How To Share the Gospel (In 3 Minutes!) | Romans Road To Salvation
How To Share the Gospel (In 3 Minutes!) | Romans Road To Salvation
How to share the gospel in three minutes! I grew up in the church and constantly hearing the gospel, but there still came a point when I realized I wasn’t confident in my ability to clearly articulate the gospel message – until a heard a helpful framework for sharing the gospel that changed that. In this video, I’m sharing with you a simple way to share the gospel clearly and concisely using the Romans Road To Salvation. I pray it helps you to feel equipped in sharing the good news! 🤍
#BibleStudy #Gospel #Romans
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“If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” | Romans 10:9
Read all of Romans 5. That’s the gospel. Question is how do we respond to the gospel. I am glad you asked. Acts 2. The first gospel sermon.. Verse 47 says that the Lord added to the church those who were being saved. So how were they taught to respond after hearing the good news message. So if we do everything they did between verse 37 and 46 we too will be saved. Peter quotes the prophet Joel saying whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. So how do we call on the name of the Lord biblically. We believe the gospel message. We confess Jesus as Lord. We repent of our sins. We are baptized in water. We love one another and fellowship with the brethren. We continue on the study of God’s word. This is clearly what the Bible teaches. The book of Romans was written to Christians, Romans 1:5,6. Romans 10: 9-10 is written to Christians. The context is that God has always seen man who lives by faith in Him as righteous. By faith we live our lives believing in and confessing Jesus Christ as Lord. It is a continual action. Faith is an action word. I love you with the love of the Lord. Jesus says if we search with all our heart, we will find Him.
I waching your video india so i am believe in the jesus please help me sis
At the age of 50
John 5:24
"Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.
So young I don’t remember, but I DO remember when Jesus Saved me. I was 10. I still have the original Church bulletin from that day, thanks to my Mom.
The scripture could have been written in darker color to see easier.
Jesus loves you
The gospel of salvation is found 1 corinthians 15 vs 1-4
Where is repentance, the hatred of sin and the surrendering of your life to Jesus Christ
This helped me a lot thank you and God bless
All verses for salvation are correct except romans 10 9 10. Holy spirit told me this is not correct. You confess after you are saved not a works or condition for salvation. Christians in Romans days were killed if they confessed Jesus as their lord and savior and many were. In that passage says confess Jesus is lord. In another verse says no man calls Jesus lord except by the spirit of God so these were Christians already 1 Corinthians 12 3. Just wanted to share with you.
My pastor asked me to prepare sermon of salvation, faith, healing, love.
im looking for some words to add in my notes
Edit : for the first time
I was 41 years old when I heard the gospel. It’s been a year and the best one of my life this far!
Gospel: The Good News – The Romans road to salvation
1. Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23, Romans 5:8, Romans 10:9.
Romans 10:14, Romans 10:17
I was nine when I first heard the gospel message – here is my testimony:
Thank you Kaci.
I was around 6 or 7 when I first hear the gospel because I grew up with my grandparents and they are Christian, they always bring me every Sunday together with my sister.
Without Repentance likewise we all perish, faith is not enough, read the 4 Gospel of Jesus Christ , His Preaching is Repent and Believe
You cannot save by only Repentance it goes along Faith, you cannot also be save by Faith it goes along Repentance
And the wages of sin is death Romans 6:23
If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead you will be saved Romans 10:9
Am equipped thank yoU
Repentance is not a one-time thing it’s a continual thing we do throughout our walk with Christ you have to have faith to repent
My friend, your gospel isn’t complete. Where is the repentance part? Where is the continually to have a relationship with God.
Remember the story of 10 virgins parable. Only 5 were saved. The other 5 were not because they didn’t repent ( they had only false conversion) and didn’t continually to have a relationship with God.
God said to them, depart from me, I didn’t know you.
I heard & responded to the gospel for the first time when I was 9. I didn’t have discipleship so I went 9 more years before I heard it again (18 years old) & was born again, baptized & never been the same since. ❤
Thank you for reminding me of this quick & easy way to share the gospel!!
God will forgive us if we confess with our mouth and believe with our heart that Jesus died for us but was resurrected on the third day, shall be saved
Bitch I have subscribed hope I am not disappointeD
Thank you!
Indeed Romans is the cathedral of faith
Is repentance essential/a part of the gospel ?
"Good news isn’t complete until you share it," wow so true and so helpful! Sharing God’s word has always felt very scary to me for the same reasons you mentioned at the beginning of the video. Thank you for sharing these scriptures, what a beautiful connection.
I was 23 now I am 25. Still scared to share the gospel
I first heard the gospel while in the US Air Force stationed in South Korea. I became very convicted of my sin, literally cried out for forgiveness, & started living a repentant life. That was in 1982. The lord has brought me a long way since then. Now later in life, He has called me to be an evangelist. I open air in the streets of Phoenix Az regularly, and also distribute large quantities of gospel tracts. I also have a YouTube channel that focuses on evangelism topics.
This is the gospel of Paul, don’t follow it because it is the broad road and the wide gate leading many to destruction. Follow Jesus’ gospel of "Repent, for the Kingdom is at hand".
I was 4 1/2 years old, my grandmother had taken me to Sunday School, and the teacher was telling the story from Revelations, about Jesus being at the door of your heart knocking. At that moment, I felt a physical knocking on my heart and I accepted Jesus as my saviour. And later in life, when I became a man, I reconfirmed my choice. I have now been serving the Lord for over 70 years.
I was 30 years old when my BF told me about Jesus, her new Best Friend, She really Loves the Lord and told me all about Him, i gave my heart to Him later by myself, and repented for everything i had ever done bad, i pity the blood of Jesus over those doors and was really a new person, Jesus delivered me from everything that i needed to be delivered of and i felt All Clean, a very Happy Person! That was over 30 years ago and i want to Share the Gospel More than ever now! TY for this video God Bless You
Amazing video ❤
Nice but how to share when one can’t read and deaf?
Solid information, and thank you for sharing the gospel. I am with AWANA, and similarly, we read Romans 3:23, 26 and Romans 5:8. For the who God is, the verse Revelation 4:11 is about His holiness. Then we respond in belief from Acts 16:31. I pray my relatives come to know Christ
Thank you
Hello , I was 30 when I read Jesus knew me before the creation of the world and before I was in my mothers belly he knew me , I was amazed , overjoyed because now I wasn’t alone . I was raised in a very loving family. My mother was always hard on me and I had low self-esteem that I didn’t know. Was sitting there in the depths of my being, but as I searched for Jesus in the Bible, I seen so many things like he told us that all has send as you said I don’t know where in the Bible things are necessarily I don’t have that kind of a brain, but because I’ve read these things over and over and over when I’m speaking to someone I can say Jesus loves you. I can say he knew you before you were in your mother’s belly so he knows all your problems. He knows the very next thing that you’re going to ask of him, so he intimately knows us and I also know that you have to see him to find him and you will find him because Jesus words come back to us void that’s what faith is. I’m 60 now and every day I’m in great need of this wonderful love and I’m grateful that he died for me and I’m grateful that he cares for me that he wants me to come to him and cast my burdens and I’m grateful that I’ve witnessed his merciful power over my life, I personally have two things maybe three maybe more but three things in particular that I have not been able to overcome and that’s over eating, anger where I swear and Hate for my husband those are things that I have to work on also not feeling like I’m a loser when I have Jesus I shouldn’t feel these things or do those things, but those are the things that I’m still working on in life and grateful that I can go to the throne of mercy.
Again, I don’t know where to look in the Bible, but I have it inside of me. Jesus said Christ in us, our hope of glory.