Bible Verses About God's Unconditional Love

Bible Verses About God's Unconditional Love

What does the Bible say about unconditional love?
God’s expression of His unconditional love is found throughout the Bible. Although we are commanded to repent our sins and strive towards the way of God, He never stops loving us in our journey to righteousness. The Bible shows us that God’s unconditional love never fails and not motivated by personal gain.
Here are few Bible verses about His unconditional Love!
Stay Blessed!


About Music Track:
Track Name: Uplifting Cinematic Piano
Music by AShamaluevMusic

Video Credits: Intro video – The Chosen Series Season 1, a snippet from Ep 7
The Chosen is the first and one of the best series showing the Life of Jesus Christ through the eyes of his very first disciples. It is truly enriching. Kindly watch it.
Please Subscribe to The Chosen –
: A snippet from the movie – “Passion of Christ”
: Google, Pixabay & Pexels.d