Proximity Bible Prophecy Conference 2025
Proximity Bible Prophecy Conference 2025
Follow Pastor Barry Stagner on social media:
Thank you from Molloy Island South West Western Australia xx
This was great …spent the day at work listening ….
Kentucky here ❤
Christians have the ministry of reconciliation 2 Corinthians 5:18-21. Sinners are separated from God because of their sin. It’s difficult for people to see the evil or their own sin so they can repent before a holy God. Paul preached repentance towards God and faith in Jesus Christ for salvation.
I attended with a friend and this was so good. Thanks to all for putting this together. It was so encouraging and wonderful to be there. Fabulous teachings!
Are there any notes for this?
Speakers into individual chapters, please?( It is easier to share with others by topic. ) Thank you.
I scanned your playlists and havent found that format, as yet.
Christians have the ministry of reconciliation 2 Corinthians 5:18-21. Sinners are separated from God because of their sin. It’s difficult for people to see the evil or their own sin so they can repent before a holy God. Paul preached repentance towards God and faith in Jesus Christ for salvation.
What is the website or link to get to the “TV” station?
There’s no sound
My phone could not hear the words being said because the music was all my phone could give me but I think a woman was going to abort twins and didn’t for some reason did not about them praise the Lord
Fantastic! Wish I could have been there in person, but so thankful to be able to watch on YouTube!
Can’t watch this with all these friggin adds!!
Shared on facebook and with my church prayer team. Mike G, I thought you colored your hair purple!
True science agrees with or backs up everything in the scriptures.
Amir’s book pre order tab is not functioning
2:32:00 – that story ALWAYS gives me the chills. Incredible how God works!
TNT = Truman, Nixon & Trump
I have great respect for Mr. Safati and the Jewish people but why is Jeremiah 29:11 not for all God’s people? I believe it is.
Thanks you so much gentlemen and all involved with bringing this conference to you tube , so we in the UK can watch , now I have seen the whole conference THANK YOU SO MUCH !! Glory to God Jesus forever and ever and ever !! IF anyone feels alone , and you think you are alone , no your not IF you have Jesus Internalised as your Saviour King and redeemer and BEST EVER Friend ! And He The Creator of ALL things, we cannot have a better friend than Him 🙂
God bless brother David from North Wales
I like Pastor Stagner and all the pastors’ delivery more when they’re in front of people because they have a lot more voice inflection and energy. Its more engaging.
Thank you all for sharing ypur conference with us here on YouTube.
What a wonderful day these people got to have. I really enjoyed your first two speakers giving us the word of God looking for the second half
So glad to see and hear encouraging teachings!
I’m glad I’m a completed Jew my mother suffered being Jewish I never have. I never hid the fact I’m Jewish it just was not fashionable to hate Jews as a kid and now I’m old and live in a small Christian town where Jews are almost put on a pedestal. But I was not taught Hebrew so I’m not that high on their list as important person. Thank you God for that. I have always loved Israel and wish to go to live there soon it is really sad to see how stupid anyone can be to be against a Jew just for being Jewish. It’s actually dangerous to hurt a Jewish person. Look what happened to USA for hurting Israel
I enjoyed every second of this wonderful conference. Thank you all so much. With much love and gratitude in Jesus’ name from Ireland.❤❤
This was so good!
So glad you streamed this. Thank you. Always a blessing.
God’s Providence was merciful to Israel before they even knew it. Chance after chance & still now waiting for His people to open eyes, hear His voice still. Choose Jesus saving Grace so you don’t have to go through Tribulation.
Thank you for streaming this for free❤ so much of this teaching against false in the church is in the church I just left. A group of us praying for our precious church, talking with the Pastor with scripture and no change. Allowing false teachings throughout the church and we cried out to God for months to change what is going on in the church, or if He would lead us to a home church or lead us to a church. Well He led us to a beautiful 100% bible church, believing in rapture, Jews God’s eternal covenant, tribulation and so on and stands against NAR, word of faith and all new age influence. I never thought I would see this day and be living in this time seeing the Word of God come alive in present time ❤️
He is soooo good, so faithful, so loving, so true ❤️
Grateful always for Hope❤
I woke up day after inauguration
and thought – wow-Hope!
This was excellent! I am in Canada I am unable to afford the U.S.$ cost of live-streaming conferences so really appreciate this being available.
what ever happen to the old time hymns- not a fan of your music
Amen yes amier
Brother Jack Hibbs the church/the Bride is mentioned in Revelation chapter 5, and she is seen in vs 1-10, and we are all in the presence of Jesus our Christ as He receives the title deed from the hand of God.
We are singing a song to Him, Glorifying Jesus for redeeming us by his Blood.
Revelation 5:9-10 NKJV
“And they sang a new song, saying: “You are worthy to take the scroll, And to open its seals; For You were slain, And have redeemed us to God by Your blood Out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation, And have made us kings and priests to our God; And we shall reign on the earth.””
In my humble opinion this is the bride of Christ in his presence as the great tribulation is about to begin.
The only missing powerhouse was Jan, maybe next year…
This was incredible!!! Amazing teaching!!!❤❤❤
I love all of you and what a blessing to be like minded in God’s Word. ❤
Don’t you have any clip on microphones the volume keeps going up-and-down and up-and-down
Right now listening to Pastor Jack! Amen Amen and Amen!!! So thankful that Jesus saved you from that abortion and may that lady who is deceived come to know Jesus as her Lord and Saviour ❤
What a wonderful day these people got to have. I really enjoyed your first two speakers giving us the word of God looking forward to the second half