To the Christian struggling with Anxiety
To the Christian struggling with Anxiety #Shorts
Choose bold faith in the face of fearful thoughts and anxiety.
Want more content? Search for my video, “How the Holy Spirit Set Me Free from Anxiety & Panic Attacks,” on YouTube search.
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#EncounterTV #DavidDigaHernandez #God #BibleTruth #Anxiety #AnxietyRelief #Anxious #Fear #Encouragement #Christian

Want more content? Search for my video, “How the Holy Spirit Set Me Free from Anxiety & Panic Attacks,” on YouTube search.
I need more understanding
Your Goodness is running after me Lord in the MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS
Thanks for not paywalling this
Fear : WHAT IF
Faith : EVEN IF
God im scared of all the scary thing that is happening in the world. but i can only trust you, you are the source of everything. God please protect me and everyone.
Even if…. it’s not accurate or true… yeh we know.. faith is great for going Along with literally anything you need if it makes you feel better.
Can we talk please
The Lord said he would not lay a burden that we could not bear, thank the Lord that you cannot bear much and do not judge those who carry much for if the Lord would lay on you only a tenth that some suffer you would lose faith forever. Each one carries the cross that the Lord gave him; some crosses are heavier but the reward will be greater.
Why do they let themselves become martyrs they should physically fight back against their enemies it’s time we christians start arming and protecting ourselves from our enemies with the help of the second ammendment for God and his cavalry ain’t coming down from the skies
In Jesus’s mighty name, Amen!
Fear asks, "What if?"
God bolding declares,
"Even if."
Glory to Jesus for His love and mercy. They can hurt me but they can’t take my faith !
Thousands of suicides every day. Don’t tell me none of them prayed, begged for help and mercy. That none of them weren’t faithful Christians. I don’t understand.
I know Christ is the truth and if you don’t accept him into your heart you are set for eternal doom yet I fear everyday either I lose the gift of life or the rapture happens and I miss because I know I haven’t done this. Recently I had like this nightmare or dream that’s made following Christ feel empty and hopeless but mostly empty. I don’t know what to do
That is honestly so brilliantly said.
I needed to here this!
I have OCD and now I feel better that someone actually this is the most accurate perspective I’ve seen from someone that doesn’t have OCD. It just shows you the power of God. Maybe that’s a compulsion I’m doing right now but I do feel better and less fearful sorry for commenting so much. I just want to just make you feel like you served a purpose
A Christian life is a persecuted life
God help me
Agree with this 100% but problem my anxiety even gets on the way of any faith like “what if there is no god”…..anxiety sucks.
Going through anxiety and panic attacks. Waking up feeling tired, scared and doubtful that the worst can happen but this one here was a perfect hit on the nail! Even if!
Please don’t laugh. I need prayer to quit smoking weed. I’ve backed off a lot but I’m still smoking it. I’ve quit cigarettes, meth and alcohol plus 10 prescriptions all gone. Now I have this. It’s very hard.