Community Involvement

Community Involvement

This week on our blog at The Hardy Group (

Many churches do a lot for the community. And rightfully so!

As church leaders we have a responsibility to display the love of Christ to our communities, and that happens when we encourage our church members to get involved in community efforts…

… but doing stuff for the community can be less effective than you might think — and can even work against you!

That’s right! I know it sounds crazy, but I’m not kidding.

Your church can do more harm than good if you’re not careful.

On today’s blog at The Hardy Group I suggest doing things “with” the community instead of doing things “for” the community …

… because there is a difference, and one has the potential for a bigger impact.

As pastors, our tendency is to want to come up with our own church programs for community outreach, and sometimes there’s a need for that…

… especially when the community does not have much to offer.

But in many cases churches actually create competition with the community instead of working alongside the community.

As a result, community leaders get frustrated. And it can put a bad taste in the community’s mouth.

So this week on our blog we propose a different solution. If you worth WITH the community by combining efforts, your church has a greater chance of shining the light of Christ.

Not only will you impact the community … but as pastors, church leaders, and members of the church, you’ll have a profound impact on the community leaders. And that can be HUGE for your church’s influence!

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