The END OF THE WORLD According to the Bible
The END OF THE WORLD According to the Bible
How will the world end? Dive into the Bible’s revelations about the end times, including the 7 Seal Judgments, 7 Trumpet Judgments, and 7 Bowl Judgments. Discover what the scriptures say about God’s wrath, the rise of the antichrist, and the ultimate hope for believers. This video explores key passages from Revelation and provides a clear, biblical perspective on the events that will shape the end of the world. Watch to strengthen your faith and share God’s message of salvation!
📖 VERSES REFERENCED: Revelation 5:1, Revelation 6:1, Revelation 6:2, Revelation 6:3, Revelation 6:5, Revelation 6:9-11, Revelation 6:12-17, Revelation 8:1-5, Revelation 8:2, Revelation 8:7-12, Revelation 9:1-21, Revelation 11:15-19, Revelation 16:1-21
00:00 // Intro
00:46 // Advertisement
01:56 // Preface
02:48 // Different Viewpoints
03:45 // The Seven Seal Judgements – Overview
04:32 // 1st Seal Judgement
04:54 // 2nd Seal Judgement
05:17 // 3rd Seal Judgement
05:45 // 4th Seal Judgement
06:40 // 5th Seal Judgement
07:17 // 6th Seal Judgement
07:33 // 7th Seal Judgement
07:44 // 7 Trumpet Judgements – Overview
08:01 // 1st Trumpet Judgement
08:16 // 2nd Trumpet Judgement
08:29 // 3rd Trumpet Judgement
08:41 // 4th Trumpet Judgement
09:02 // 5th Trumpet Judgement
10:32 // 6th Trumpet Judgement
11:37 // 7th Trumpet Judgement
12:06 // The Bowl Judgements – Overview
12:26 // 1st Bowl Judgement
12:42 // 2nd Bowl Judgement
13:01 // 3rd Bowl Judgement
13:16 // 4th Bowl Judgement
13:37 // 5th Bowl Judgement
13:49 // 6th Bowl Judgement
14:06 // 7th Bowl Judgement
14:25 // After Bowl Judgements
14:40 // Outro
16:23 // Credits
Written by: Myles Rumion @PracticalChristianityPodcast
Storyboard Artist: Joshua Manning @joshquatch2980
Whiteboard Artist: Joshua Manning @joshquatch2980
Edited by: Nick Bastien @NickBastien
Thumbnail by: Andrew Seltzer
Additional Art: Cristina Barriga
Animation: Joshua Manning @joshquatch2980
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Logos Bible software:
This video is rage bait if you think horseman or giant human flying bugs are real seek HELP
Pretty cool way to die
i think the world will end by the sun becoming a supernova in a billion years
Doctor, speak English.
What bible is this? I’m a Jehovah’s Witness and we believe…..
The end will come in two main stages. First, God will destroy organized false religion, portrayed as a prostitute named “Babylon the Great.” While professing loyalty to God, she has consorted with the world’s political leaders. These very rulers, however, will turn on her. “[They] will hate the prostitute and will make her devastated and naked, and they will eat up her flesh [or, riches] and completely burn her with fire.”
Next, God will turn his attention to the political rulers themselves—“the kings of the entire inhabited earth.” Along with wicked people in general, these will be destroyed in “the war of the great day of God the Almighty,” also called “Armageddon.”
Besides foretelling world events, the Bible also gives us a social profile of “the last days.” We read: “Critical times hard to deal with will be here. For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, . . . disobedient to parents, . . . without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness, . . . lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God.”
Which Bible?
another futurist take on prophecy. Those who believe this erroneous interpretation don’t tire huh?
aion = age, not world (kosmos).
worth knowing the Greek the Bible was written in.
also, the end of the eon comes after the millenial reign (which many think has already happened) – armageddon, then fire from heaven, then judgement day and the lake of fire/new heaven and Earth.
scripture is clear when you read and study it without prejudice. peace in Christ.
The end made me cry!
The sky will be rolled up? Like a curtten?
I am always terrified about this, I feel like i’m so far from God, I genuinely need someone to help and guide me. I know I have to have faith on my own, faith is intimate and personal, I know that clearly. Yet I’m so lost and I have many panic attacks from fear and guilt, I can’t be consistent and I’m so scared, everything just keeps pushing me away and I get more scared thinking about the closing time. I’ve said this to my mom, she tried to assure me, but it’s hard because she doesn’t feel as crazy as me so I can’t relate and be as assured.
I need help like actual :"
The locusts sound like bees or wasps to me
I’m a little bit scared like through this whole video I was shaking dude cause I don’t want this to happen to my family so I sent them the video
The last part made me feel better though❤
Amen God Bless
I like how you just bypass the 7th seal and don’t make any commentary about it. Do you know what the seventh seal is? It certainly doesn’t seem like its a judgment!
my bro gets free pass to heaven bro i convert to christian
RIP to those who believe this
In the sixth judgment of trumpet i think those are the fallen angels
fun fact, the four horseman are actually on earth right now but they are trapped under euphrates river waiting for it to dry up it, its a really interesting story about the 200 fallen angels, hoped that gave you a btter view. euphrates river is only one of the many prophecies come true marking the end times
Amen Jesus ❤❤❤❤
The world will not end humans will end that in the bible
It can get even better
In 4:05 you said that he revealed it to one of his disciples, which is not true, this john is a different one from whag ive heard.
you are amazing i love this video so much
Can you do a video in chronological order?
It’s not the end of the world. 7 years of struggle. Then the rich and government will fall.
Then those that are left will start a new world with peace and kindness
So if I die before most of the rapture, what will happen after death? Please something peaceful and enjoyable
People need to know god to not just Jesus.
13:33 Yeesh the fourth bowl be looking alot like Scp-001 When day breaks.
Have fun. I won’t be here. Revelation 3:10.❤
Genuine question. What happens to other planets in the solar system during the end times? What happens if at this time we have off-world colonies ?
hear me out what if they made this a tv show where like a christian didn’t get into heaven and his most important thing would be a bible bec he can predict what happens next and he survives the rapture and then gets into heaven W show idea also I hope I go to heaven but I dont know if I will and im worried
Not end of the world, the end oof mankind as we know it,.
We are in the time of signs it seems. Signs are popping up that foreshadow the end times
So which “view” is correct? Surely all of them cannot be correct.
For God sakes there is NO rapture!!!
Amen and amen❤❤❤❤❤
The seven seals are not judgments, and The seven trumpets are not judgments. Only the bowls are judgments.
I cannot spread the gospel as no one will listen.
I have a question, I wanna know if you need to be baptized to go to heaven
14:23 does Australia count
Im thinking the Bride will be here for the Seals and Raptured Up Mid Tribulation before the Trumpets amd the Bowls.
Rapture is not Pretribulation but is Mid Tribulation. In
This is terrifying but imagine this as a movie.