@lil_light_warrior271on February 26, 2025 at 6:20 pm
We are told not to fear these things, bc they are to come. Also Christians are being persecuted everywhere. You need to realize what being a Christian really means. Things will never be perfect and they are only getting worse. Coptic girls being kidnapped, forced islam conversion is dont to them. Christians are being stones or dragged out of their classes in other countries, and killed by their fellow students. This is only gonna get worse. But as a follower you have nothing to fear, not even death itself. God is the only thing we should fear. Jesus Christ is the way the truth and the life, and only throughhim can you come to the Father. God Bless everyone .
That prophesy was fulfilled if I’m not mistaken. The prophecy that we are awaiting is the one where all the countries(Gog and Magog) will want to attack Israel…
The Bible never said that the any of this isn’t justified. There’s a reason the Jews will be attacked by the surrounding nations. The have committed unthinkable sins for almost 100 years now and God will allow justice to be served
1. The antichrist makes a covenant with many. Temple sacrifices begin. This is the start of the final 7 years.
2. 3.5 years later the Antichrist stops the sacrifices and sets up the abomination of desolation in the temple. He sits in the temple and declares himself to be god.
This is the start of the great tribulation that lasts 3.5 years.
Jesus returns at the end of this time period. After the tribulation.
Afghanistan Pakistan indian Indonesia…. Muslim world re conquer Jerusalem we will welcome jeusus
Revelation 16 12 kings from east
Read prophet Muhammad sw prophecy
Ummm… I think that prophesy is meant for America. I’ve done my studies… looked at the data… and I’m leaning towards the end times prophesy use the reference of ancient Israel to paint the Zion we have today in America… or did… now.. we are surrounded by the same enemy’s spoken about. They are in our country. The Israel now is part of the deception. Keeping you looking over there… and forgetting what’s happening in front of you.
Guys, just imagine it for a second..if all of these are nonsense.. there’s no heaven or hell.. people die and born throughout I don’t know billion years? Just like any other species..what do guys think your relatively new religion is so fuckin special..people killing innocent based on this bullshit..you guys are bunch of weirdo believing this "anime stories" are real thing
Damn brah you’ve been misled like a mother. Don’t get me wrong. The Bible does say that the end of times is near when war comes to Jerusalem but those aren’t the Jews that the Bible was talking about.
No one can pin down precisely on the time but it could be the exodus you are referring too there is also a passage in the bible that every country would help israel that was 1948.
The prophecy was already fulfilled when the Assyrian, Babylonian, Greeks, Romans and Muslims ruled over Jerusalem.
These days were in are the days following the return from exile. ie the Ezekiel 38&39 prophecy.
We are told not to fear these things, bc they are to come. Also Christians are being persecuted everywhere. You need to realize what being a Christian really means. Things will never be perfect and they are only getting worse. Coptic girls being kidnapped, forced islam conversion is dont to them. Christians are being stones or dragged out of their classes in other countries, and killed by their fellow students. This is only gonna get worse. But as a follower you have nothing to fear, not even death itself. God is the only thing we should fear. Jesus Christ is the way the truth and the life, and only throughhim can you come to the Father. God Bless everyone .
70 AD?
Damn this is aging like wine
That happened in 70AD.
He was refering to the babylonian invasion… it happened over 1000 years ago
Isaiah 28-18. That’s what that is!
“Isreal will be conquered into exhile by the remaining nations”
That prophesy was fulfilled if I’m not mistaken. The prophecy that we are awaiting is the one where all the countries(Gog and Magog) will want to attack Israel…
Already happened in 70AD when the Romans attacked Israel
Only racist cares. The true Israelites are still scattered scums in the land of their captors until gentile age ends Luke21:24.
The Bible never said that the any of this isn’t justified. There’s a reason the Jews will be attacked by the surrounding nations. The have committed unthinkable sins for almost 100 years now and God will allow justice to be served
Here after iran unloaded the whole clip
1. The antichrist makes a covenant with many. Temple sacrifices begin. This is the start of the final 7 years.
2. 3.5 years later the Antichrist stops the sacrifices and sets up the abomination of desolation in the temple. He sits in the temple and declares himself to be god.
This is the start of the great tribulation that lasts 3.5 years.
Jesus returns at the end of this time period. After the tribulation.
That happen first century
Afghanistan Pakistan indian Indonesia…. Muslim world re conquer Jerusalem we will welcome jeusus
Revelation 16 12 kings from east
Read prophet Muhammad sw prophecy
Jerusalem was destroyed in 70 AD. That prophecy is not for today
What about the third temple
It’s happening as we speak
Ummm… I think that prophesy is meant for America. I’ve done my studies… looked at the data… and I’m leaning towards the end times prophesy use the reference of ancient Israel to paint the Zion we have today in America… or did… now.. we are surrounded by the same enemy’s spoken about. They are in our country. The Israel now is part of the deception. Keeping you looking over there… and forgetting what’s happening in front of you.
The temple has to be built before the desolation of abomination takes place. This is in the book of Daniel.
Guys, just imagine it for a second..if all of these are nonsense.. there’s no heaven or hell.. people die and born throughout I don’t know billion years? Just like any other species..what do guys think your relatively new religion is so fuckin special..people killing innocent based on this bullshit..you guys are bunch of weirdo believing this "anime stories" are real thing
Shouldn’t have terror if you believe in god
Damn brah you’ve been misled like a mother. Don’t get me wrong. The Bible does say that the end of times is near when war comes to Jerusalem but those aren’t the Jews that the Bible was talking about.
No one can pin down precisely on the time but it could be the exodus you are referring too there is also a passage in the bible that every country would help israel that was 1948.
I hope they dont come to Poland
This is just explaining the Israel Palestine conflict
That’s not the true Isreal! Allot of false preachers teach about the Israel they see on the news but that’s not the true Isreal
The reason why it’s going to be destroyed is do to Zionism! Sad what greed does!
That’s 70ad dummy
It’s also crazy because Jerusalem is split in two between israel and Palestine
Yes, that is mentioned in Quran too… Muslim scholars expect this coming soon too !
Iran just invaded Israel
Israel is Mystery Babylon
Misinterpreting scriptures
People who speak with this tone and cadence don’t know anything.
The prophecy was already fulfilled when the Assyrian, Babylonian, Greeks, Romans and Muslims ruled over Jerusalem.
These days were in are the days following the return from exile. ie the Ezekiel 38&39 prophecy.
wrongo they have to win the psalm 83 war first before then and it will happen during the tribulation
Already happened.
No you are misinterpreting that.
When the Jews accept their False Messiah/ Isa and bow down to the possessed antichrist/ Mahdi, they will bow down before Allah/ Ba’alah = BAAL
Didn’t the invasion already happen