Why I Will NEVER Attend a Christian Singles Conference Again

Why I Will NEVER Attend a Christian Singles Conference Again

#christiandating #unpopularopinion

Haven talks about her experiences of singles conferences and why she’ll NEVER go to one again! Later in the video Lauren caught up with Hattie from Hoot Singles who runs singles events in London. She explains why getting yourself out there and attending singles events is how to expand your Christian networks to find a partner.

Comment if you’re also done with singles conferences. Would you go to a singles social event?

Follow Hoot Singles on Instagram to find out about their London based events: https://www.instagram.com/hootsingles/

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  1. @felipediazcristianismo on February 26, 2025 at 6:23 pm

    We men, maybe just me, are very stupid and dumb with words when there’s nothing to talk about besides me and other people. But if I see something that I like (food, books, etc.), something not-myself, not-other people, then opening up is easy. We can focus on the thing and in the process get to know each other.

  2. @electricalengineer6502 on February 26, 2025 at 6:25 pm

    Christian Women, hear me. Your church is feminised. Men are done. Repent of your feminism and tell Men you will submit to us. Nothing less will bring us back to church.

  3. @RachelNichols-writer on February 26, 2025 at 6:25 pm

    Are conferences supposed to be for meeting dates? I thought they were about learning how to serve God as we are and encouraging one another in our callings.

  4. @Eric-kn4yn on February 26, 2025 at 6:27 pm

    Shes old all the best

  5. @jeremycarpenter5550 on February 26, 2025 at 6:28 pm

    Boaz and ruth great love story in the bible.

  6. @PearlAdun on February 26, 2025 at 6:29 pm

    Hi. I don’t really like commenting on videos but anyways some things I could suggest that you could video doing on your own as a single person are doing a karaoke on your own ie with no friends in the room or on stage just going on your own and signing yourself up for it and well singing, go on a solo trip outside your city or the country, go sky diving, not saying you should do all obviously, volunteering, attending a cooking class, attend a work out class that will normally not interest you etc, that’s all, I do enjoy your videos on things single people can do on their own, have a good one ✌️

  7. @oaklandsoldier8520 on February 26, 2025 at 6:30 pm

    Men dont attend because we’re not attractive enough. Most of us aren’t that 6"5 blue eyed banker. Women don’t attend because they aren’t seeing the 6"5 blue eyed banker at the same event.

  8. @sergioalvarez1919 on February 26, 2025 at 6:30 pm

    Dang, this is the equivalent to turning up to an AA meeting and being told you have a problem. Like you don’t say!?

  9. @edwardmylnychuk5774 on February 26, 2025 at 6:31 pm

    unless you are a chad that females want to ffffffffff with you there is no point in going to any event with females to be rejected by all because they are delusional///////////

  10. @scasey1960 on February 26, 2025 at 6:31 pm

    You chased all the men away

  11. @ngozinwafor2022 on February 26, 2025 at 6:32 pm

    I would have stayes, couples can still meet

  12. @felipediazcristianismo on February 26, 2025 at 6:34 pm

    "Free meal for guys made by single ladies" conference would be better LOL

  13. @HoteDonkey on February 26, 2025 at 6:38 pm

    95% of women find 80% of men unattractive. Fellas, when they say they want more "men" they don’t mean you or me. MGT&@ hold the line.

  14. @rjmacready8830 on February 26, 2025 at 6:39 pm

    You should have a footwashing event. That will get some folks hooked up.

  15. @stephent5963 on February 26, 2025 at 6:41 pm

    Got to say it, there is a reason why you are single, esp. at your age. Take ownership for why you are in this position, and allow Christ to put to death what clearly remains needing to be put to death. Acts teaches is that we ALL enter heaven through many tribulations. Choke this down to tribulation and listen to where Christ is pointing to your flesh. Tribulation is part and parcel of the normal Christian life. Thinking you don’t need it is the very reason you do need it. For the Christian the priority has always been about heaven. It never ever plays second fiddle to the world. Not you your career, industry, your destiny (btw the only destiny God talks about is to be destined for the sword). The priority is the New Man, the Mature Man in Christ. I assume you can control your urges? If so, don’t seek a partner. I assume you know what it is to be complete in Christ. This is a daily occurrence. The Spirit in you doesn’t keep appearing and disappearing. You are placed with Christ, in the Spirt, in heaven. Start acting like it and start to grow as a child of God. Just to be clear, there is no such thing as once saved always saved. When the Law came to Israel they reply, "that which you say we will do". The temple sacrificial system brough them before the Law in the Temple and they stood there as if they had never broken their promise. Then they were required to obey the whole Law. Anyone who is converted without understanding that they are called to the obedience that comes from faith, and that as a child of God they are expected from that moment on to mature as a child of God and living in the Lordship of Christ, has not been saved in the first place. They have seriously misunderstood the gospel. Christ’s blood is working blood. It’s the blood of life poured on on position, career, wealth, power, priesthood, kinsman redeemer, kingship, marriage, children, lust, greed, immorality, impurity, all psyche relationships, security, safety etc. This is the Lordship of Christ, this is the cost of following Jesus, this is what we die to in Him. This is what should be taught in church. If you get grounded in this through discipline in your life now, you will avoid a thief coming in the middle of the night, the hour of trial and being spewed out. You can’t say you haven’t been warned…..

  16. @Mike.Cebert on February 26, 2025 at 6:46 pm

    So what about the 10% of men who were there? Do you think they’d feel discouraged if they heard this?

  17. @drunkassification on February 26, 2025 at 6:46 pm

    Offering plate got passed around lol load it up lol

  18. @lepolhart3242 on February 26, 2025 at 6:46 pm

    How much does it cost to attend? I bet it`s not cheap.

  19. @davelight2220 on February 26, 2025 at 6:48 pm

    LOL men just aren’t interested in dating, marriage or relationships anymore! Women are to expensive and too much of a risk.

  20. @danielmccann4055 on February 26, 2025 at 6:48 pm

    I recently saw a video with the title "Western women will become extinct." These are ‘No" women. No tribe. No husband; No children, no male sexual energy. Nothing but emptiness. Virtually all of them had a change if they were honest about it but found a reason to say no. Even now if you offered them a chance at a caring and healthy physical relationship they would fall back on their failed and broken belief systems that have failed them from day one and say no. They are the wilted flowers who wouldn’t be picked and now no one wants..

  21. @electricalengineer6502 on February 26, 2025 at 6:48 pm

    Modern women use Christianity as just another disqualification layer to filter out Men from their dating/mating/marriage choices. They still want the secular fleshly boxes to be ticked by him, but he also needs to love Jesus.

  22. @gregorybaldwin1658 on February 26, 2025 at 6:49 pm

    At the Christian singles event, the women there were a bunch of a$$holes. They only want the bad boys and pretty boys.

  23. @American-Motors-Corporation on February 26, 2025 at 6:49 pm

    Yeah you know I was just sitting here thinking whatever happened to the singles dances that churches used to put on?

    I mean I’m 39 and I know that they used to exist and you know in my area which is in Central Ohio I don’t recall any of those being advertised for like the past 15 years dare I say?

    I mean I will be honest that even when I was like 10 years old I used to poopoo the idea of those events because I figured that the church would try to recruit us not that I am unchristian I identify as Christian however, I don’t go to church I don’t need to visit a certain building with a certain group of people every week to believe in God.

    I mean I guess everybody would want to blame the internet for the disappearance of those singles dances but I disagree I mean like I said I don’t recall any of them being advertised for at the very bare minimum 15 years and even 15 years ago the bar was still kind of a place to go except it was becoming less of a place to go and as far as online goes well 15 years ago exactly you had a few dating sites but nobody really wants to pay I mean specifically men let’s face it most of those dating apps are nowadays hook up apps and all this other business is just another way to pick a man’s pocket.

    The reason I find it interesting that they don’t have singles dances anymore is because they’re also in the club that is complaining heavily about the drop in birth/replacement rate.

    Yeah I know they’re also probably upset about the drop in marriage but how’s anybody even going to give it a go if they never meet?

    Of course I guess the other reason why a lot of us kind of used to poo poo the concept of a church singles dance was not just because we kind of thought that they were putting some of their own out there as a means of recruiting us but simply because they were using lust to do so that they claim to be against.

    I don’t know I mean if you’re a church girl or please fill me in I mean especially if you’ve belong to numerous churches over the years please fill me in on you know maybe each church is different on how they do that but is it or was it some sort of recruitment tool?

  24. @justmeandmy on February 26, 2025 at 6:50 pm

    1. Singles Community is to support your needs in singleness — not to find a man.

    2. If you keep patronizing businesses that bias towards women, you will keep going to places where the gender skew is, surprise surprise, to women.

  25. @maurandalewis4427 on February 26, 2025 at 6:51 pm

    This was an interesting video, while I agree that largely christian events are not equally balanced in terms of gender. There are some rare gems I’ve been able to attend which have been a lot of good fun with a great ratio. Being london based, I find that there are more options. Personally, I also find going with the mindset of just going to an event to meet new people helps take the pressure off and soften my disappointment. Who is to say that God leading you to an event is so that you can meet a husband maybe it’s for you to meet a new friend or experience something new.

  26. @dunamis333 on February 26, 2025 at 6:51 pm

    Believers do NOT attend these events! You will NOT meet your appointed spouse at these places. I’ve been happily married now for 29 years. The guranteed way of meeting your appointed spouse is to pray daily for him/her long BEFORE ever meeting them. The when, the where and the how you meet, leave to the Holy Spirit. In addition, set apart at least TWO days a week for praying and fasting for your spouse! Do this, and within 12 Months you will meet your appointed spouse. This will NOT work if you have been divorced. The reason being you’re still married before God. Only death can dissolves the marraige covenant. Why does the above work? Because the Holy Spirit sees a married couple as ONE person and works round the clock to direct the steps of both the male and female to meet each other.

  27. @anosh88 on February 26, 2025 at 6:51 pm

    I think there are more men out there who are looking for companionship than you believe. It’s just in my experience most Christian women play too many mind games and aren’t upfront about their intentions and expect the guy to read their minds. This is why I believe we are in the mess we’re currently in. Men aren’t as complicated as women are.

  28. @David-gj5sg on February 26, 2025 at 6:52 pm

    1 of The reasons why I’m not going to a Christian singles event today is because my experience as a David, david is goliath and goliath is david. it’s ghetto i mean even the Philistine noun.2 Origin-growing wasn’t a Philistine noun.2 Origin-growing editions. I guess too much attention?

  29. @albertbegin5119 on February 26, 2025 at 6:55 pm

    Perhaps it would be best to find a mate base on their character rather than their beliefs.

  30. @scwiggie on February 26, 2025 at 6:56 pm

    Try being a black man Christian at a 98% white singles event. especially in the USA. It’s as lonely as being a believer in an atheist conference

  31. @ashleydominiak9059 on February 26, 2025 at 6:57 pm

    As a guy who attended one of these by suggestion of the Pastor probably so more men attend and doing his sister Church a favour this Lady is right there were more women there the guys and the worst thing was no one woman was interested these might aswell just be called a service just focus on your relationship with God and Jesus

  32. @froggacuda1605 on February 26, 2025 at 6:57 pm

    So, you went to a "Christian singles retreat" thinking, for some inexplicable reason, that it was going to be a "Christian dating event"? Then, you were quite irritated that they focused on living a Christian life as a single person? Huh

  33. @electricalengineer6502 on February 26, 2025 at 6:59 pm

    IDEA: Do a Christian singles event where the women bring a home cooked meal and serve it to the guys. Then you’ll see the blokes turn up

  34. @jess77surfs on February 26, 2025 at 7:02 pm

    It also makes it abundantly clear that Christian women work harder on their growth and development than so-called Christian men do

  35. @MrBiggles53 on February 26, 2025 at 7:02 pm

    Always read the conference schedule.

  36. @crusaderjmo5415 on February 26, 2025 at 7:02 pm

    Guys don’t go to these. We know that if we did it’d be 3 guys with all the 6’s getting all the attention and every other guy will have just wasted 2 hours of their time.

  37. @SaltyGammon567 on February 26, 2025 at 7:03 pm

    The issue isn’t Christian singles events, it’s singles events in general. Guys don’t go to these because 1: They’re cringe – imagine going in to work on Monday and telling your mates that you were at a singles event! Embarrassing. 2: There’s a perception that you, as a guy, are going there to be judged by left over women that no one else wanted, and usually, these kind of women are the type that have standards way above what they should be, while themselves not being anywhere near the type that a guy would want (example – being fat is not ok, no matter what society tells you). So, instead of being ignored and judged over the internet, you pay to go to one of these events to be judged and ignored in person. Guys gain absolutely nothing from these events. I’m not trying to sound harsh, I’m sure there are genuinely fantastic and graceful women that go to these – and the lady in this video seems lovely (not sure why she’s single!) – but this is the perception that guys have, and the reasons why we don’t turn up.

  38. @HansBezemer on February 26, 2025 at 7:07 pm

    The advantage to an ordinary singles event is: if you can’t get one – you can at least pray for one.

  39. @jeremycarpenter5550 on February 26, 2025 at 7:08 pm

    1 Timothy chapter 3 man looking for my proverbs 31 wife .

  40. @pinkroses135 on February 26, 2025 at 7:10 pm

    Maybe I’m cynical but I don’t see the point. A conference to tell you how to be single? Some of the best relationships come from answering God’s call in the day to day. This seems like it’d only be useful for a handful of people and if someone did meet someone I’d wonder about their theology/beliefs and lifestyle not matching.

  41. @marcodamanlius on February 26, 2025 at 7:11 pm

    I will tell you what and why this happened. If you have watched many youtube videos of why men are not attenxing such event anymore is because of several good reasons: American men are fed up with American Modern Women who are feminists and expecting men to obey women and pay everything for thr women. Look up on YouTube and so many are saying the same thing as you said. Do you know where the men are? They are having their passports and become passport brothers to fly to Asia such as the Philippines and Thailand to find an old fashioned Conservative bride for themselves.

    Christian singles events are a no no for me if I want to meet someone special because 99 percent of time it is all like a church. Not a fellowship to meet each other. I am sure you felt same way. We DO have thst in common. See? We need a plan. A Christian singles expo style greet and meet rather rhan seminar style Christian Singles event like you went. I am trying hard to find that way but not working out. Since I enjoy roller skating, find a roller rink that has Christian Skate Night. Best there is compare to seminar/church service style. I am going to do a national tour starting January to go to rinks and my own greet and meet in towns and cities I plan for 2025. Not churches. Fellowships, period. Glad you found out about this.

    You can try to find a Christian hobby group you might like to join.. like I do with skating. I don’t know you and don’t know what you like but try it.

    I am anti online dating sites. In my research up to 4 percent of couples do get married after meeting online dating site. Huge failure. This is why I left Salt. No one showed interest and many judgmental toward me on that site.

  42. @electricalengineer6502 on February 26, 2025 at 7:12 pm

    Women: "I turned up to a church and it was a waste of time because it didn’t fill my exact needs and wants so ladies don’t bother". Solipsism.

  43. @animal79thecat on February 26, 2025 at 7:15 pm

    These wimmin only want Chad

  44. @Apbt-rv7zw on February 26, 2025 at 7:17 pm

    Go to the mormon single events. They have Young Single Adults YSA 18 -32 yrs age and Single Adults 34 -:Elderly age group. Goes over a weekend, they have dances, workshops, games, meals.
    Great time together. The YSA will have hundreds attending.

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