Thank you for talking about our God and His Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit! ❤
Knowledge of good and evil, still our problem…
"Fasting isn’t something we do anymore"
You sure? Paleo? Keto? Any of these ring a bell?
The American Civil liturgical calendar has just moved it later in the year. Instead of an Advent fast, you have New Year’s Resolution after Christmas. Instead of Lent, you have "get ready for swimsuit season".
Might be interesting territory for Christians to retake.
We needed this series now! This is not a coincidence the program was postponed from airing. It came out at the right time. We are blessed!!!
I was baptized catholic when I was a kid. Became an atheist when I was a teenager. Now I’m 31 converted to Christianity a few months ago but struggling with all the religions out there. Ask God for help, the first sign was a dream where I would fight Saint Peter, the stone of the Catholic Church. The second is feeling the urge to Lent and the third sign is this video. I might become Catholic again and it seems right to me.
The quran specifically states for muslims to offer non muslims a chance to convert but if they do not, to kill them. All the muslims that believe such a horrible book could be from god are decieved by a man named muhammad. Quran=Surah 9:2-9:6
28:42 when you are submerged in the infinite then how can you respect its difference? You never respected its difference if it’s always been there so we remove ourselves to reflect and see it. Then we respect it and it is relative to the lord and us. God is infinity so we respect its differences and reflections. Infinity is our neighbor in all shapes and sizes and respects. Think “i am”.
I love this Tucker Carlson
Our family fasts once a month, skipping two meals. It is a great way to become closer to the Lord.
38:25 So basically, Tucker, if you PIG OUT at sundown after fasting, you completely INVALIDATE the sacrifice of fasting – duh – THINK – Satan is a snake, a termite, a bug that penetrates the essence of your being! Good Luck!❤❤❤Great show❤❤❤ – the Dawn
This guy milking with the ads like holy
It was important for me to donate to the chosen as I knew it would reach people.
Matthew 5:3-12: “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."
Tuck re: people in Middle East fasting from water? Are u sure? No human can go 3 days wo water!
To take on the role of our Lord Jesus is something that im glad to hear Johnathan did not take lightly. I think he does a beautiful job in this role. I love the show and how they take great care in what they are doing. Just FYI, i watch it on peacock.
Wonderful interview with Johna
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Tucker??? I been missing this guy
Great interview. God bless Johnathan, and let him feel his presence thru the Holy Spirit.
The Surrender novena/prayer has gotten me through more than one very intense times in my life. I also watched the short video of the 21 martyrs. I highly recommend it. ❤
I don’t watch TV generally, but someone from my church recommended The Chosen to me and I was hooked from the first episode. It’s truly a beautiful depiction of the life of Jesus and his deciples.
You have to be careful with fasting. To do a real fast you should prepare yourself for it. Some people are diabetic and cannot go without food of some kind. It is about denying the flesh. It’s about giving something up to receive something far greater. Jewish people have a specific diet already. Kosher. Christians do practice fasting. I think that fasting and prayer is a way to come closer to God. Pray and fast to enter a meaningful request from the Creator.
Satan at work
32:08 selfish is the key word here. Difference doesn’t come from the self. We share. What if the multiverse is right under our nose and heaven is when all is connected and the real multiverse is crazier? Like it doesn’t happen at once but relativity plus complexity act in some way to emerge it and share it into being naturally but humans can listen and share consciousness with the differences because all is actually relative. How do i even word that lmao
Hi Tucker.
Is big difference between Catholics and Cristian .
Any other Christian feel unsettled by this?… the man is “acting” using this “soft” acting voice … it’s just a little strange and creepy to me..
Very powerful interview