Practical Advice for New Parents – Dr. Gary Chapman Part 1

Practical Advice for New Parents – Dr. Gary Chapman Part 1

With a little intentionality you can thrive in your new role as a mom or a dad! Jim Daly and John Fuller interview Dr. Gary Chapman about his new book, Things I Wish I’d Known Before We Became Parents.

You can find his book on our store here:

They talk about how expectant and new parents can make good choices for themselves, their marriage, and their kids. Gary shares how having children radically changes your schedule, that no two children are alike and that children’s emotional heath is as important as their physical heath. They also discuss how children are greatly influenced by our model, that social skills are as important as academic skills and that marriages do not thrive on autopilot.


  1. Moms Spaghetti on October 22, 2022 at 3:01 am

    This is great! Mom of 4 boys. 6, 4, 3, and 4 months♥️ , always looking and learning to be a better mom.

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