Real History Of 3 Sects In Christianity (Catolic And Protestant) । ईसाई धर्म की कहानी – R.H Network
Real History Of 3 Sects In Christianity (Catolic And Protestant) । ईसाई धर्म की कहानी – R.H Network
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Real History Of 3 Sects In Christianity (Catolic And Protestant) । ईसाई धर्म की कहानी – R.H Network
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We are one in Christ…. and salvation is through Jesus alone.
Thank you for this video.
Sikh veery good
Hallelujah ✝️
Video starts @ 2:15
Proud to be a human being
Romance catholic Satan hei Sabadmico norok lejata hei
Only 20% Christians are practicing Christians
Islam zindabad Hindustan Zindabad
I proud to be cristen.
Iam muslim I love Jesus , he is one of our prophet
I m christian i love u jesus
I love you jesus
Different between Christian ity protestian didnot want the rule of pope about marriage that given by ten commanment in Gosple ,and they didnot want mother Mary ,but prayer are same ,
2:20 पर वीडियो स्टार्ट होगा उसके पहले टाइम वेस्ट और बकवास।
Up 56 Utter Pradesh masih bhai
Hamari Holly Bible ek hi aa praise lord
i lov my islam
islam sab se acha mazhab hai
I am Bleavars✝️✝️✝️
Parmeswar ne kabhi bhi kisi ka batwara nahi kiya. Parmeswar ek hai aur parmeswar ne kisiko bhi alag alag siksha nahi di hai. Aur jo bible mein hai wahi parmeswar ka siksha hai.
Do not add all in one , do not make
Correction Brother : – Islam is not divide.Muslims are divided which is very shameful thing.
And [beware the Day] when Lord will say, "O Jesus, Son of Mary, did you say to the people, ‘Take me and my mother as deities besides Lord?’" He will say, "Exalted are You! It was not for me to say that to which I have no right. If I had said it, You would have known it. You know what is within myself, and I do not know what is within Yourself. Indeed, it is You who is Knower of the unseen.
Surat No. 23 Ayat NO. 91
Lord has not taken any son, nor has there ever been with Him any deity. [If there had been], then each deity would have taken what it created, and some of them would have sought to overcome others. Exalted is Allah above what they describe [concerning Him].
Lord says in quran
Indeed, the example of Jesus to Lord is like that of Adam. He created Him from dust; then He said to him, "Be," and he was.
धर्म तो अच्छा इंसानियत सिखाती है, वो कोई नहीं बन रहा है ।
वैसे सबसे बड़ा इतिहास आदिवासियों का है , जो लाखो वर्ष पहले से है । वैज्ञानिक सबूत भी है ।
सभी धर्म का सम्मान करे , और इंसानियत को अपनाए। ओर शिक्षित बने।
Bhai tujhe kaun bala hai, Christian logo ne kisiko ladhei nahi karte hai,, agar ladhei karte he to india ko bhi Christian kab se bana dete thye
I proud to be Christian
Amen Amen Amen Amen.
Alhamdulillah Allah ne mujhe Muslim gharana mein paida Kiya shukar hai Allah ka ❤️
We are humans first. #Humanity
Thank bro ❤
Pahale proper knowledge lo bade me easi video banao, fituri man
Dhanyawad brother ❣️
Aapka video ka background music ka kya naam hai.
Before I’m hindu
Now I’m CHRISTIAN ✝️✝️
Aaj isaai dharm me poore duniya me ..lagbag 53,580 phirken ( group) hain. Unme se 24 phirken ( group) ko catholic group kaha jata hai.. Hamaare bharat desh me lagbag 18,000 se bhi jyada isaai dharm ke phirken hain. Unme 8 phirken ( group) catholic hai.