Korn's Brian Welch reveals Christian testimony
Korn's Brian Welch reveals Christian testimony
Rock star Brian “Head” Welch said he used methamphetamine 700 days straight before finding Jesus. The vocalist and lead guitarist of Grammy award-winning nu metal band Korn says his contact with the divine eliminated his desire for meth, and later alcohol.
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Props takes a strong man to do that
The real question is if you didn’t believe that God was real or a possibility then why are you questioning any of this. A wise man once told me “ if you have to ask for the answer to the question then you probably already know the answer”, this applies with God, you’re only questioning it because you know he’s real. Sin is universal, kindness is unique.
He leaves the 99 to get the One
idk that hair just crazy he odd
I think you quite drug by "yourself" and notting to do with god
Wow. So happy to hear that.
Based and Christ pilled.
Yep, that’s exactly how it feels. Amén.
So you changed one drug for another? Good on you man
I can’t wait to see him in the kingdom of God ❤
Jesus is our Lord and Saviour
God Is SOO Good
I had been in an extremely abusive relationship for 4 1/2 years, I think I had just finally reached my breaking point, but I still really loved the guy and that same sick, addicted love kept me going back every single time before then. But the last day that I ever saw him, as I was driving away, I just started begging God to make me stop loving that guy. I was screaming and begging and crying my eyes out. I went home and ate a meal, washed my face and fell asleep. I slept for about two days straight, if that is any testament to just how much of my energy that this narcissistic person siphoned away from me. When I woke up, I blocked this person from my phone, and though I didn’t exactly notice it at first, by the end of that week, I realized that God had answered my prayer. I never yearned for that person again! And my addiction to him was the worst one that I ever had, so I do not put that lightly. I think that was the day that I truly realize that miracles were real. That guy stalked me for months, would creep outside my house at night and out of all the things that he ever did to me that contributed to my PTSD, the stalking was actually the worst part. I wasn’t able to sleep very good at night, but I didn’t have a friend that came and stayed with me for a couple of months until I was able to push myself to finally go to rehab. Though it did take a few more months of pain and strife, I was still just so extremely grateful during this period because I took the miracle of God taking away that sick simulation of love from my being as a sign that God was telling me that he was not done with Mia, and that I had a purpose, and so much more to do in this life. I eventually went to rehab for the seventh time about three months after the break up. I am very happy to say that it’s been almost 2 years and God has truly helped me to build myself back, brick by brick. I’m back, better than ever before and life is wonderful. I walk with purpose and I know that the best is yet to come. ❤
God came to save the sinners❤
How do you know that wasn’t Krishna,… could have been Krishna. Don’t get me wrong, glad you’re healthy and happy and all, but no supernatural claim has been supported.
Damn I didn’t know they were from Bakersfield California I lived n Merced county California 25 years ago . Amen God is great my brother
Praise God
Amen young man the Lord does touched you
Praise GOD
Praise God im so happy you asked!❤
I spent so much time judging these people that lived such a worldly life and claim Christ. Understanding Paul made me realize that these are some of the most powerful testimonies and opened my heart to my brothers and sisters in Christ. Lord help my heart adopt your ways.
Watch his full interview testimony! ❤
Praise God !!!!
It was a drug allucination
The trinity doesn’t need to be seen only felt. Great to hear the father son and Holy Spirit were at your side when you needed it most ❤
Mercy triumphs over judgement.❤
We have nothing until we have God and Jesus. I used to think life was about having a lot of money and materials and constantly burning through different guys. Living like a fool. Every situation kept repeating itself. Dead ends after dead ends. I came back to God. I’m the happiest I’ve ever been in a LONG time. The only downside is that I’m always getting attacked by demons because of my divine spirit. Demons everywhere.
And after that… he started wearing mascara to mark his new life
Amen brother
I’m not a believer or a follower of Christ personally but I respect and love the fact that people can regain control and happiness in their life in this way.
See I tried the whole religion thing when I was getting sober and never found it to be helpful… maybe I wasn’t putting the work in or just wasn’t putting in the faith. I just realized I didn’t feel good, and I was so angry and sad from constantly not feeling good that I forced myself to not drink. The first few days sucked, but days turned to weeks, to months, to now years. I don’t know if god is real and he helped, all I know is one day I got sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. It’s like my body just said, ok dude it’s time and you’re ready. Been sober since 2018 from all substances. I hope anyone out there who is struggling gets the help they need and the desire to want to make a change. Best wishes to y’all
Love you