The Battle of Armageddon EXPLAINED in detail!
The Battle of Armageddon EXPLAINED in detail!
What is this battle of Armageddon that the Bible talks about? When will it take place? Where will it take place? Why does there have to be a battle in the first place? What exactly will happen at the battle of Armageddon? Who will actually be there? Well, these are all very good questions. In this video I’m going to answer these 5 questions and explain in detail what the Bible teaches about the battle of Armageddon!
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What is written?
Seas will heave
Earth will shake
FLEE TO MOUNTAINS away from lowlands & coastal areas
Armageddon is a gathering of those cursed BUT THEY WILL BE DESTROYER BY AN EARTHQUAKE
God doesn’t fight like humans
Those will be hard times, but how cool would that be to fight in the Battle of Armageddon . The single biggest war in human history
I hope he lets women fight!!!!
Great video but I do have a part i need some more guidance on. If the rapture is before tribulations then does that mean only bad people remained in Jerusalem? Who is Jesus and us that were raptured defending in Jerusalem? Just unclear here.
Thank you! Do you have a video on how to choose the right church?
It seems like there is abundant evidence that these things took place between 60 and 70 AD and culminated in the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple. This was the end of the Jewish age.
The armies of the world are coming against the nation of Israel,the Jewish people, because they blame (persuaded by the unholy trinity) the Jews for all the problems of the tribulation ( even as many throughout history have blamed the Jewish people, instead of recognizing how greatly the world has been blessed by the Jewish people.)
I picture it like the scene in an old western movie where a small band of soldiers (God uses everything – everything to convey His work) completely surrounded by Indians , without hope, and then the Calvery arrives to the rescue.
So it will be when Israel’s hope seems to be gone they will cry out ‘Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the LORD. Matthew 23:39
What a terrible time is ahead and what a glorious future.
The armies that follow the KING OF KINGS,AND LORD OF LORDS follow Him but it seems He takes the victory on His own.
Hallelujah, Praise ye the Lord!
Why me wtf
You have to say anything about the 144000 which is the true and faithful who were fighting both sides and justify for him increase the gospel throughout the world
I know it’s an old vid but I been checking out your channel anyways the Euphrates river dried up recently.
Will we really ride white horses into battle on that day? Wow! I hope that’s true. I love riding horses, not just because I love animals, but because there’s this incredible sense of freedom and unity that I think everyone close to Jesus feels 100 fold!
Of course, I know it’s completely different and Jesus is the most important thing. (Or at least should be to us.) In my bond with the horses I ride, I control them. In my relationship with Jesus, I have to let Him have the control and that’s hard for me sometimes, but I know it’s worth it.
Mat 24:19 And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days!
Mat 24:20 But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day:
Mat 24:21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.
Mat 24:22 And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.
Irony here is that the Daemon Star worshipping elite Adversarian watching this is getting more practical use out of this than any of these avera-joes…lol
So thank you Black Christian Man for your hospitality and helping me to farther decode the ACTUAL events that will be taking place…It isn’t gonna AT ALL be what you wanted but it WILL have a happen ending/ there’s two promises for the Christian Faith. Despite me despising every single one of you, I still want you to know that in the end everything turns out ok for everyone universally. No go back to beating children and picking apart kid’s entertainment for the slightest hint at the existence of sex in them lol
The battle of Armageddon is one agains Christianity and Islam.
You are, truly, a good teacher Mister!
Great Word….and thank you. Just that we do not fight, Jesus Christ uses His Word to destroy the enemy.
You’re the best pastor Allen. The book of Revelation is becoming my favorite. Most of my Christian friends avoid it.
How could the split of the Oriental Orthodox church and the Eastern Orthodox church be passed over?
Amen, may the Lord come!
John 6:63
It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.
We know who’s The False Prophet . It’s Muhammad
I really enjoy your teaching it Make me want to feed my soul
Ever More ty ❤
first 3 minutes are garbage dialogue GET TO THE POINT BUD
or tell us why you choose your outfit or other unnecessary info.
Wrong biblical interpretation!
I don’t understand why you believe Jesus is god. Jesus PBUH was a messenger sent by God
Armageddon is only a figurative war between true and false spiritual teachings!,,,Ist, John 4:1,,,Apostle, John teach us not to believed every spiritual teaching,, we, test it if it really oreginates with, God,,,,In revelation, 16: 13 -16,,,,there are three unclean spirits(spiritual teaching) coming out from the mouth of FALSE prophet,,,,this spiritual teaching was like a frog that can hops mostly into the minds of almost every christian kings on earth,,,, if this is a real battle the false prophet,, cannot figuratively gather the kings,,,now,,,there is still time for the christian claimers to dig deeper on this Three unclean spirits like frogs from the mouth of FALSE prophet,,,,
Here’s the thing in the battle those on horse back don’t fight while Jesus fights we stand there with no weapons while Jesus destroys the evil
I’ll see you all in the frontlines by the Lord God almighty! We will slay all the demons! In his mighty name! Praise God!
I really enjoy your teaching it Make me want to feed my soul
Ever More ty ❤
If Jesus is a physical being, why is Satan only a spiritual being?
Hey fam! We are making our way through this end-time events series. I have perhaps 2 more videos on this subject. I hope you enjoy this and I’ll catch you all next week!
With the victory of Jesus, pronouns will once again be used correctly.
The depiction of Christ in this battle is a terrifying image. Imagine having to face the full wrath of an infinite God. I’m so glad I’ll be on his side
Read Qur’an you might save yourself if GOD wishes.
Exept the Jews REJECTED Jesus’ teachings and STILL do. Isn’t that a main difference between Christianity and Judaism? Don’t they follow just the OT and not the NT? So, why would Jerusalem then be the future site of Armageddon? That battle will be over ALL of the earth. The ancient city of Babylon was known as a center of many false religions. Remember the tower that was attempted to be built there and God’s confusion of the language by creating more languages, hence stopping the tower? What happened to all those religions and languages? They spread out. Hence "Babylon the Great" or the prostitute or whore in Revelation, is mankinds’s earthwide system of false religions. The "beast" or antichrist as you put it, the one responsible for the fall of the whore, is mankinds’ political systems
This is the perfect opportunity to flex them anime moves
Why is Christ taking so long to come and get us?
When is this Gonna happen?
Very good.
I love the stories in this book! Sounds like maybe you are really into it and have started believing it is a real thing, no judging, I really get into some fantasy stuff too. Go you with your enthusiasm!