Verse by Verse Teaching | Intro to the book of Revelation | Gary Hamrick
Verse by Verse Teaching | Intro to the book of Revelation | Gary Hamrick
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#Cornerstonechapel #GaryHamrick #CalvaryChapel
I’m gonna do a round 4 He is gifted with this!
Which chapter is he in today
Church Is New Eve
8-7-24 watching from Wisconsin, Nekoosa!!! Love Gary’s teachings!!!
Praise God I been desiring this type of information revelation scares me and that’s my honesty. However I know Jesus will keep me & protect me. Grateful for his word .
You have to look at the context of Paul’s words surrounding his message here in Thessalonians chapter 4.
The crowd that Paul was speaking to in Thessalonians were worried that they would die before Jesus came again and they would miss Jesus. In Thessalonians chapter 4, Paul was reassuring them that they would be THE FIRST to see Jesus if they had already died. This is why he said the dead in Christ will rise FIRST, and then those alive who are remaining shall be caught up to meet Jesus in the clouds. The clouds are in the earths atmosphere.
This is the SECOND coming of Jesus. Paul wasn’t telling them anything about end times and what happens during Daniel’s 70th week. They would not need to be raptured because they are dead and already with the Lord. To be absent from the body would be present with the Lord. If they are already with the Lord, they do not need to be raised to be protected from the great tribulation.
The rapture theory is so dangerous bc people will not be prepared to endure the tribulation. We need to be prepared to suffer for Christ. Why would Jesus take the church out of the world just when the world needed the church the most? People thinking they won’t endure suffering will fall away when they realize Jesus did not carry them away before the hard times of the tribulation.
God never says we will have an easy trouble free life here on this earth. We should count it a joy to suffer for Christ. Sadly , there is hardly a church here now on earth. Just like in Noah’s day, there were so few righteous people. Even today,it is the same. There isn’t a church right now to rapture. This is why the 7 churches were addressed inthe beginning of Revelation. The church today is lukewarm at best. The lukewarm church will have to give a strong testimony during the tribulation for Jesus Christ even to a possible death because of this generation’s lukewarmness.
Im so much very appreciate it to Pastor Gary Hamrick to explain the Revelation so clearly. May Lord Jesus Christ blessing you and protect you and your family abundantly
This man does not even read from GOD’S WORD the KJB !
How about those dead who donated all the organs or body parts, if the dead will rise again to meet the Lord?
Praise the LORD
My son is a missionary and he wants to listen to this Bible study on Revelation. But, he cannot watch it on video. Is there a way he can listen to this on a podcast?
We were wondering, Did Enoch & Elijah have glorified body when they were taken to heaven?
Thank you for this study!!!! Could I have the PowerPoint ?
No where in the Bible are we told there is a future 7-year tribulation.
Feb. 24, 2025…. watching back again and again
Why is it significant that in Revelation judgments came in sets of seven?
“Babylon the great” (Revelation 17:5) was the recipient of these judgments (Rev. 16:19; 18:2-8). Babylon was also known as “the great harlot” (Rev. 17:1) and the “great city” (Rev. 17:18), which was first identified as the place “where also our Lord was crucified” (Rev. 11:8), i.e, Jerusalem. Babylon was responsible for the bloodshed of the saints, prophets, and apostles (Rev. 16:4-7, 17:6, 18:20, 18:24). This is the same bloodshed which Jesus said the religious leaders of Israel would be held responsible and judged for in His own generation (Matthew 23:29-36).
In Deuteronomy 32:20, 29 God spoke of “the latter end” of Israel (see also Deut. 31:29), when there would be “a perverse and crooked generation…children in whom is no faith” (Deut. 32:5, 20; see also Matthew 17:17, Luke 18:8, and Philippians 2:14-15). Upon that generation He would “avenge the blood of His servants” (Deut. 32:43). In Leviticus 26, God repeatedly warned that Israel would one day receive seven-fold judgments:
“And after all this, if you do not obey Me, then I will punish you seven times more for your sins” (Lev. 26:18).
“Then, if you walk contrary to Me, and are not willing to obey Me, I will bring on you seven times more plagues, according to your sins” (Lev. 26:21).
“And if by these things you are not reformed by Me, but walk contrary to Me, then I also will walk contrary to you, and I will punish you yet seven times for your sins” (Lev. 26:23-24).
“And after all this, if you do not obey Me, but walk contrary to Me, then I will also walk contrary to you in fury; and I, even I, will chastise you seven times for your sins” (Lev. 26:27-28)
Interestingly, when Josephus described the spoils of war that the Romans took from Jerusalem in 70 AD, he wrote, “…These lamps were in number seven, and represented the dignity of the number seven among the Jews” (Wars 7.5.5).
Why did the judgments in the Book of Revelation come in the form of seven seals, seven trumpets, and seven bowls? These were the seven-fold plagues that God promised would come upon Israel in her latter days:
“…I will bring on you seven times more plagues, according to your sins” (Leviticus 26:21).
“…Come out of her, My people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues… Therefore her plagues will come in one day…” (Revelation 18:4, 8).
These plagues were poured out during the Jewish-Roman War of 66-73 AD in fulfillment of what God promised in Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28, 32. The seven seal, trumpet, and bowl judgments of the Book of Revelation have nothing to do with our future and they were never intended for the entire planet. They were for the final generation of Israel, the crooked and perverse generation of Jesus’ own day. The apostles, prophets, and all of heaven rejoiced when this was accomplished (Revelation 18:20).
Straight from the Bible, truth! Amen!
But the preterist view matches Rev 1:1 and how the events were soon to take place in the 1st century, not 2000 years later. To say otherwise is distorting the scripture.
The futurist view was bad in the 40s, the 80s, the 90s, 2000s, …2020s,…it is just an incorrect view of what the Bible actually says.
As I go through my week I come across Gary I try to listen. He is a great teacher. God has blessed him. Amen
So when is the millenium on this chart?? I have been searching far and wide for when the millenium is exactly. Any help would be much appreciated!
The Revelation is not a complicated book if one is led by the Spirit of the Lord.
Why would the Lord make the book to be complicated?
I would love to receive the Bible you use for your studies at your church? I am willing to pay for it. I enjoy following pastor Gary Hamrick, here in Puerto Rico. His studies help me with the youth group I hold in Tuesdays in my home. Can you mail to Elizabeth Gutierrez, HC1 Box 8180, Hatillo, PR 00659. Thank you
I can’t wait for him to do this book again after all these events that have been taking place these past few years. Thank you, Pastor G, for your wisdom and biblical study.
Mark of the beast…. What he can’t see he can’t trust. He is blind of the heart.
Thank you.
This series was given 4 years ago and I’m just getting to listen to them! Praise the Lord! I just finished your series on Daniel so my pastor said Revelation would seem like a good place to go next! It’s amazing to me…the world was getting worse four years ago….and as Pastor Hamrick said "it’s going to get worse"…oh it has! I’m 77 years old and I just can hardly believe the things I see and hear! May believers draw closer and closer to our soon coming KING!! God bless you Pastor Hamrick along with my pastor here in Kentucky who is faithful in preaching Truth! We believe prayer is the lifeblood of our church!
Dear Pastor, I just found you today. I wish I’d found you sooner, but am going to binge watch your videos until I catch up. You are so sharp in your thinking, precise in your instruction, and hilarious in your delivery. I can’t thank you enough for your clear instruction that also keeps me engaged. God Bless you, you deserve all the blessings only He can give
Im eva taylor
From the Philippines im so happy to have found Pastor
Thank God
I love your teachings!!!!
Praise the Lord for using the pastor.
I don’t know what I would do without Pastor Gary. I was at a rest stop and had 6 more hours to go and a lady and her husband mentioned that my daughter and I should listen to him. I did and it was the best gift given to me. I will forever listen and learn from him. I pray God protects Gary and his family as we move forward in this ever changing and scary world. Lord help me and guide me and my family closer to you. Teach us your way. Help us learn. Keep us safe. Guide us to make the right choices and spread your word. I pray in Jesus Mighty name… Amen
SDA Church Sabbath Day Keep Christian Believe Antichrist Is Catholic Church
Okay so I watched till Minute 32 and I’ll stop there cause there are two things wrong in what he says:
1. "The Rapture" happening before the tribulation – that’s wrong… Jesus will come at the end of the tribulation, otherwise these words won’t make sense: Mat 24:22 "If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened." … so the elect is there during those days that are so terrible that they will be shortened… therefore the elect have NOT been ‘raptured’ prior to the tribulation.
2. He said it himself, "the dead in Christ shall rise first"… that is true, but then he goes on to say that the spirit of these people are already with Jesus… well that’s nowhere to be found in the bible. When you are dead, you are ASLEEP, as Jesus said when Lazarus died… that’s what Jesus taught… not that your body is here and the spirit is in heaven… like this guy says here, no no… that is not biblical. When you die in Christ, you are asleep, you will only be raised when Jesus comes again. That’s it, end of story, there’s no question of ‘how much will Jesus allow us to see as per what’s happening on earth’, like the guy asks… NO… none of it, you’re not aware of anything, you sleep, when Jesus comes, you’re raised incorruptible… everything that is you, goes to Jesus… and that’s when you shall be taken to heaven. NOT before.
I’m searching the net for videos teaching on Revelation, but I want to follow the truth… given these two blatant wrong teachings above, I cannot continue to listen to the man… I’ll have to go try another preacher and see if what the new guy is saying has mistakes or not… that quest is starting to get tiring…
SDA Church Sabbath Day Keep Christian Believe Historic
Thank you so very much. Looking forward to studying the Book of Revelations .
God bless.
Thanks to Lord I found this channel and I can learn
Once you are in Heaven you may say to yourself, how is it I was so afraid to leave this earth. You’re going to feel more joy than ever before, my friend. Never ever to feel pain again. No deceit, no lies, no concern except for the praising of our Savour.
I can’t wait. Meet you there. Lords blessings always and all ways.