Best Christian Testimonies from CBN

Best Christian Testimonies from CBN

This video is the most inspiring testimonies of heaven, hell, Jesus, angels and Muslims and miracle healing in CBN, those are Bruce Van Nata, Jim Anderson, Colton Burpo, Tamara Laroux, Amy Ghazal, Dean Braxton, Don Piper, Kamal Saleem, and Kelley Curtis. Jesus is the only way to go to heaven! Share many people as you can! God bless you!

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  1. SvnXSvnty on May 28, 2019 at 12:32 pm

    I was Saved last year in November. Just recently I have had a dream where before I had gone to sleep I told Our Father in heaven I want to wear Garments the way you wear them and I was looking for a white button up shirt everywhere and I couldn’t find one that actually fit. Well in the dream I was looking for a white button up shirt but I came across a Garment with a purple sash and I took a look at it and Turned away from it and Our Father in heaven turned me to him again but this time wearing the Garment with the beautiful purple sash on it that looked as if it held the stars of the Galaxy in it says “This is what I wear My son” and When the boy from heaven is for real says he saw Jesus wearing a purple sash was confirmation. Have faith, fear God, and follow his commandments. Brothers we must finish this race, We must fight for others in captivity. God bless each of you, brothers and sisters.

  2. Anna Chen on May 28, 2019 at 12:35 pm


  3. Moses Baca on May 28, 2019 at 12:36 pm

    His thoughts are higher then our thoughts his ways are higher then our ways!! ❤️

  4. Randy Moss on May 28, 2019 at 12:36 pm

    At 5 years old I remember my father coming home drunk every Friday and Saturday night. I always tried to be asleep when he got home, but I’d wake up to him hollering atmy mother. And eventually it turned into a violence until I was 10 years old. Then they got a divorce. Back in those days it was not popular to get a divorce in the 1960s, so because of the shame on our family I never invited friends over to the house. The shame stuck with me until I was 15 years old, so that is when I found alcohol. My friends drank for fun but I drank to erase painful memories. Every single morning I’d wake up and the pain was still there. By age 19 I was using drugs. That same year I was drafted by the military in 1969. I served during. 1970-71 during the Vietnam War. Growing up I didn’t have many friends so in the military the only way I was able to make friends was to drink and drug with them.
    When I got back from the war I had a strong alcoholic addiction. Drinking 5-6 times a week. By the time I was 39 I had 3 DWIs. During that time I was married and divorced 3 times. By the time I was 39 I had attended A.A. for 2 years and finally decided to stop drinking and get back in Church. I grew up going to church. When the pastor should preach a strong salvation message I would go up front…many times. I struggled with this for years. I became a faithful church-goer, but deep inside I didn’t feel right. To make me feel better I would teach children’s Sunday school, go do outreach, and drive the church van. But all this didn’t really satisfy my soul. I had to hide my feelings thinking that eventually it would go away.
    I was in the Baptist church for 30 years then in 2017 I made a friend who was constantly challenging me to rethink everything I’d ever learned in the Baptist Church. I saw her life change right before my very eyes. She had started attending a Penacostle church and what I saw in her I wanted. She had not invited me to her church but I was curious. I decided to attend her church and I experienced something that I’d never felt before. It was like God was trying to speak to me and telling me that this is where I belonged. Each week I was learning more about the Holy Spirit. I realized that I really didn’t have the Holy Spirit. On March 7, 2018 I watched the Passion of the Christ movie, and towards the end of the movie I felt like I was one of those Pharisees! Immediately I repented of my sins and found the Holy Spirit and I was saved. Never in 68 had I ever felt God’s presence in my life.
    Do you struggle with self-worth, fears, hopelessness, being over-critical, bitterness, security, discouragement, hatred, guilt, divorce, chronic pain, worry, Pride, not trusting God or others, stress, loneliness, depression, lying, cheating, anger, forgiveness, procrastination, tormenting feelings, isolation, and rejection?
    Are you feeling Shame from molestation, drug abuse, alcohol, pornography, or being promiscuous?
    I have always wondered how could God ever forgive me? I was in bondage to all of these and many more. But one by one I surrendered and asked Jesus Christ to free me. He Faithfully tore down each one of my walls Freedom can be yours too, because nothing is impossible for God! God loves you regardless of anything you have ever done or what others have done to you. Today, you can have total Assurance of Eternity in heaven. Jesus was a sinless sacrifice that God required. He willingly died on the cross to save you! Then the Holy Spirit raised Jesus from the dead. Jesus is coming back to Rescue all those who have surrendered their lives through a solid relationship with him. John 14:21. God will save you if you live for Him.
    John 3:16 For God so Loved the World that he gave his only Son that whoever Believes in him shall not Perish (in Hell forever), but have Everlasting Life.
    John 14:2-3 Eternity in heaven with God
    Romans 3:23 Our sins Separate us from God.
    Hebrew 9:14 Jesus’ blood was a Perfect Sacrific.
    Gal. 2:16 Our Faith in Jesus Christ alone.
    Psalms 51:7 Cleaned Whiter than Snow.
    Col. 1:9-11 Continued Spiritual Growth.
    Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner. I believe that you died in my place, as a perfect and sinless sacrifice that God required. I am willing to repent of my sins and surrender to you as my Lord and Savior!
    Go to:

  5. Guyanne Sargisi on May 28, 2019 at 12:38 pm

    Saved by God. He is Great. Amen.

  6. Cristianandtupac on May 28, 2019 at 12:39 pm

    Colton ❤️

  7. Cindy Brady on May 28, 2019 at 12:39 pm

    I can’t believe these stories because they were fabricated by the 700 Club.

  8. Isabel Ruiz on May 28, 2019 at 12:40 pm

    I’m shaking. I love God so much

  9. THE KING JESUSIS IS MY WAY on May 28, 2019 at 12:42 pm

    Aawwww god bless you praise Jesus HALLELUJAH amen

  10. stepan kevin on May 28, 2019 at 12:43 pm

    Repent from your sins people, and be born again, believing is not enough, we need to repent, there is a way tho, Jesus loves us, that is why he sacrificed himself on the cross, for our sins, repent, and accept the Lord Jesus, you wont regret it.
    He changed my life.

  11. Ann Marie Johnson on May 28, 2019 at 12:47 pm

    I hear so many stories and yet I feel like GOD must only hate ME. I want the same kind of miracle in my life, but it’s Never going to happen.

  12. exZacklee on May 28, 2019 at 12:47 pm

    Christianity changes the word magic to miracle and it becomes truth? Talking animals, people living hundreds of years, people that can make water not follow the laws of physics, magical hand(just a hand, no body) writing words on a wall, man can stop the sun from moving holding up his magic wand, giants, man with super human strength, magically make metal float on water, people use magic to turn items into something else, people predict the future, dead people coming alive, magic box that kills you if you touch it, magical trumpets that can destroy fortifications, man gets taken to outer space in a magical horse chariot, man living in a giant fish, men magical controlling weather with their voice, people can make plants magically die with words, more people making water not obey the law of physics, and dragons for goodness sake!! How can people believe this fairytale? How one book full of such nonsense, can be believed by so many people. Thousands of books are named fiction, that have magic. But not the Bible! Crazy! Changing the word magic to miracle, does not make the Bible true.

  13. Bro.JEEVAN KISHORE on May 28, 2019 at 12:47 pm

    Jesus Christ is the creator

  14. I BraveHeart on May 28, 2019 at 12:51 pm

    I can’t imagine going throw something like that…nightmare come true!

  15. God is Not Mocked on May 28, 2019 at 12:53 pm

    We should all flood the web with our testimonies of how the Lord drew us and the things He’s taught us…to honor Him, encourage one another, and draw in the lost. If you have a cell phone you can make a video.☝️

  16. Great Livingstone on May 28, 2019 at 12:58 pm


  17. Adel Kamal on May 28, 2019 at 12:58 pm

    *I believe it’s a moral honesty to say this so people know what I’ve been through-God knows speak here in sincerity in April 2016, I got up from my sleep rare to happen for some reason the case with me – saw something that no one believe it and I’m being an Arab Muslim from Qatar, but I say the right word what I saw on the wall of my room clearly and for a period just a few seconds, but I am 100% sure – an Image of Jesus Christ his face white close to an Arab-( middle east People..) this what i saw in that miracle incident) the eyes beauty are unbelievable and face beard is light and the face shape is little long and head hair lay almost on his shoulders a bit I think I hinted his hands back and the Room is not dark, as i have describe him in the scene the face looks not the same almost to most photos in the beginning i thought he looks to some degree to one of my friend but quick inspiration jump to my mind this is Jesus Christ the face was so clear even i was surprise of the clarity this is a testimony and God witness I say the truth and why me have this experience I do not know but did happen ( this is not my real name due to personal reasons) yes I was awake when the image of Jesus Christ Manifested .
    **I attach the Arabic text of my scene Jesus in real .
    . لأني مررت بتجربة لا تصدق لا اعرف التفسير لكن حصلت . اليكم هذه الحادثة
    .المسيح عيسى هنا اورد مشاهدتي لتثبت هذه الحقيقة
    والله العظيم أقول الحق -واليكم ما مررت في
    رؤيتي. الواقعية وانا بكامل حواسي ومستيقظ- واعرف ما اقول هنا
    بنية صادقة لا تشوبها ذرة من الشك وكلمتي شرف وصدق في النصف الثاني لشهر
    ابريل 2016م وانا نائم -فجاة نهضت من نومي لسبب نادر مايحصل لي والله
    رأيت شيء لن تصدقوا وانا كوني مسلم عربي حسب الولادة ومواطن قطري لكن اقول
    كلمة الحق ماذا شاهدت رأيت على جدار غرفتي بصورة واضحة ولمده لا اعرف
    لكنها قصيرة ممكن ثواني لكني متأكد 100%صورة المسيح عيسى لان
    الزمن كان سريعا.وجهه واضح وكأني لمحت ان يديه الى الخلف ومظهرة طبيعي
    جدا بدون وجود اي اشياء خارجه عن المألوف ووجهه بلحية خفيفة ووجهه شكله
    طويل وعيونه بها جمال لايوصف نظرات وعيون رائعة وشعررأسه يتدلى على كتفيه
    تقريبا بعض الشيء وملامح رائعة وابيض الشكل وقريب شكله كالعرب او من شعوب الشرق الاوسط وهذا ونور
    الغرفه بها اضاءة وقد اعتقدت بداية انه يشبه احد الاصدقاء لكن بسرعة احسست
    او راودني ألهام هذا هو المسيح والذي ابهرني الوضوح التام للصورة-هذه شهادة واوصل كلمتي لأرضاء ضميري ووهي امانة احس
    لابد من قولها ولا اريد الأموال او الشهرة لان الدنيا فانية لايهمني من
    يعارض لكن المهم انها الحقيقة النهائيةبعد هذا الذي حصل لماذا انا شفت
    ومررت بالتجربة لا اعرف-لكنها حدثت وهذا ليس اسمي لأسباب خاصة

  18. Boxing Ring Chess on May 28, 2019 at 12:59 pm

    HalleluYAH To The L I V I N G God. HalleluYAH To The Christ! HalleluYAH To The Holy Spirit.

  19. Tapiwanashe Dube on May 28, 2019 at 1:00 pm

    Jesus is alive if you pray and cry to him with all your heart he will definitely answer you

  20. airplane800 on May 28, 2019 at 1:04 pm

    I need to handle those who didn’t have their prayers answered. A few years ago a girl in church gave a testimony in how she was accepted at a certain college. There were at least 10 other people there that applied and were not accepted. Instead of blessing people that testimony made a lot of people sad. We always tell stories of one or two that had a prayer answered but we don’t talk about the thousands that didn’t have their prayers answered. The worst is to see that people that don’t even pray get the blessings we are praying for. I saw a pastor a few years ago telling some people how to handle a certain situation. The interest thing is that when the same thing happened to his son he had a totally different approach. Most sermons are like Job’s friends. All they do is try to find something wrong with you to explain why we are not getting an answer.

  21. Diny Nouel on May 28, 2019 at 1:08 pm

    Hey Brothers and Sisters, good morning, good afternoon or good evening where ever you are in this earth. What I have to say today is a message of URGENCY. We are Gods children and as his children we suppose to look out for one another with love and respect and prayer. The truth is we have weaknesses and we fall into sin sometimes but its our choice to search for Jesus Christ. The son of God. The only one that never sinned. He died on the cross for us. He is the only way to heaven. He is the one that can cleanse you from your sins. Seek him with all your heart. REPENT of your sins. Ask for forgiveness and forgive those who hurt you. Keep his commandments and follow his teachings. You won’t go wrong with Jesus. He truly has shown what love really is. Brothers and Sisters, FIGHT your way into heaven not hell. That’s what everyone should be doing. Fight to get into that narrow gate. Don’t let Satan win this battle. You have God on your side. Its not easy but through God anything is possible. Please choose Jesus today. DON’T wait until tomorrow. Your tomorrow is not guaranteed. He loves you and is waiting for you. SPREAD the good news that he’s coming back. Peace and love goes out to everyone! God bless you all!

  22. Jimmy78 on May 28, 2019 at 1:08 pm

    I am trying to find a testimony of a young blonde mother, a cheerleader who fell into drugs and started hearing voices. Can’t remember her name, but I read it on Divine Revelations-pages years ago. I would need that testimony to share with my daughter. Can anyone help me with that?

  23. Reay Kimemia on May 28, 2019 at 1:09 pm

    This is the Lord I love and serve. blessed be his name.

  24. Yvonne Baker on May 28, 2019 at 1:09 pm

    To those of you commenting negatively, you are not on this page randomly. You are searching for God. He can fill that empty place in your heart and in your soul if you allow Him to. Open your heart to Him today!

  25. FOU-Champion2322 8 on May 28, 2019 at 1:10 pm

    can someone explain this to me please, Because I really believe in Jesus but one of my family member died because in a surgey and they stopped his Heart for 2 minutes. They stopped it twice and he said he seen nothing but blackness only..
    Could someone explain this to me please ? Does the bible say anything about it ?

  26. airplane800 on May 28, 2019 at 1:13 pm

    Most testimonies are about healing. I’ve been praying for a job for 6 years. I can’t find testimonies about people finding a job or finding a wife and very few about God helping with financial distress.

  27. revolution334 on May 28, 2019 at 1:13 pm

    Thank you Lord I love you so much

  28. Simone Munoz on May 28, 2019 at 1:14 pm


  29. John Ross on May 28, 2019 at 1:15 pm

    I just posted my testimony and would love to spread my story so if you could check it out and share it that would be great!

  30. Kkwazzawazzakkwaquikkwalaquaza * Zabalaza on May 28, 2019 at 1:18 pm

    Das ist einfach unglaublich!

  31. Raza M on May 28, 2019 at 1:21 pm

    Lie lie lie

  32. goldenapple saga on May 28, 2019 at 1:23 pm

    My friend was suicidal. I prayed that he may follow God and be healed. He wanted to die to end his pain, so he asked me "why should I follow God if I don’t believe in him!?" And I told him "*YOUR LOOKING TO TAKE YOUR OWN LIFE* if your looking to go *that far* if your so desperate to end your pain then why don’t you follow someone that millions of people believe in!?" So after *TWO YEARS* he followed Jesus and now after going back an fourth three times between atheist and Christian *THREE TIMES* and each time he was following Jesus he became happier. But every times he rejected it, he descended into desperation, hopelessness and sadness. He was hopeless when he was without Christ, he follows Christ now and has a loving Girlfriend and is no longer wants to end his life.
    He found a different way to end his pain.
    My life was *beyond* changed by this experience. I have a show that I’ve been making for three and a half years now and I’m using this experience to help as many people as possible, as much as possible, in as many ways as possible. Suicidal or not. The reason I believe that God let’s horrible things like this happening is because it provides people with testimonies that save people’s souls *and* the pain that they are suffering on this earth. *THIS* in the answer to the question of "why does God let these things happen." God let’s these things happen in order to give people testimonies that will help people who help the people who aren’t following God who IS GOODNESS ITSELF and rejecting goodness itself and are suffering for it if you reject God when goodness *is God himself* then obviously bad things happen just like when you go into a hot place you dont feel cold and vice versa, when you go into a dark place you don’t see light and vice versa. When your Christian and stuff *still* happens to you, its because THAT specific thing is HAND PICKED and PERCICELY TIMED by *GOD HIMSELF* to be something that you can use to help as many people as possible. That something was put there so that you could go through it *with God at your side all the way through* then you could come out and the pain for one person who is being supported by God all the way through could be the physical and spiritual salvation for thousands and maybe even millions.
    God bless all of you and remember.
    "Ask and yee shall receive, seek and yee shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you"
    "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, so that whosoever may believeth in him shall not perish but have everlasting life."
    "When you pray, believe with faith that yee shall have something and yee shall have it."
    "I am the light of the world, he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness but shall have the light of life."
    "Whom shall I fear? For if God is with me, who shall me against me" (one of my favorites)
    "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believith on me shall live forever, and he who liveth and believeth in me, shall never die."
    God bless all of you

  33. Susie Welchman on May 28, 2019 at 1:25 pm

    Wow. Alma’s your testimony is outstanding,What a Mighty God we serve xxx

  34. a hiatus on May 28, 2019 at 1:27 pm

    can yoga perform miracles? the light, jesus image, impossible healing testimonies and all that you call that CHEAP magic? yoga IMO is primarily just an exercise just like any other breathing exercises to calm your mind. you’re not God you didn’t create yourself obviously. but i think i need some breathing exercise because i’ve been so angry lately lol! our Lord can use ANY tools for whatever purpose He wants to accomplish and one of that can be yoga, right medicines, doctors etc.

  35. Jeevan Kishore on May 28, 2019 at 1:28 pm

    Jesus Christ is the creator.

  36. FIROZ ALI NASIR on May 28, 2019 at 1:28 pm

    jesus as a muslim, jesus is a muslim prophet

  37. Gospel Wayne on May 28, 2019 at 1:28 pm

    May he lord bless you everyday. So sad to hear what you went through. God is REAL! Amen

  38. Soy la Pu on May 28, 2019 at 1:29 pm

    For video number 2, that doctor/ nurse should know better not to talk over the patient. I am glad the patient came back to witness what was said. Glory be to God! Great things she has done.

  39. I Am A Celestial Being on May 28, 2019 at 1:30 pm

    I will always serve you Oh mighty God, Jesus Christ and lead my life according to divine will. To serve others and to be a beacon of love, light, and peace for all of humanity. I consciously choose to follow the path of Christ and devote myself to being the purest embodiment of the Christ consciousness. Thank you Lord for you love, divine protection, and blessings that you send to me daily. I will always praise you Jesus Lord my savior. In Jesus name I pray as your faithful child, Amen.

  40. Body o f god on May 28, 2019 at 1:30 pm

    22:44 Judge not lest ye ( YOU ) be JUDGED > you become your thoughts and THIS demonstrates that YES??? have faith and you are the faithful one YES??? we are created in the image and LIKEness of God. we Die from GREAT depression or loneliness NO??? called the placebo effect YES??? the sound GOD is an utterance sound whose meaning changes from culture to culture and language to language yet GOD stays the same because GOD NEVER CHANGES? what of regretting creating children in its image and LIKEness but trying to Drown Evil by drowning its creations that were created by a loving being and TOLD to be fruitful and blessed them but the ONLY thing that stuck was to multiply? things are not as they seem and Creator is unconditional love NO??? unconditional love is not angry nor vindictive nor abusive nor wrathful< unconditional love GOOGLE IT and LEARN the definition dear frightened ones.

  41. Melinda Pelham on May 28, 2019 at 1:31 pm

    Bests description of heaven I’ve ever heard!!! Amazing!!!

  42. Body o f god on May 28, 2019 at 1:31 pm

    22:39 is this not reaping what you sow? she was in tournament before the spiritual experience and if hell is eternal then she could not be here to tell her story of a so-called HELL > Hod is unconditional love and Jesus has the keys to sheol > I and my Father are ONE, your Father and mine > seek ye ( you ) FIRST the kingdom of God is within you and it is RIGHT to go there > you are the light of the world and so you are also your own HELL experience yes??? Jesus said to fear NOT. She asked for forgiveness but saw hell because she felt guilty and died in FEAR.