Survival Guide to the Biblical Apocalypse
Survival Guide to the Biblical Apocalypse
The Book of Revelation is undoubtably the strangest book in the whole Bible. An Apocalyptic vision containing earthquakes, plagues, and a few of multi-eyed ‘Bible Accurate Angels’ for good measure. The Biblical Apocalypse may be something you’ve heard of, but may not know what is supposed to take place. For example, where does the number 666 come from? and what is Armageddon?
If you’re looking to learn more about the biblical apocalypse, then you’re in the right place. I have crafted together this handy introductory video taking a secular-minded overview of the Book of Revelation. Now, although I have entitled this video as a survival guide, actual survival tips may be lacking. That said, knowing what to expect may help in an actual apocalypse. Or not…
After a bit of a pause in my upload schedule to finish of university work, I’m glad to say that I’ve graduated! Thank you all for your patience, more videos on the way. It’s been a while and I have plenty of videos that I want to make. Welcome both current and new subscribers, now numbering at 290k!
Sources & Further Reading:
Aune, David E. Word Biblical Commentary. Volume 52, Revelation / David E. Aune. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1997.
Ford, and Ford, J. Massyngberde. Bible. N.T. Revelation. English. Ford. 1975. 1st ed. Garden City, N.Y: Doubleday, 1975.
Book of Revelation – Wiki
Intro – Epic of Gilgamesh in Sumerian by Peter Pringle…
Backmasking – CO.AG
Elf Meditation Preview by Kevin MacLeod
Background Music: Forever – CO.AG
Ancient Rite by Kevin MacLeod Link:…
Tempting Secrets by Kevin MacLeod Link:…
Moorland by Kevin MacLeod
This is the Way it Ends – CO.AG…
Moorland by Kevin MacLeod
The Ulgonsah Witches: Will it End – CO.AG
Peaceful Ambient Music – CO.AG
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#Apocalypse #Bible
12:25 my friend said that those were probably helicopters because they are metal they have the long stinger like tail they can fly and the front part of the window shows the human so that could be the face of the human and the long hair could be a net and the teeth could be the lower part of the helicopter, you gotta remember John didn’t even know how to describe what he was seen
Lots of drugs were consumed before the writing of this book
There is only 1 way to survive. Give yourself over to Jesus. Learn his word and spread his gospel. The very minute you do this a carpenter like myself will go and start getting you room in his mansion ready. I know I’m not gonna have to face this. This time is for Satan the antichrist and his angles. If you follow them and don’t want to give up your sin you will reside there with them no room no mansion. Just turmoil during and Nashing of teeth. Go with me don’t go to the bad place. In 50.000 years you will still be in the worst pain. Do not go there.
How could people read some the lines in the Bible and be like "yup, this is completely legit"
I’ve spent quite some time in this comment section cuz it’s that lit!!
i think the ‘false prophet’ or ‘antichrist’ already lived, 1400 years ago. his name is muhammad.
Great episode
Jesus! Jesus, a little late, don’t you think… 7 seals, 7 lanterns, 7 bowls, 4 monsters, and now you showed up to save absolutely no one. Jesus! Jesus, get an alarm clock or something
Seal 6 sounds like an asteroid impact. Massive earthquake followed by darkness and raining debris.
And i thought Traffic was Bad.
I would love to witness all this shit
God solos your fave anime no dif
New Jerusalam could be a pyramid of those dimensions rather than a cube. And by the way, some people believe that the trumpet blasts, plagues and 1000 of s*tan being bound is in the past. If you dig into the subject you’ll find a lot that supports us being in the short season just before the army is gathered to surround the camp of the Saints.
Schools be like: why are you late
All I know is I’m with Satan, pain and agony is cooler than living in "PerPetUaL HarMonY" with god and his eyed-fetish angels.
The sarcasm is annoying
Some sci-fi type shi’
This is revelation from the perspective of someone who doesn’t believe or understand the bible. Thats the title of this video to me.
yeah this shit is not real lmao, still interesting
9:18 It was only speculated that it was a meteorite. Till today no one knows what teuly happened there in 1908, some eye-witness say there was a large burst of light then a loud sound and because of that soke point to Nikola Tesla but im not going to talk about all that here.
My mom: You’re still going to school
As a Muslim this sounds terrifying
Why does these prophecies of biblical Apocalypse have old fashion stuff like candles, scrolls with wax seals, and swords…If god is so advanced, wouldn’t he be using things beyond what humans can imagine?
‘ a tad excessive’
super cool video man! thanks for sharing
How do I survive the Biblical Apocalypse?
“That’s the neat part: you don’t!”
thought you got the rights to shine on you crazy diamond for the intro music lol, CO AG does seem interesting im glad i checked the description
Shine on you crazy diamond in the background is A1
Religion for me it was never good how it can make people go against each other
How it made people ignorant to lot of things
How people misinterpretted it
And most of all blindly following it as if its absolute
Before going to defend ur religion no need to their are ur beliefs u have the right to believe and do what u want as long as it doesn t harm others
u don t have to prove anything to me
Even with all that i found myself going to look for various lore/stories about them cause they were interesting as a story to me
I enjoy your videos emencely your voice and your videos are simply beautiful
What I don’t get is why people roll with the Bible so hard the dude literally said they don’t know the real author as it has been edited by so many anonymous people I believe that there has to be some sort of being greater then us but what is different about the Bible vs the Quran or the Torah or even joseph smiths magical hat tablet
Ok but will we have school that day or not?
No wonder there are so many Christians who are afraid of suffering for eternity. I was with my ex-wife for 4 years and I couldn’t even tolerate 4 years of suffering with her. There is no way I can take a chance on suffering for eternity. I will sign up.
Seal 6 is talking about an enormous meteorite causing insane unfathomable near extinction level impacts. Not a meteor shower… but lava falling from the sky.
Videos like this make me want to become an evangelist and take money from all of the absolute morons that have read this book and believe this nonsense.
“No one can die during this time”
One trumpet later:
“Some angels are gonna kill 1/3 of the population.”
7 is the holy number. and so is 777 so from what i believe 666 is just the evil opposite of 777.
sounds like nuks to me
A Guide to surviving the apocalypse –
Believe in Jesus Christ and repent of your sins
Jesus is zesty asf and very skibidi
Soooo…. The book of revelation is just anti-rome propaganda? If this is all about Rome falling then I think the ‘apocalypse’ already happened
Step one: trust and believe in God.
The best YouTube account is backkk Yayy!! ❤❤