Healed of Cancer! "Unexplained Miracle" Says her Doctor!
Healed of Cancer! "Unexplained Miracle" Says her Doctor!
GOD HEALED HER OF BREAST AND BRAIN CANCER! Jesus moved through the screen on a Zoom live and healed this woman from Australia! The Doctors have recently told her they can’t find any tumors anymore and they call it an “unexplained medical miracle!” PRAISE GOD! Watch the full video to hear her testimony!
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Pray for me have type 2 diabetes and tumors in my stomach, I know God heals
Pls pray for gopal Sharma who is suffering from foid pipe related cancer. Pls cure it as soon as possible
Praise Jesus as He is real and heals with zeal, this king of Israel.
Hi Katheryn please could you help me is there a way I can contact you either e mail or on youtube, im very ill and would love to have you pass on some healing thank you Amen
THANK You JESÚS…from Argentina!!!
Hallelujah Ameen Ameen Jesus our power
Our God is a Great Healer❤
Prophetess please help Karunawathi and Rukmal to be healed from cancer in Jesus name. Both of them are Buddhist, but I know that they are also the creation of Lord the Almighty. Mrs. Karunawathi wanted to be a Christian too.
Halleluja god is zo wonderbaar ❤❤❤
Thank you Jesus for healing her of cancer. You are alive and miraculous Lord. HALLEULIAH! PRAISE THE LORD AMEN.
Looks like faith heal scam is doing remotescams too now
I receive my healing as well in Jesus name
Praise God!!!! Hallelujah!!!!!
I speak and believe the same thing for my husband, Randy .
Supernatural restoration in his body
Am from pakistan
God is great
God gave her breast and brain cancer and her body healed itself. It happens a lot. Did she receive chemotherapy?
Pray for me too
Thank you Father. I claim complete healing for my father.
Please heal for my spinal lumbar problemss..pls pray for my cyst and mayoma..all my sickness in my body pls heal me in Jesus name amen
God is freeing His church from cancer!!! Praise Jesus!
I trust only God n Jisu name i don’t get any sick hallelujah
For all who watch this video, please offer one Hail Mary for my mother. She was recently diagnosed with lung cander (although we still don’t know the stage). I lost my father in 2020 in a very untimely death and I’m not ready to lose my mother right now. I firmly believe Jesus would give us a miracle. So, my dear brothers and sisters, I humbly ask you to offer one Hail Mary on my mother’s behalf. Her name is Ann. Thank you for your thoughtfulness and prayers. May God bless you all!
Amen please pray for a miracle healing from cancer on my husband
Please pray for my wife heidi she has brain tumor doctors have given up on her
Hermoso testimonio, gracias al Senor JesusCristo y gracias Apostol Dios la bendiga y por el zoom al cual podemos asistir todos los que vivimos en otros paises
Praise you Jesus!!!!!