The Truth About Christians Killed in Syria
The Truth About Christians Killed in Syria
Christians are caught in the crossfire as militant Islamists target 1,000 Alawites for mass murder. Many Christians are forced from their homes. Are they the next targets for mass murder? Ananias House Executive Director John Samara brings us an update.
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Chechenians? Russians? What?
Ahmad Alsharaa has started an investigation into these crimes, and several of these criminals have been apprehended.
Iraq Iran Afghanistan Pakistan S.Arabia Kush and part of caspian sea area was BHARAT provinces before Islam was invented for lootings and slavery invasions rape destroying temples they can’t see other religions live in peace and harmony.
Did they do some colonizer actions? I often hear Christians rationalizing atrocities based on their supremacist views.
All in all, why should we care about white ideology? Europeans wanted the world to be unstable so they could profit. This is the exact world you shaped. Stop blaming others for your devilish activities.
Murdering Christians and Alawites.
Mosques called for Jihad against my Alawite community, 25 people were excuted in my town alone..
I was there with my family when they shot my three neighbors merely for being Alawites..
It’s not over yet we need everyone to share and never let the stories of the victims die..
Al Qaeda propagandists are spreading fake news never believe their terrorist media like Al Jazeera
Why does the dude in the thumbnail picture look Fidel Castro?
UN are useless hypocrites doing nothing about this
Cant understand what what the hell is he saying cbn sucks
Today they are doing in east next in West then whole world will be silence too.
And yet all are silent.
And the world remains silent.
Let me say this in Jesus Christ name, anyone who engaged in that terrorism despite of his/ her position in the world, he/she is going to pay for it, get prepared JESUS CHRIST IS ALIVE BEFORE EVEN THE WORLD TO BEGUN, HE SEES ALL HIS PEOPLE.
All EU os full of this dirt muslims
That’s the real face of ♋️ Muslims
Religion by the sword!
High interesting
PURE DEVILED throughout intelligence agencies, those building our daily life with the aim of AGENDAS PROCESS!
My family is praying for all who are victims of injustice and violence in síria now..
Oh dear God!
Ananias was the man sent to Paul to restore Paul sight . Paul had been killing Christians. Ananias obeyed and went to Saul of Taursas , empowered by God .
Man this is so sad… Where is the outcry for this horror from all those university students?
The USA and the western forces are on the Syrian soil and everything happened in their sight but they did nothing.
This is so sad
What religion do we see murdering people just because they do not belong to that religion? ISLAM? Butbutbut that’s a Great! World! Faith! We can’t criticize ISLAM!!! Let’s pile some more hate on the Jews, it’s working for Columbia University and the rest of the Ivy League. Really. When are people going to get their heads out of the sand and understand that ISLAM’S command to subjugate or kill all "infidels" is real and has consequences??
Os cristãos vão voltar a ser perseguidos como no tempo de Jesus Cristo. Aqueles que estão nas universidades a protestar contra Israel se forem cristãos também serão alvos no futuro
Whenever and wherever there is Muslims there are wars and famines
Then what about muslim/ismalic in Christian country?
What should we do?
I love our brother and sister family,
Worshipers of Baal..the muslims
Alawites ,and Christians and all minorities are the target of a Genocidal campaign launched by Al Qaeda Islamic de facto government.
This time it was thousands of Alawite victims including Christians ,we demand international intervention ASAP in order to prevent Syria from completely falling into the hands of isis
10,000 Syrians have fled Syria and over 1000 killed. It’s almost entirely Alawites being killed. The number of Christian’s reported dead is around 10. The Christian’s that were killed live in Alawite neighborhoods and were likely caught in a crossfire of these killings.
Yeah, you’re always concerned first with your "brothers and sisters in Christ", after all the rest of us are condemned to "hell" because your god "luvs" us but we are "disobedient", isn’t that how it goes?
Where are the protesters against genocide …all I hear are crickets right now.
Where are the Western priests, Ministers, Politicians, and Media, this is being ignored and is an atrocity.
I wrote to the BBC to ask why the silence – still awaiting a response.
This is happening when you give too much power to the wrong people.
Christ is King.
We win in the end.
And they know this.
Are there no big Christian organization?
Islam invented terrorism and slavery SURAH 929.
The silent media is on the side of Islam. And there is no "radical" Islam, only Islam.
Even alha can’t protect mecca US ARMY based in Dharan S.Arabia does not a single Muslim army
There were no Alawite militiamen, Alawites have been under attack since Al Qaeda took over syria.
The so called "security forces" of Al Qaeda are nothing other than thugs recruited depending on their religious background, any Sunni thug can be a "security member" !!