How Christianity Adopted Pagan Practices and Holidays – The False Church Deception Exposed
How Christianity Adopted Pagan Practices and Holidays – The False Church Deception Exposed
What is the real history of Christianity? From Constantine and sun god worship to the modern false church system, the deception regarding the Bible has been propagated from centuries of pagan influence and church lies. Uncover pagan christian traditions and pagan Christian origins. Who was Constantine? Was Constantine a real convert to Christianity? Was Christianity originally a Jewish faith? How did the son of god turn into the sun of god? What about the pagan holidays? What about Christmas and it’s pagan origin, Easter or Halloween? What is the pagan origin of Christmas? It’s time for the false church to be exposed! This short video exposes the deception of the church through centuries of church tradition. It’s time for the false church to be exposed!
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May I remind you that God Himself adopted pagan elements of the Egyptians into Jewish worship! Same thing with the Orthodox Church, the True Church of Christ and His Holy Apostles! She adopts the good traditions of pagan cultures into the Orthodox Christian worship together with the Jewish ones. Read Ecclesiastical History together with the Holy Scriptures instead of Judaizing!!!!!
They are speaking solely of Catholicism not Those who simply follow the bible in its entirety
A culture theft of a Death Cult, nothing more.
Gen 1 14 And God said, “Let there be lights in the vault of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark sacred times, and days and years,
Human kind believed in the Saints and the giving of gifts and real laughter at a holloween party like I said we moved on. Let’s leave them in ancient times and their ancient teachings. We teach that gift giving earns you blessings.
It should be titled how pagans adopted Abrahamic faiths and how Satan is counterfeiting The Most High
Christians did not adopt paganism paganism was created when people came from overseas rape molested and tortured the Indians to where they force them into incest and having handicapped babies to enslave them. And then use them for entertainment
They abused them to manipulate them and force them to do things that they didn’t want to do. No we have paganism and bail in all of our churches which is curse. We have drug dealing trafficking immoral marriages in the house of God we have people making churches into club’s. I pray that people wake up and see what these curses are and they are not of God. To wear if you follow Jesus and understand what Christ like is it is a very innocent human being at heart and soul and it is not perverted.
He tells to beware of church theology at the same time tells to read the bible as if it is free from church influence, ironic.
It wasn’t Christianity that turned it but Catholicism. Wich is paganism in fake christianity covering
Thank You Yah❤
The more I learn about scriptural truth, the more ostracized I get from fellow Christian’s.
The Bible says the 2nd beast makes an image to the first beast and causes all, both great and small to worship the first beast. Satans best deception was convincing people that they are worshiping God when believing in the trinity and worshiping on Sunday, but in reality they are giving worship to satan by idolatry and by disregarding Gods Sabbath. Which is why Yahawashi(Jesus) says "many will come saying Lord Lord… and I will say I never knew you."
This is so true!
Thanks for the explanation.
Remember this, I agree with you here, and the comments on pagan holidays. But knowledge of others wrongs, does not make your standing with God righteous. Our Righteousness is " Christ and Him crucified" .
rather..wen Constantine embracdd Chrustianity &, threfire Alk Roman Vituzebs eeregto Folliw their King..Prebiius Oagan Pravtjves wrre ‘ Mixed’ with t New Christianity & Fates such as Decemb4 25 – Birthday if t SunvGidvwerebsubstituted fir Vhristmas..the Birth if Chrust…
Full video please
Doesn’t "YAHWEH’s Restoration Ministry" deny YAHSHUA’s Divinity?
The real jesus did born in 12 septembre.
POV: you’re a protestant
Paul instructed the church in Corinth ( 2nd Cor) to observe the "7 feasts of Adonai" God’s ( Elohim) divine appointments and timeline, which the present day modern Laodicean church knows very little about, in fact 2 of the 5 main Satanic "holidays" observed fall on Oct 31 and Dec 25! the church has to stop celebrating man-made holidays and go back to it’s Hebraic roots and study to be approved, be blessed
Satan’s Roman Catholic church is the largest Christian cult in the world.
Rosaries are pagan and witchcraft.
There is no such place as Purgatory.
It is written,there is only one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.
Not Mary nor Popes nor Cardinals nor priest nor fathers nor dead saints.
Jesus said call no man on earth your father, for one is your Father in heaven.
All of those in the Catholic church with the title of father are frauds.
The answer to that is yes, follow your pagan feast that where added by the Roman Catholic church. Christianity or Follower’s of The Way( The MassiYah), the Faith that was delivered to Saints( Call out Ones). Is Christmas in the Bible, was Messiah born on Christmas Day? Try the Feast of Tabernacles. O’ o, where not Jews. But when Jew gets born again and gentile gets born again, where all One in Yahushua Messiah -Jesus Christ. Christianity is just another branch of the Roman Catholic church. Enjoy your Christmas.
You got it! Don’t seek don’t worship anything else don’t argue no division. Y love love is what matters — a relationship with Him a love for Him n in return for others. Blessings.
America has become twisted,many babies are aborted every day, the USA is now mystery Babylon,the haunt of demons and perverse people,human trafficking abounds in her borders,drugs run rampant in her cities,Shes becoming a giant third world nation.
Eostra. Godess of fertility.
The Xmas festival is IDOLATRY and totally UNRELATED to the Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible is the FINAL authority in ALL matters of faith and practice. And there is NO warrant in Scripture to annually celebrate THE WORD WAS MADE FLESH, but instead, we are to simply BELIEVE that sacred one time event with all our heart. History shows that heathens considered their earthly kings as being gods and they would worship them by celebrating their birthday every year. Likewise, heathens would celebrate the "birth" of the evil Sun-god on their occult high day during the annual Winter Solstice with the same decorations and gift giving and gluttony and drunkenness that the Xmas festival has today on the 25th of December. The Lord Jesus Christ is NOT a helpless baby. We must remember that He is NOW in Heaven to be worshipped as our Creator which means He has NO origin. God does NOT want His Church to worship Him in the same manner as the heathens worship their false gods, but instead, we must worship Him in a reverent and untainted way. God tells us not to be conformed to this world and to abstain from all appearance of evil. According to the Bible there is NO such thing as a Christian festival. God wants FAITH – not festivals. Deuteronomy 12:4 & John 3:16.
Jesus did not start any religion called christianity.
Read Jesus words at John 4:23,24
the hour is coming, and it is now, when the true worshippers will worship the Father with spirit and truth, for indeed, the Father is looking for ones like these to worship him. 24 God is a Spirit, and those worshipping him must worship with spirit and truth…
Christians at Mardi gras lol
I’ve gone down a rabbit hole of debunking false Christianity claims that I’ve become slightly disheartened. It’s insane the amount of misinformation gets pushed about Christianity and I cannot fathom the motivations of these ppl
The Roman church sought to destroy Judaism from the earliest times until the present. Forcing its adherents to ignore the word of God and continue in their own imagined traditions. God lays out the calendar year with 7 feast days each with special meaning both for the Jew and the Christian but instead, the Roman church distorts and replaces those commanded celebrations with their own.
Easter is a Passover feast. It inaugurates the new covenant spoken of by Jeremiah. (Jeremiah 31). The last supper being the Seder meal, celebrated by Jews for thousands of years since the exodus from Egypt. Christ is the lamb of God sacrificed on our behalf.
Christ is risen on the third day as the feast of First fruits, while it is always on the next first day of the week which is a Sunday there is much confusion for the new Christian.
Ezekiel wrote of a future fusion of Judah and Jacob where there will be a reunion and where God’s set times will be honored finally. Amen
Syeikh ahmah deedat once said, christian , a ppl who adopt jewish religion and see it trough greek glasses.
I wonder if anyone knows of any primary sources on how we know Sol invictus was born on December 25th, or how Christmas was celebrated by pagans prior to Christianity. Or of any primary sources showing that Constantine paganized Christianity
Glad i wasn’t born Christian
All the Christians bogus authors are anonymous. Being unknown is a ridicule, distortion of facts, conjecture, merely hearsays. An idol worship is akin to paganism. No three gods would come to a conclusion. If God dies, the universe is ruined. No three God’s think alike. God doesn’t know the hour. The biblical source, any of the original oral or written materials that, in compilation, came to constitute the Bible of Judaism and Christianity. Most of the writings in the Old Testament are of anonymous authorship, and in many cases, it is not known whether they were compiled by individuals or by groups.
Pro Jewish channel tells white people why their origins are bad… sorry rabbi, I’m not your shabbos goyim
Judaism’s Hannukah and Catholics Christmas——>Mark 7:13 “Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye.”….. IF any of these Loud Mouthed Clowns can show me Hannukah in Leviticus 23 I’ll repent for calling it a Tradition from Judaism. Mark 7:13
Yeshua never started a new religion.
Jesus is not the founder of Christianity. He is a Hebrew. Humans founded Christianity.
after all, these are Catholic holidays. Everything is invented by the Church.
The church was supposed to be for people and they, like any other religion created after the Bible, are for profit, if anyone hadn’t noticed? Please read how the first pope gained all power in 500. And why there is a huge pine cone in the Vatican that also exists in the pyramids on the signs on the walls.
They even try to put Oreo cookies in our mouths, satanic rituals. There are even websites where you can buy people’s meat or blood for rituals. Unfortunately, there are very few normal people who have not been fooled.
All in the Bible, even the corrupted one, except one name you need YHWH. If not in love, not reading and doing his word will be lost.
Jesus Christ was never born on December 25th.
The G-D of Abraham Isaac and Jacob
Hates the deception of Christianity and the n.t
This is fact
Repent from pagan idolatry