Christians just to let you know you haven’t got the monopoly on marriage. Anyone has the right to marriage. Especially when good people don’t get caught up in your delusion .
Candice i like the way you tell the truth BUT women DECIDE what that want! To be married or not, to abort or not, to be in love with another woman or not! The way you live your christianity is only your choice! And don’t forget tours ancestrors have force to become christian
Well they can share last names and have a ring on there finger which shows there commitment to each other. We can call people our husband and wife’s and why do we need reason to get married?
She is 1000% in the right for being aggressive towards her bc we are religious and if your wearing our creators cross on your chest as a non believer (I find it insulting like wearing a rosary) ohhhhhh boyyyy good thing there’s something called the fear of Godshe clearly aint got it.
Marriage is a legal contract. It is legally and financially advantageous to be married. Is Owens claiming only religious people are entitled to those advantages?
Love Candace but this is just stupid. A public declaration of love and commitment is as valid for atheists as it is for Christians. It doesn’t have to be a Christian wedding a civil ceremony is also very important for some people.
Candice i like the way you tell the truth BUT women DECIDE what that want! To be married or not, to abort or not, to be in love with another woman or not! The way you live your christianity is only your choice! And don’t forget your ancestrors have been force to become christian
Because we’re required to from the government if we want to have any rights in an emergency situation, the tax break, also required to be married to be on his insurance…
I’m sorry… so only religious folk can get married? Because an atheist wedding means nothing but a tax break? And what’s she going on about topless photos for likes? Does she think only atheists do these things??
Marriage is a formal and socially recognized legal commitment of a sexually exclusive relationship. It is also universally respected across all countries and most cultures. Many religions also see marriage as a religious rite or sacrament – I have no problem with that, but it is unfortunate they use the same word for both the civil contract and religious covenant. Regardless, it is a benefit, even to non-religious people because raising kids is a multi-decade endeavor and women need the security that comes with marriage to procreate with a man. But, I will say, the tax benefit is pretty nice.
Candace is an idiot. Atheists, believe it or not, believe in love, and being married, making a long life commitment to each other in a ceremony is a deep expression of that love. Who the hell does she think she is to believe that those who believe in supernatural beings, based on, " Faith," are somehow the only ones worthy of Marriage. I would rather commit to someone for life based on the love of their heart, than marry someone as a requirement to appease a man made religious dogma.
Why do Christians eat lobster? The bible tells them not to, but they do it anyway.
Married means access to his money legally.
Bit ironic a Christian from a church, having a go at someone benefitting from tax breaks, don’t you think?
Pot. Kettle. Much?
Christians just to let you know you haven’t got the monopoly on marriage. Anyone has the right to marriage. Especially when good people don’t get caught up in your delusion .
Candice i like the way you tell the truth BUT women DECIDE what that want! To be married or not, to abort or not, to be in love with another woman or not! The way you live your christianity is only your choice! And don’t forget tours ancestrors have force to become christian
Well they can share last names and have a ring on there finger which shows there commitment to each other. We can call people our husband and wife’s and why do we need reason to get married?
Legal rights over children
what is forever to an atheist if nothing happens when you die?
I agree but also yes the tax break is significant I highly suggest getting legally married
What the HELL has it got to do with this arrogant, entitled, disrespectful woman as to what an atheist does regarding marriage?
It serms like she thinks that somehow Christianity has the total monopoly on marriage.
It most certainly does NOT and I’d suggest that the sooner she learns that, the better.
I respect how she speaks her mind and blows away the nonsense people think is ok.
She is 1000% in the right for being aggressive towards her bc we are religious and if your wearing our creators cross on your chest as a non believer (I find it insulting like wearing a rosary) ohhhhhh boyyyy good thing there’s something called the fear of Godshe clearly aint got it.
I’m christian but marriage also has several societal benefits especially in healthcare and law.
Candice Owen’s is speaking to people smarter than her without her realizing it.
Marriage is a legal contract. It is legally and financially advantageous to be married. Is Owens claiming only religious people are entitled to those advantages?
I really respect what she’s saying here, but not for nothing she went from being an apostate Protestant to a Roman Catholic… let that seep in. Iykyk.
Marriage predates Christianity
These girls, they don’t know the meaning of things. They just ignorants of life.
starting a family should be only reason to marry
Was married clearly defined in this convo?
Love Candace but this is just stupid. A public declaration of love and commitment is as valid for atheists as it is for Christians. It doesn’t have to be a Christian wedding a civil ceremony is also very important for some people.
I’m atheist. And like most Asians. We don’t really believe in god like u. But we believe in marriage. Cadace is very wrong in this
Candice i like the way you tell the truth BUT women DECIDE what that want! To be married or not, to abort or not, to be in love with another woman or not! The way you live your christianity is only your choice! And don’t forget your ancestrors have been force to become christian
Is marriage only a religious thing??? I like Candace but here I totally disagree with her!!
They want to get married ONLY for divorce reasons benefiting only them
Marriage is a scam, religion is a scam all controlled by government.
Who cares
Candace thinks she knows everything.
I’m Atheist and I got married.
I don’t need an invisible bearded man to commit to my wife.
It’s a cultural decision. The God of the Bible obviously hates women so I don’t need the Bible or some peasant 1st Cenutry Jew to be married.
As a Christian, I pray God warms Owen’s heart. I believe she is turning people away from God.
Gay marriage debunked in thirty seconds.
Love you, sister Candace. You’re the only one who throws truth to the faces of evil zionists as well as those children K#llers
Sin is sin sex outside of marriage is a gross sin in the sight of God
I love Candace; how easily she demonstrates the stupidity of these two twitts’!!
That’s stupid candice, love is love
It’s about the ceremony
Don’t give marred people tax breaks, then less atheist will get married. Why put the government in your personal relationship?
Because we’re required to from the government if we want to have any rights in an emergency situation, the tax break, also required to be married to be on his insurance…
I’m sorry… so only religious folk can get married? Because an atheist wedding means nothing but a tax break? And what’s she going on about topless photos for likes? Does she think only atheists do these things??
She’s either joking or completely stupid. I hate Candice Owens so much. Disgusting person.
For non religious proposes we should have something called "Civil Partnership" instead of marriage, problem solved…
Marriage is a formal and socially recognized legal commitment of a sexually exclusive relationship. It is also universally respected across all countries and most cultures. Many religions also see marriage as a religious rite or sacrament – I have no problem with that, but it is unfortunate they use the same word for both the civil contract and religious covenant. Regardless, it is a benefit, even to non-religious people because raising kids is a multi-decade endeavor and women need the security that comes with marriage to procreate with a man. But, I will say, the tax benefit is pretty nice.
Legally you have no rights unless you get married. Regardless of religion you want o commitment
Candace is an idiot. Atheists, believe it or not, believe in love, and being married, making a long life commitment to each other in a ceremony is a deep expression of that love. Who the hell does she think she is to believe that those who believe in supernatural beings, based on, " Faith," are somehow the only ones worthy of Marriage. I would rather commit to someone for life based on the love of their heart, than marry someone as a requirement to appease a man made religious dogma.
Why do christians get divorsed?