The BEST ways to accelerate Spiritual GROWTH! – Whiteboard Series
The BEST ways to accelerate Spiritual GROWTH! – Whiteboard Series
If you’ve been a Christian for any length of time, you’ve probably face the daunting challenge of growing your relationship with God. Where do you start when it comes to nurturing your relationship with God? How to do you become closer to God? In this video, we discuss three very useful tips on improving your walk with God: Grow in Worship, Fellowship, and Discipleship.
Thankyou so much,God bless you all
Grow in worship; surrender to God’s will. Grow in fellowship; serve and love one another. Grow in discipleship; properly train by a mature believer. Grow in faith.
Probably tell god how you really feel … Super fun game .
When we meditate on god, do we let him in on our hearts, minds, bodies, and souls? Are we reflecting on spiritual revelations, like our thoughts, scriptures, and our prayers? I personally feel like we reflect on the scriptures meanings and we do increase our knowledge of Christ and aim to improve our relationship with him. I also feel like by mediating, we become more enlightened and gain more, wisdom, knowledge, and understanding of our prayers and god’s true nature. We can enter some kind of spiritual, ecstatic, and altering state through the Holy Spirit when meditating, achieving a deeper union with god.
Worship is anything that you do for God and even if you can worship other people remember that God is first to wroship
Grow in Fellowship and Discipleship – impossible for people with social phobia! That’s the reason I’ve stopped going to church.
This might be the wrong video to ask but my beared dragon is most likely dieing right now i ask for prayer for her. If you will pray her name is Reptar, i also have been praying for her.
Love how you pack so much great info in short videos. Love these so much.
Do you have to worship by Bowing down physically?
Love this!!!
This is very inspiring
Jesus loves us
How do u look for more believers
Thankyou for all that you do,
This channel is such a blessing for me!
Easy to understand 08
Thank you
I love you and your work, may god keep you strong.
1 Corinthians 10:31
*Father in Heaven bless my brothers and sisters who are reading this comment right now and have a Happy Easter remember its not about rabbits eggs, or candy! It’s about Jesus Christ dying on the cross for our sins! He defeated death and won the war! He rose from the grave 3 days later! This is what Easter is about so I’ll say have a happy resurrection day!!!*
Guys pray I find a friend who will encourage me in Gods will and also points me out for doing bad things and also I can confess my sins too. Pray for this for me and I pray the same for you!!!
Bro Ur insane thanks very much!!
God thank u so much! And this person who made this video really was a sign from god, I have growth in my spirit. Thank you god so much for leading me
I want to help the people to know Jesus Christ as he is, not only religion and traditions but having a relationship with him and be saved by grace and by Jesus.
I feel a burning desire to help people that way but i need to stop being a coward i want to share the best for everyone but i dont have the guts what should i do?
This testing time will help the team to bring out the qualities better.
Stick together, no need for negativity.
Great decision to make Omar the PFA chair,
I am under 12 and I don’t have a lot of people around me or friends with a relationship with God I honestly feel stress on how to build a spiritual needs and I still have a hard time doing his will instead on my will
I thought you were gonna say through prayer and reading your Bible. You develop a closer relationship with the lord.
Can you pls teach me how follow God ??