This Video Will Make You Love Malia Obama ★ 2022
This Video Will Make You Love Malia Obama ★ 2022
Malia Obama, eldest child of President Obama is one of the most talked about kids in Hollywood. She is always in the news. Like if she isn’t in the news for smoking, then it would be for locking lips with one havard boy. Don’t get us wrong, we love Malia, but there’s no denying the fact that she is kinda controversial. Let’s take a look at what Malia Obama’s lifestyle looks like.
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0:00 Malia Obama’s lifestyle
0:38 Malia Obama’s bio & birthday
1:18 Malia Obama’s education & sister
2:06 Malia Obama’s boyfriend
3:05 The Obama’s home
5:23 Malia Obama’s fashion
This Video Will Make You Love Malia Obama ( Barack Obama’s daughter )
Libtard Nazi anti American obummers are garbage!!!!
Flames of inspiration from former US First Lady Michelle Obama, I love she!
Yes Ovomit….The so called black president that do a thing for blacks is in his 8 years in office…He also tried to ruin America!
Him and his last ver Big Mike(Michelle)…
Big Mike (Michelle) did not give birth to two girls. Men cannot give birth to babies. They borrowed those 2 girls from their friends.
Am I the only one that thinks the kids are ugly?
Still don’t cuz of her creepy "dad"…
Only thing I wanna know is where did he get that thumbnail plz post links for those tht know
Why not verify before saying something? There is nothing like Malia in Swahili
Malkia = Queen
Wow, they’re really opressed..smh!
Is she the piece of trash that crack head Hunter Biden has been tagging ?
Love her as who?.
Daughter of the Antichrist
There is literally nothing that could make me or anyone I know here in middle America love any Obama. Communists posing as liberals.
Smarter than any Trump or Biden offspring!
Didn’t work. I don’t love her. I’m not a fan of people who smoke and have no regard for the environment.
The next time you do a blog on Malia Obama, do it without pictures of (trump)!!!!!
You been here longer than that on this planet to know what type of dress to wear. Have you heard of a slip that goes under a dress if not. To check the weather every day before leaving your home. We don’t want icicles hanging from somewhere private now do me bye-bye.
America freedom today’s freedom for women my body my choice my dress my choice. help us lord
Malia does not mean queen in Swahili! Queen in Swahili is Malkia. I hate it when people massacre our lovely language
Yo wth is up with them knees smmfh
Not an Obama, Barry and big mike rented them
Sew quarters into your dress hem and nomore flyups!!!!
Come on man Michael can’t have kids those are not their kids another lie perpetrated on We the people.
Aka: O’bummer the divider.
Nothing in the world could make me love her. But, according to Hunters laptop all she has to do is spread her legs and do cocaine for him to love her.
At times Malia’s eyes are of a similiar ‘quality’ as the LA Dodger’s "good glove no bat" Bellinger’s eyes.
I m sure Future saw that video
She looks well fed and healthy. To bad her idiot mom didn’t think our kids deserved to eat decently at school as well. Your bigoted father is a disgraceful idiot and traitor to the the country and your racist mother is a child abusing scumbag!
if I didn’t know her name she looks like she’s from the hood
Joe Biden’s crackhead son Hunter Biden banged her
Everyone lucky to be born in our Western society has the ability to choose and make their own life as best as possible. Why be jealous of those who are building a normal to impressive existence and don’t even know u exist??
I can barely understand a word you’re saying
She hated wasting time in white house. Obviously feels the same way about her country as her nation hating parents. "Whaaaa, poor me." Entitled brat.
so stupid the photos videos include which have nothing to do with the story ,,,,,gawd I hate it as it is totally distracting from the information ****click OFF****
Nope. Didn’t make me love her.
She did coke and got banged by Hunter Biden
Babylon is burning
an invisible flame
consuming spirit and mind
making body gollum,
the revolution ever turning
that is GOD, that is HIS world,
an evolution of wise learning
to spurn the wish that life is a game,
game is for hunting
now hunting is unnecessary
foolish hunters feed man to sodom
to build an axis of campers
to make comedy sport of the on-looking glampers
to drug all the picnic hampers
to rob dowry and quality of successors,
a mockery made of mock
politics of demos that must be stopped,
no true academy, no true hall under HE
wastes credited time on theory
proof under GOD is what we need
arithmetic, language skills and geometry
a strong and true trinity, best kept equallaterially
proof is of measure, wisdom is truth
not the writings of wise men
yet the wisdom the proof,
the real words are all GOD’s,
GOD is the gibberish term for GOD,
this proves the wisdom
of the un-conjugated tongue
the most diverse most perfect song,
to comprehend not only analyse
to do so with reason and completion,
Ologyicistics, grand unification
the gift of GOD’s WORD
now in clear explaination,
micro to macro to micro
macro to micro to macro
at once orbiting orbiting orbiting
simple obvious and often seen
the miracle of GOD’s created things
and the people and stuff of which angels sing,
the world is real, the prophecy is time,
not machinations of men
the fallacy of usurping the holy divine,
the Golden One is Angel
the cup ever full,
man-unkind would be menace
in time they will fall
the devil never walks
nor does it crawl, dance or tumble
it has no children, most fall to the Ba’al,
it had its conversation with GOD above all
what use are you to it? a nuisance, a fool,
get back to the prophets, the true wisdom will call
so many to start from as linear forms
all roads lead to GOD, even the forgotten ones,
where will you start?
did your family help some?
are you left to the mercy of erroneous institution?
will you have the courage to be wise as you listen?
would you give into the illusion of magical sensation?
or come back to the STAR, true measure, the tree
come back to salvation and prosperity
come back to life and sustainability
come back to me.
Beautiful girls
Kenya’s finest
Idk so
These girls are getting ready to be honest people…
No like the other SCAMMERS family.