Top 5 Biblical TV Shows You Need to Watch !!
Top 5 Biblical TV Shows You Need to Watch !!
This video gives my recommendations on the top 5 biblical tv shows you need to watch each show in this list is a christian tv show and a historical tv show which highlights various events from the bible. So if you want a tv show about jesus or tv shows about chrisitianity or religious tv shows in general then this list is the perfect fit for you. So for the best biblical shows out there check out this video, this list will also appeal to fans of biblical movies or historical movies who are looking for something a bit more slower paced.
@2:00 ya it’s great except for all the white people playing, middle eastern people!
Kindly tell me from where I can watch Ad kingdome and Empire
The Chosen does a great job at adapting fairytales!
Risen should have been included
I have watched this entire list and they are all great shows that do well telling the stories. I like the perspective of the Red Tent. The Bible really was the first show that told the bible stories in a different way down to diverse and more realistic casting. Great list as usual.
Zeffirelli was a supreme visual director
The chosen deserves number one.. truly…. I am a baptized believer and this chosen made me a believer again…
I love Jesus of Nazareth to since childhood it is one of the best ever as well for the portrayal of Jesus…
Your list is superb ! I never thought I’d say any is better than Jesus of Nazareth because that one stands on its own but the chosen earned this I believe God ordained this Himself .. it stands in line with the ten commandments..and that one stands on its own to..but I feel proud that in this Era such superb depth as the chosen can be brought forward .. people who aren’t accustomed to such script can think otherwise but this really was well researched and done.. as for those who said it’s fairytale it’s such historical and biblical truth but there has to be Adlibs but it doesn’t remove any of the truths ..
Great work
The red tent looks too steamy to be a good christian show
The vulgarity difference between hollywood make biblical based movies and Muslims make biblical based movies.
Fun fact – the penalty for sedition in Judaea was stoning to death, and the bodies were taken to a mass open grave.
Then relatives would collect the bones like a year later when they were fully decomposed.
Crucifixion was more for murderers, pirates, bandits.
Also the stories of Christians being fed to lions and “Roman Candles”, never happened.
One of your recommandations seems obscene….
Jesus Christ of Nazareth 1977 is my favorite I have seen it several times over the years and it feels like the first time every time.