You MUST Understand The Meaning of SACRIFICE | Jordan Peterson on God (Cain & Able)
You MUST Understand The Meaning of SACRIFICE | Jordan Peterson on God (Cain & Able)
Listen carefully to what Dr. Jordan Peterson says about sacrifice because it affects your future!
This is his best book, in my opinion:
HINT: You can get for FREE the audio version narrated by Dr. Peterson himself if you sign up for an Audible Trial.
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pls dont get ur biblical exposition from Jordan Peterson…… even if he does say some true things in the mix. To make God’s metaphor "sin crouching at your door" into a sexual thing is messed up, it’s clearly about sin wanting to destroy Cain, crouching like a lion/wild beast. Anger threatens to consume us in this way, as all sin does. Cain’s sacrifice was not the firstfruits of his produce, unlike Abel’s, so of course God rejected it. It’s about giving God your best, because He deserves it. Killing Abel was about jealousy, not necessarily killing off your ideal. If Cain saw Abel simply as an ideal, he could’ve imitated him, just present better offerings next time. This is a lesson about anger, jealousy, and worshipping God in a worthy manner
40 seconds ago (edited)
Dum word – by Denise! Sac(ra)fice = Serial # – never for any – man! The system = evil identity(whole of)!
fought over – that woman’s – son! Tried – and – sell "A man – kid of!"
JP seems to do everything he can to find meaning in biblical stories without actually believing God is real.
10% tithe = Oriental Tribal – tax on us! You money laundered! No tax – taken out from!
tak = Kidnap – thief(cat burgler = gay racial activity) clinic membership! You chose – the broadway!
BR= RUSHAN Anti Terror – not eng lish! eng ing = we eat – what we murdered! Preaching!
no… giggle
but you not too fond Ooot
God nu cere sacrificii, aztecii și mayashii cer cică sa L inbuneze pe God
Și mai cer sacrificii structura abrahamica…Templul lui Solomon plin de sângele mieilor..
Enough already
You either believe in sacrifice or slavery. If you do not sacrifice, then you will want the result of slavery…that is, to take from the labor of others who did sacrifice.
If you make the right sacrifices, then perhaps freedom may result, but freedom or slavery is not the choice, it is sacrifice or slavery.
No humans are unaware of the future, as JP says.
Human sacrifice is forbidden by the G-d of Israel and the Torah. Jesus wasn’t sacrificed, he was executed.
crap content with click bait thumbnails. NEXT
Criminals will be criminalised individualised loudest as criminals. First of all understand sacrifice is not what God requires if you say that it means you are criminal sort of supetioririst intentioned.. . A poor lady that lives is abused by a psyche to give one tenth and abused with shit crimes of religious painted criminals, crimes who individualises or criminalise such sick suckers everywhere. And people eat others in that same type talks, its crimes really. God really does not care about sacrifices ever… Even in old testament everywhere, God says to many authors that he is aversive to sacrifices and He dispises it too.. Some very few books tell if that.. Man wanting to eat others take that to eat its only to do crimes.
The meaning of sacrifice begins in Genesis when The LORD GOD clothes Adam and Eve in animal skins and ends with The Lord Jesus Christ!
In order to leave the child behind, we should be getting paid like adults and not children. -Everyone that believed work meant opportunity.
Jesus said the same to his disciples: "Then Jesus told his disciples, ‘If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what shall a man give in return for his soul?’”
Matthew 16:24-26
You cannot bargain with GOD
Good jod. Thanks
Could it be that god preferred Ables offering because he was a meat eater and not a vegan?
I disagree. Sacrifice is redemption of passed actions not discipline for the Future, at least in the abrahamitic religions. This was overcome by Jesus stating that the old laws are too weak and cant be fulfilled anyway so theres No other way of saving the companion to make him help in the next tribulation of the tribe by not killing him or damaging his health now is forgiveness and a hope of redemption if possible. Real christianity of Jesus not the one of thr churches who of course live of sacrifice/ offering is ONLY "cheap" forgiveness.
God allready knew that He has to sacrifice something even before the beginning of existance, Jesus is the Lamb sacrificed from the beginning of the world
Only a fool believes & considers as sacred the fairy tales, fiction & myths of a book just because the book claims itself to be the holy truth.
Właśnie przestałam się rozwijać.
There’s something Nefarious about earning everything you’re earning on this channel by leveraging Dr. Jordan Peterson. No other content? I’m guessing you’ve not sent him checks for his cut. Just guessing. I’m sure it’s helpful. The videos I’ve posted of JBP has garnished my most views too. But it’s not the only thing on my channel, and I’ve actually met the man.
Yea thats me. I’m 33 now and came to terms in the last 1-2 years that I was scared to grow up and take responsibility for my life. It sucks. It makes you feel like a loser. But I needed to go through this feeling, I needed to accept where I am and who I am to be able to change something about it. It was the hardest time of my life and it still is, but it is a bit easier now. I legit had times that this is all for nothing and that it would so much better if I would X myself. I’m ok. I think this is a reasonable conclusion if you are staring so deep into the abyss. I overcame that and I accepted the present. Live isn’t as fun anymore, but thats also ok, everything I did for the last, lets say 10 years, was a delusion to keep me safe. I still have a lot of work to do, I’m currently in a shit part time job. I had a big dream who I gave up upon, but thats also ok. I accept all this metrics in my life and will work myself up from here. I will finally take responsibility for my actions. Sacrifices are necessary in life to get what you want. I know that I’m not alone with this and I’m happy that I have that realisation now and not with 40 like Peterson said. I wish you all the best. Do your work and the sky will clear. Its ok to lose your focus from time to time but you need to have a system that brings you back to the narrow path.
I have to do a testimonty/talk on sunday about ‘the meaning of sacrafice’ , im struggling thinking about the wording and phrases i should use and have a hard time thinking about experiences of sacrifice in my life. I prayed about it and it led to this video but im still finding it hard to put together this talk.
Does anybody have any tips or advice that would help me out with this?
Revelation 19:2 NLT
His judgments are true and just. He has punished the great prostitute who corrupted the earth with her immorality. He has avenged the murder of his servants.”
Does God do the same thing?
We gave up alcohol. Gave up useless things. Stopped with all the false idols. No Cable,Netflix,etc.
Our 30 yr marriage is bloomimg. We have found an amazing Bible reading, faith based small church on our Albertan prairies.
We both just got Baptized. A beautiful day with Christian friends.
I love you Jesus. My life is real now, better,fulfilled.
An old infant is an ugly thing.. truth.
God did not accept Cain’s sacrifice cause it was not valuable to him and brought spoiled fruits to God but able brought the biggest sheep and best meat he had.
Do you have permission to use Dr. Peterson’s content?
What would you give up for God? Me….Nothing!
great con artist
I sacrifice everything to do the right thing…OUR FATHER COMES FIRST ABOVE EVERYTHING.
Why don’t we sacrifice God? He’s big enough.
Nice understoodable video
I will not sacrifice myself for a cgi cult. Or any religious beliefs. You will not saturate my mind with your beliefs ever period. And Pentagon get stuffed in my salad sandwich.
U dont no god power power peple to no 1 left i will shack the word
Are you completely nuts????
Sacrifice with you lips in praise and thankfulness unto the Lord God Jesus Christ for his love, mercy and grace and all things borh " good" and " bad" for everything works for the good for those who love the Lord
*Scroll back and tap the holy like button.*
Get one of his books FOR FREE (narrated by Dr. Peterson himself) when signing up for an Audible Trial –
Gods people have sacrificed a sinless life for a sinless world.. and let greed takeover.. trust me I know our God, in your dark moments when u don’t want to act like the old you ask god for strength within and see what happens.
These videos I comment on. Are the sacrifice. That. Truth requires.
Sach = Oriental woman’s purse! kaldee – is part of: "The east!" kach – That man’s, bac pak!
Integrate < Je – That woman – supported our – parachute OP! sus = You joined – ss waffen!
Dr. in releigion – it don’t exist! Under: Loaned Land Act – 2nd Amend!
Does Mr Peterson believe in Jesus
zip tang
Love all what you had to say. God bless you
To learn to not ever try to control others at all. Unconditional love is to let them make their heart choices in life. Be it religion, work,
Place of residence, future wife/husband etc it goes on throughout everything. God has CONTROL nobody else. I love ❤️ both my children equally and unconditionally. A bit like God does with us. They are only belonging to God. Not myself. Or anyone else. Never got either christened. As knew at time the choice was theirs – not mine.
God definitely reads hearts in a beat. No doubt about that. Jesus Christ my saviour my lord. My king of kings. The only way to the truth. Life here is nothing without you my Lord. Amen
I hope this makes sense.
old testament is fiction….see Dan founder of freedom from religion..he was a minister for 19 years…and then came to his senses….