Advice for Christian Teen Girls on Staying Strong in Your Faith
Advice for Christian Teen Girls on Staying Strong in Your Faith
Rebekah joins us for this candid car conversation and shares tips and advice on what she did as a teen girl to stay strong in her faith.
The Books:
Instagram = @girldefined
Twitter = @girl_defined
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Thank you for ur amazing advise ❤️❤️
I appreciate it alot it’s vary hard being a Christian girl and living in a world of hate I will always LOVE JESUS NO MATTER WHAT
You give horrible advice. As a 16 year old girl, I would never listen to you. I find you to be pretty disgusting people. You can’t always rely on older people for help times have changed society has changed, and you can’t expect older people to always understand. As someone who has always struggled to have friends, it’s ok to have friends that are bad influences on you, and it’s ok to be a bad influence on your friends as long as you don’t pressure them.
Hey love y’alls videos just wondering what denomination are y’all
There’s nothing wrong with questioning your beliefs in anything, in fact it should be encouraged. There’s nothing wrong with thinking for yourself rather than believing what everyone else tells you is true
*When your teen and part of the lgbtq and a CHRISTIAN*
I’m 100% sure no one takes this bs “advice” seriously bruh, y’all just don’t wanna admit you’re in a cult.
These girls look so wholesomely happy, free and at peace. Jesus is so awesome, give your life to Him!
How do you find the time to pray, read the Bible and memorize scripture before school?
‼️‼️‼️ I see a lot hate comments here and I wanted to say if you not agree with them and want to correct is one thing but completely hating on them is another and it doesn’t if you are a Atheist or a Christian especially Christian should we share love and these two girls are humans with flaws they make mistakes and instead of making them feel bad we should share some love and give them advice !!!!!!
How do you guys handle all of the hate that you get from non-Christians? Could y’all do a video about it?
Love you guys so much!!
Thank you, Girl Defined, for encouraging us as young Christian women.
So many negative comments! If you don’t like this channel, no one is making you watch it. This is their personal Christian beliefs. They are trying to promote and help Christians to grow closer to God and live a fuller life. You may choose to disagree. Please stop spreading negativity here. Girl Defined comes from a place of love. Just because their beliefs are different to yours, that doesn’t make it judgemental. We just want to spread love and peace <3
im sorry, is that struggling i hear??
Don’t follow their advice girls, if you don’t want your life to be ruined
Came just to dislike.
They seem like the type of Christian girls in high school that act perfect but bully emo kids.
You should be advising Christians to question their faith and not to just go along without question. It’s the only way to guard against indoctrination and being captured by mindless dogma. Skepticism and critical thinking is the pathway reliable knowledge. A faith based approach only leads to delusion and wishful thinking. Without skepticism there is no growth.
Y’all clown on them too much lol
Don’t give advice plz don’t listen to those ppl
I am in a group similar to girl Scouts it is called American heritage girls we tend to do more faith based activities I have so many amazing friends from that group
Beautiful video! So encouraging!
The amount of hate in this comment section proves that we(Christians) aren’t the problem….. And if this channel is so awful, get off it
Thank you so much! ❤️
Blessings from: KJ Inspiration
thank you so much for posting videos i really value your opinions. God bless
Take a shot every time they say “stay the course”
Bruh get off the internet.
I believe in god but I don’t believe in religion . What am I lol ?
Girls, thanks so much for you terrific videos! Keep it up!
what if i’m an atheist.
This comment section did not pass the vibe check chile –
sO tReNdY
Loved the video! Thanks for making it!
I love this video!!!!!
Christianity is all cult stuff
Don’t know who and why people dislike your videos. Especially if they don’t like your channel, they should just leave. This was a beautiful video. People have no respect for Christianity. Stop playing with religion, it’s going to come back on you hard.
You guys are really helpful and don’t make the hate comment bring you down! Be you! Thank you!
this comment section is a typical internet get-together when people don’t agree,, this comment section doesn’t represent atheists, they aren’t total a—holes about everything