The Reason You Can Trust God (Even When It Seems Risky)
The Reason You Can Trust God (Even When It Seems Risky)
The word emet is a common word used to describe God in the Bible. It can be translated as “faithfulness” or “truth.” So when the authors say that God is “full of emet,” they are saying that he is trustworthy and faithful—we can trust him. But trusting isn’t always an easy thing. In this video, we look at why we can trust that God is full of emet.
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#BibleProject #Faithful #Emet
Genesis 2:17 but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall die.” Genesis 3:4 But the serpent said to the woman, “You will not die.
They ate the fruit and didn’t die that day, so who was being honest and who was being dishonest, God or the serpent?
I believe in a God. That there was a creator. But i don’t think God cares about us. Do we care about microscopic organisms? It’s the height of hubris to believe a supreme being like god would care about humans. God is real, he juat doesn’t care.
{{{}}} the spirit of vigilant_vigilance & diligent_diligence be with you 707
God bless❤
Abel didn’t consider God trustworthy?
Such a great video
Yes God is trustworthy but you also have to be trustworthy to God.
As any promise and covenant with someone.
It is to be honored and fulfilled, absolutely.
This is why taking up righteousness and virtue is a daunting task for any person amongst humanity
A God OVERFLOWING with faithfulness. He can never run out of it. ♥️
1:03 who won’t take bribe or distort justice
Not to be picky, but Abel found God to be trustworthy before Abraham.. yes? 1:45
Amazing series, I feel this kind of grounded explanation of the Bible is so helpful to my personal walk woth God
Trust science, be practical, be futuristic, you are the one who is responsible for your life. DONT TRUST GOD.
4:04 I wonder if Jesus is actually saying something, does anyone know?
Just great explanation and video!
i trust god`s faithfulnes !amen
The only condition to God being faithful to his people is “IF” they believe and “IF” they obey. There is a condition. It is a relationship and like any relationship there are conditions based on reciprocity. You are forgiven “IF” you forgive others.
I have been a Christian all my adult life. At the age of 12, I started masturbating. What should I do if it’s a sin, and it’s literally impossible to fight it (I’ve been trying for 5 years)?
God is overflowing with faithfulness! Thank you Jesus.
Okay, but how (and where) does the Old Testament discuss incest and the dangers therein? ex: Adam and Eve had a lot of children (800 years worth) but whom did the boys breed with? Eve? I don’t think so. Same for Abraham and Sarah. I don’t get it.
My dad had his boat stolen a week ago,he live on a small island so his boat is really important to go to work, and we prayed to God that we found his boat again and today, like 5 minutes ago, we got a call that the boat which was stolen has been found on another island! Thank you Lord thank you, praise be the maker of all life and now I open yt and this is the first video I see! Yes yes God is trustworthy and kind and amazing thank you my Lord was again thank you Jésus thank you ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
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Great message
I love the Bible Project!!!!
How about with physical healing, i don’t think so
God loves us and and is faithful❤
I don’t know.
God gave Abraham a direct promise so he could trust him.
God never promised me anything.
Also, this video talks about in 3:31 of people who felt abandoned, but these people never saw Jesus so they remained in this state of abandonment.
God is a traitor. Hoping for a chance to get out of my situation I tried getting to know God, trust, believed in Him as I never believed in anyone before. Instead? He put me in my lowest point in life and such great shame. No wonder not everyone believes He only chooses people to love and it’s not for everyone. He only loves rich, talented, or people who already have a loving friends and family.
AT the end when the little guy checked the sturdiness of the platform the song "My firm foundation" popped in my head. The lyrics are like this video. It made me cry lol
Christ is my firm foundation
The Rock on which I stand
When everything around me is shaking
I’ve never been more glad
That I put my faith in Jesus
‘Cause He’s never let me down
He’s faithful through generations
So why would He fail now?
He won’t
These videos are broken down so well for mental consumption. It’s almost straightforward to those who know the stories in part.
If I’m being honest, I don’t fully understand what ‘have faith’ or ‘trust God’ really means. Trust what? That he will keep you and your loved ones safe? That’s not accurate. The disciples lives/deaths are proof of that. Trust that He will provide for you? Countless faithful Christian have lived in extreme poverty. I truly don’t understand. What am I trusting? I feel like I have no safety in the world. Is it just trust that heavens great and at least you go there after you die? I just lost my baby and am in a hard place with this. I trusted God with my baby and they died. Now what?
I trust in God because He is eternal and never changes.
Give thanks to the Lord for he is good. His steadfast love endures forever.
Please make a whole series for children!
Thank you for teaching us on God’s faithfulness. When I look at my life and how He has redeemed a sinner like me with the Blood of Christ Jesus, I can see He has been faithful all along. Glory be to His Holy Name ❤
Trust god and he will betray you. I learned that lesson the hardway. Disagree with it and it does absolutely nothing to me. And you can’t stand it when there’s examples like me that contradict what you champion
ok god loves you so he will share a pearl with you god has never left you he is inside and part of you
I don’t trust myself or science. I only trust the Holy Bible and God