The Difference Between Praise and Worship
The Difference Between Praise and Worship
The Difference Between Praise and Worship
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In this video, Don explains the difference between praise and worship as well as the biblical proof of their differences.
Rechor asks:
“What is the difference between Praise and Worship? And what is some Biblical proof of their differences.”
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I’m an athiest, and I refuse to praise or worship a being like god. If he existed, I’d slap him across fhe face for the terrible deeds hes done. The only things he’s done for me have cause me pain, for no good reason. Power to those who want to belaive him but I cannot in good faith follow such a being. He is one messed up dude given what the bible says about him…
Dylan Trafficway
It is to prostrate yourself before him. Falls face down before him.
Praise is different worship because if we praise,we meant that God has given Jesus to us and saved us with his blood washed our sins away that we might have life for ever and ever, that’s why we called praise but worship is different altogether and worship is the power that can do unexpected things in a person’s life which was not experienced by someone who has been in the ministry for so long because worship changes God’s mind,means worship cost God to show his strength that was not used before, my name is Leteni Pittard of the country PNG commenting
God bless u pstrji
I believe worship is looking at the lord through the eye of faith. With him in front of us, we praise, thank, bow down for he is almighty.
God does not require the glorification of human beings, He has no ego and is beyond praise and deformation. It’s the lack of knowledge, fear and the vices, that humans feel the need to constantly praise God, this is false humility. Your praise has NO bearing on your relationship with Him. This only serves to weaken your will-power in order to conquer the vices, which is the root cause of the divide between you and God. He is your loving Father and you’re His precious child. You require this much self-resect, awareness and love to sacrifice your weaknesses out of love for Him. God definitely does not decide our fate, we ourselves are responsible for that.
Recently came upon your channel. I have been sincerely blessed. Something you might find interesting is the word worship is an old English contraction of the words "worth"-"ship". Worthy as we know means "condition of being worthy, dignity, glory, distinction, honor, renown," but the word-forming element "-ship" means "quality, condition; act, power, skill; office, position; relation between". I found this definition to be helpful as I worship our God reminding myself why I praise Him
Worship is your deep synving with the depths of God. Where you see your nothingness and vulnerability without Him: Yahweh. That is where it can now become your lifeatyle cos the worship is from your heart and not in a sOng. Your character, everything should show forth tbe glory of God in trye consecration as John 4:24-26 puts it. That’s why Be said He formed us to SHOW forth His praise.
Thank you so much for this teaching
Thank you Pastor. watching from the Philippines. God bless you more.
Worship is saying that all God is yes indeed
Amen thanks for the clarification between praise and worship ❤
How anyone believes in god in the year 2025 boggles my mind.
No He speaks through his WORD, not through a fuzzy feeling
You have no idea what the differences are because you pay no attention to the meanings of the underlying Hebrew and Greek words.
Before pretending to explain the differences, you could at least taken the time to learn what the biblical meanings are, rather than relying on your ignorance of them. Words have meaning and, when it comes to our interactions with God, we disregard those meanings at our peril.
For example, Psalm 5:7; 22:7; 29:2; 66:4; 95:6; 96:9; 97:7; 99:5, 9; 102:22; 106:19; & 132:7 are about worship, whilst all of Psalm 150 is about praise. Worship isn’t mentioned in Psalm 150. Indeed, there are more references to praise in Psalm 150 than there are references to worship in the entire Book of Psalms. Hardly surprising given that the Hebrew title for the book תהילים (tehillim) badically means ‘praises’ – as does the Greek title, ψαλμός (psalmos). Psalm 95 differentiates thanksgiving, praise and worship.
What is commonly passed off as worship today has nothing to do with a Scriptural understanding of worship, or even of praise. Jesus summed up the problem:
_This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the precepts of men._ (Matthew 15:8-9)
If one isn’t doing what Scripture calls worship, then one isn’t doing what Jesus said God requires of us:
_God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth._ (John 4:24)
The basic meaning of the Hebrew verb שָׁחָה (shachah), which appears 172 times in the Old Testament and is translated 96 times as ‘worship’ in the RSV is ‘to bow down’, or ‘to prostrate oneself’, before God, a monarch or a superior. In the Septuagint, the corresponding Greek verb is προσκυνέω (proskuneó).
Similarly, the main verb for worship in the New Testament is προσκυνέω (proskuneó), which appears 60 times, with the basic meaning ‘to kiss the ground when prostrating oneself’ before God, a monarch or a superior.
The Old and New Testament view of worship is one that combines the humble, reverential, attitude of mind and body in homage. This is something rarely seen in churches today. Nowhere in Scripture does worship ever have anything to do with music, singing or dancing. Indeed, anyone who pays attention to what the Hebrew and Greek words mean and describe would recognize in an instant the implausibility of a worshipper doing any of those things while worshiping. Psalm 95:6 typifies the physical posture attending worship:
_O come, let us worship and bow down, let us kneel before the LORD, our Maker!_
Now go and learn the meanings of the words translated as ‘praise’. Then you just might be able to give a competent answer to the question.
Beautifully put. You are such an inspiration. I thank God for you and your ministry
We Praise God for His goodness to us…Worship is to thank Him for what He has done to us.
When you sing spiritual praise to Jesus more without stopping the Holy spirit comes upon you so praise him with a real heart ❤️
Hallelujah ❤❤
Thank you dear brother and
THANK YOU for all your beautiful
Worship songs I’ve been blessed
with during my 29 years of growing
in Intimacy with my Exquisite
Three-In-One!!! I always thought
Praise was from your lips and
Worship is from your heart!!!
Praising Holy Spirit for teaching me
the importance and power in
Praise and Worship!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Look forward to meeting you
In Glory!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!⚓️⚓️⚓️
Amazing the amount of differing definitions being thrown around in the comments here. Praise and Worship theology seems very unstable. A lot of pithy slogans.
Delilah Crescent
TRUE WORSHIP – Hindi sermon
Amen praise is thanking GOD for who HE is and for what HE had done .And worship is coming saying I love YOU LORD have YOUR way in me let YOUR will be done not my will
Why are you so technical!can you just come out and play praise and worship music!its very simple! You sound like there is so many road blocks to get to get to get to be a good musician just leave them alone!give them time and space so they can figure out where they can fit in the best! Some of the best musicians need time!
Creola Highway
Hellow How am I became effective praise and worship leader?
Simply, worship in from the spirit and in truth revealed by the Holy Spirit. Praise is from the soul which demands the mind and emotions be willed to expressed in songs and adoration of the mouth. Both involved the outward posture of the body towards God.
This video was posted 7 years ago and is still effective today. Thank you
Everyone that practice Need a testimony ..testimony is require
Praise = About God – Praising his character and his works Using words like Our———-Worship is TO him – Using words like I and my, its more intimate.
Praise is what propels us into His presence, worship is encountering Him once we get there.
There is no difference
good to learn that
Praise God: means more like " thank him for what he has done".
Worship God: worship him for who he is. And yes, he’s worthy of our praise and worship.
Adoration – Confessing and inviting the holy spirit.
Worship – What He is.
Praise – What He does.
We follow this in our church. Thanks for the video ❤
I forgot some of the best musicians also need time too to adapt and dont forget nobody is perfect so you can’t expect perfection everytime so let’s just come down to earth and take it one note at at a time blessings!
Amen ❤