This movie had a lot of explicit parts, But the true facts are there are actually a lot "Wolves in Sheep’s clothing" in the Church today. No, Christians are not supposed to behave this way, but some people use Christianity as a manipulation device by throwing in God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit in their mess. Yes, The Bible says Rom 3:23 For we all have sinned, and fall short of the Glory of God. Sometimes our impatientness gets us in trouble we think we’re helping God because things are not going in a timely fashion to us. What I like is whatever situation you get yourself in, if God has a calling on you He’ll use you in a hog pen to get His message out of you. We put leaders on a "High Pedestal" we forget their human. That’s why the Bible says ‘Work out your own Salvation with fear and trembling" Phil 2:12. Rom 3:10 clearly states; There is none "RIGHTEOUS" not one!!
I’m lost, I thought the whole thing was a set up. Why was that never dealt with? I thought he only confessed to spare the church. There were so many ideas opened but never closed. Not a good movie to me.
Wow. This took me by surprise. knew something was up with his secretary but when he admitted to it I didn’t see that coming. I don’t know why people act so shocked about things like this. We’re living in a season of warfare and it’s in the church. All preachers are not guilty but there are many that are in it just for power, money, fame, etc. I’m grateful for those who are in it to win souls for Christ. Judgment will begin at the House of God, but we are not the judges. Forgiveness is a powerful tool. It not only frees the repentant but also the one who was hurt. Interesting movie. Make one thing of how easy someone can get caught up in a mess. Glad he repented many don’t and still their churches embrace them and blame the women. Go figure.
God help us.
God’s conviction, forgiveness and guidance back to the right path, His path of life saves us.
The message is there.
Truly, God is love and love covereth all things.
We really should listen to God, follow His word and not do what is wrong, what God’s word tell us is wrong and we know His wrong. I/we should not wait till we are caught before we do what is right, retrace our steps and get right with God and others.
There is much to learn.
God help me/help us in Jesus name. Amen.
This is not a Christian Movie as one conventionally understands the term. In fact, it is not a Christian Movie
at all according to the genre. It is a movie made by a gentleman growing up in Detroit, observing those churches and pastors and followers who have professed themselves to be Christians and have come up short…BIG TIME! The theme of ‘FORGIVENESS’ is used as a leitmotif and the Christian Evangelical Church as the ‘Whipping
Boy’ and the main drawing card for the religious and the skeptic alike. The director/writer commendably forces us, the viewers, especially Christians to take a long hard look at ourselves and to ask ourselves "Do we really practice what we preach?" The message to the non-Christians may be "Oh, there goes those Christians again! SMH"
My conviction is that a Christian Movie is centered on a protagonist who espouses Biblical values that the movie
seeks to champion. In this movie, no such protagonist existed. One may want to argue that the main cop was THAT PROTAGONIST because he was driven by the quest for justice against those who abused their social and political status for their own selfish means. I would rebut and say that the irony of this argument lies in the fact that the detective was rather driven not by forgiveness but by the need to satisfy his personal vendettas. The director exercised his privilege to have the plot go in certain directions.
One may also want to contend that the movie focused on a Christian value concept and that it does not necessarily
have to be protagonist focused. I disagree because the Christian message is only made valuable by it being fleshed out or lived out in a holistic way. One senses that this movie sought to demystify the Christian protagonist concept and show that Christians are just ‘Great Pretenders’, no different than others where they themselves are forced to deal with universal truths like everyone else.
The director, Hakim Khalfani in an interview ( gives his interpretation of
‘FORGIVENESS’ where he says that the abuser must be confronted /rebuked and repent before the victim can demonstrate forgiveness. Is this Biblical/Faith Based?
Mr. Khalfani must be however commended for his outsider’s view – May the Church wake up and take notice.
I actually wept towards the end of this movie cos it touches the depth of my heart…
We all have our secrets
If our secrets are being exposed just like the pastor’s own
Those who trust us will definitely leave us.
Yes even our loved ones.
It will take only the wisdom and grace of God for them to forgive us and acknowledge that we are all humans created in the image of Christ, trying our best in our daily life struggles to be more like our creator.
But the Love of God never fails. Even when we hurt him so he keeps giving us more Grace, more love.
Thank God the pastor had a very good second chance to amend his ways.
We all maynot have have this kind of second chance especially if we are not caught in the act.
I indeed have learnt a lot from this movie. It inspires me.
God does give us no more than we can bare, like the book of Job, but there are things that we do outside of Gods commands and Statutes, (sin)that have negative consequences, which lead to stress and depression, denial, and loss without restoration.
Yes we are to forgive!! The Lord said if we don’t forgive those whom trespass against us he will not forgive us of our sins. I am only able to forgive by the empowerment of the Lord Jesus Christ Holy Spirit. We will never go far in life if we don’t forgive. When we carry unforgiveness in our hearts we open the door to the enemy. Being bitter will ultimately kill you in the long run. Forgiving others release you and them and can truly help you live the Life that Jesus Christ has called you to live with his power.
This,was a truly powerful movie.
A great movie.Im inspired by it.
Sundy is in this. Sunday from bball wives crazy Jackie homie.
Good movie no one should judge others no one is without sin
Wow! I am shocked’ but best to forgive.. Good Movie.
Well some of us learn from our mistakes.. this was a good movie..
This movie had a lot of explicit parts, But the true facts are there are actually a lot "Wolves in Sheep’s clothing" in the Church today. No, Christians are not supposed to behave this way, but some people use Christianity as a manipulation device by throwing in God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit in their mess. Yes, The Bible says Rom 3:23 For we all have sinned, and fall short of the Glory of God. Sometimes our impatientness gets us in trouble we think we’re helping God because things are not going in a timely fashion to us. What I like is whatever situation you get yourself in, if God has a calling on you He’ll use you in a hog pen to get His message out of you. We put leaders on a "High Pedestal" we forget their human. That’s why the Bible says ‘Work out your own Salvation with fear and trembling" Phil 2:12. Rom 3:10 clearly states; There is none "RIGHTEOUS" not one!!
I’m lost, I thought the whole thing was a set up. Why was that never dealt with? I thought he only confessed to spare the church. There were so many ideas opened but never closed. Not a good movie to me.
I want to thank you for sharing this great movie…
good movie
i don’t know why this was listed under christian films.
Good movie
Wow. This took me by surprise. knew something was up with his secretary but when he admitted to it I didn’t see that coming. I don’t know why people act so shocked about things like this. We’re living in a season of warfare and it’s in the church. All preachers are not guilty but there are many that are in it just for power, money, fame, etc. I’m grateful for those who are in it to win souls for Christ. Judgment will begin at the House of God, but we are not the judges. Forgiveness is a powerful tool. It not only frees the repentant but also the one who was hurt. Interesting movie. Make one thing of how easy someone can get caught up in a mess. Glad he repented many don’t and still their churches embrace them and blame the women. Go figure.
What the Pastor Jenkins is certainly wrong and sinful.Yes one can forgive him but he has lost all his credibility for doing such a immoral thing.
Very good message we all makes mistakes and we need to forgive now so many lives can be touch
Forgive…is a good all areas of life..not just a movie..
I’m inspired thanks for sharing.
God help us.
God’s conviction, forgiveness and guidance back to the right path, His path of life saves us.
The message is there.
Truly, God is love and love covereth all things.
We really should listen to God, follow His word and not do what is wrong, what God’s word tell us is wrong and we know His wrong. I/we should not wait till we are caught before we do what is right, retrace our steps and get right with God and others.
There is much to learn.
God help me/help us in Jesus name. Amen.
Not only inspired…….I’m also BLESSED
This is not a Christian Movie as one conventionally understands the term. In fact, it is not a Christian Movie
at all according to the genre. It is a movie made by a gentleman growing up in Detroit, observing those churches and pastors and followers who have professed themselves to be Christians and have come up short…BIG TIME! The theme of ‘FORGIVENESS’ is used as a leitmotif and the Christian Evangelical Church as the ‘Whipping
Boy’ and the main drawing card for the religious and the skeptic alike. The director/writer commendably forces us, the viewers, especially Christians to take a long hard look at ourselves and to ask ourselves "Do we really practice what we preach?" The message to the non-Christians may be "Oh, there goes those Christians again! SMH"
My conviction is that a Christian Movie is centered on a protagonist who espouses Biblical values that the movie
seeks to champion. In this movie, no such protagonist existed. One may want to argue that the main cop was THAT PROTAGONIST because he was driven by the quest for justice against those who abused their social and political status for their own selfish means. I would rebut and say that the irony of this argument lies in the fact that the detective was rather driven not by forgiveness but by the need to satisfy his personal vendettas. The director exercised his privilege to have the plot go in certain directions.
One may also want to contend that the movie focused on a Christian value concept and that it does not necessarily
have to be protagonist focused. I disagree because the Christian message is only made valuable by it being fleshed out or lived out in a holistic way. One senses that this movie sought to demystify the Christian protagonist concept and show that Christians are just ‘Great Pretenders’, no different than others where they themselves are forced to deal with universal truths like everyone else.
The director, Hakim Khalfani in an interview ( gives his interpretation of
‘FORGIVENESS’ where he says that the abuser must be confronted /rebuked and repent before the victim can demonstrate forgiveness. Is this Biblical/Faith Based?
Mr. Khalfani must be however commended for his outsider’s view – May the Church wake up and take notice.
The pastor gave that young man some bad advice. I would have to him to get a paternity test done before dropping out of school.
🙂 ………
This is messed up. I am speechless.
This was a hard one to swallow…but no one is perfect, we all have sinned an fall short of his glory. FORGIVE AND REPENT!
I actually wept towards the end of this movie cos it touches the depth of my heart…
We all have our secrets
If our secrets are being exposed just like the pastor’s own
Those who trust us will definitely leave us.
Yes even our loved ones.
It will take only the wisdom and grace of God for them to forgive us and acknowledge that we are all humans created in the image of Christ, trying our best in our daily life struggles to be more like our creator.
But the Love of God never fails. Even when we hurt him so he keeps giving us more Grace, more love.
Thank God the pastor had a very good second chance to amend his ways.
We all maynot have have this kind of second chance especially if we are not caught in the act.
I indeed have learnt a lot from this movie. It inspires me.
Thank you
God does give us no more than we can bare, like the book of Job, but there are things that we do outside of Gods commands and Statutes, (sin)that have negative consequences, which lead to stress and depression, denial, and loss without restoration.
Luv it :V
Yes we are to forgive!! The Lord said if we don’t forgive those whom trespass against us he will not forgive us of our sins. I am only able to forgive by the empowerment of the Lord Jesus Christ Holy Spirit. We will never go far in life if we don’t forgive. When we carry unforgiveness in our hearts we open the door to the enemy. Being bitter will ultimately kill you in the long run. Forgiving others release you and them and can truly help you live the Life that Jesus Christ has called you to live with his power.