My husband and I have been married for two years. We’ve been through a lot. I’m wanting to get cousling but he acts like he’s throwing the towel. He keeps bringing up stuff that has supposedly been forgiven. He’s called me a liar and emotionally abusive. I’m getting back lash from him . He says that I’m not changing but I’m getting cousling and doing what I need for myself. Prayers for healing and strength and wisdom. Direction as well. I want to do the right thing.
What if your family is totally against your marriage and are doing all they can to get you to end it. I love my husband. We both have faults and things have been very rough. Please help.
You don’t just have an idea of what you have done to me though this message. May God reachly bless you. I listen to your teachings and preachings and you have been a blessing to me. You are such a strong woman and an example role model to many people especially women. I love you Joyce Mayer.
I thank god for separation and now divorced married to a abusive narcissist demon, know way I believe that the sprit would dam my soul from such evil clutches to destroy me as well jealous of me praising worship leadmmm no l
It is really difficult when one person is continuously giving without receiving from your spouse and still be happy. I really need the Grace to be happy not minding if my husband recognizes that I exist or not.
Hello everyone here… Focus on family is a great Christian community that always welcome Christian counselors that give great advices for married couple but also the singles…
Here is one… it is incredibly helpful
My husband buys and gives to me so much and brags about how much he does for me. I feel like I can’t keep up , I feel like it is used as a manipulation tactic more than a genuine gift. I don’t care too much for gifts , they are nice but I prefer time with my husband not things. I give in ways of nurturing , support , intimacy , caring for our home and 6 kids. Then he will tell me to list the things I actually do for him and compare with all that he does for me. It hurts because I feel like he is competing with me or trying to out do me.
Joyce Meyer I know that God sent you in my life. You have no idea how much you have been helping me in my struggles and trials. May God continue to bless you , your family and your ministry.!
Meyer, who owns several homes and travels in a private jet (currently a Gulfstream G-IV),[8][9] has been criticized by some of her peers[who?] for living an excessive lifestyle. She responded that she doesn’t have to defend her spending habits because "… there’s no need for us to apologize for being blessed."[8] Meyer commented, "You can be a businessman here in St. Louis, and people think the more you have, the more wonderful it is … but if you’re a preacher, then all of a sudden it becomes a problem."[8] In November 2003, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch published a four-part special report[8] detailing Meyer’s "$10 million corporate jet, her husband’s $107,000 silver-gray Mercedes sedan, her $2 million home and houses worth another $2 million for her four children," a $20 million headquarters, furnished with "$5.7 million worth of furniture, artwork, glassware, and the latest equipment and machinery," including a "$30,000 malachite round table, a $23,000 marble-topped antique commode, a $14,000 custom office bookcase, a $7,000 Stations of the Cross in Dresden porcelain, a $6,300 eagle sculpture on a pedestal, another eagle made of silver bought for $5,000, and numerous paintings purchased for $1,000 to $4,000 each," among many other expensive items – all paid for by the ministry. The articles prompted Wall Watchers[10] (a Christian nonprofit watchdog group) to call on the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to investigate Meyer and her family. Following the adverse publicity about her lifestyle and Ministry Watch’s request for an IRS probe, Meyer announced in 2004 plans to take a salary reduction from the $900,000 per year she had been receiving from Joyce Meyer Ministries (in addition to the $450,000 her husband received
Am challenged in that I don’t know how i can listen to God’s voice especially when i ask for direction on how to approach a problem…somebody pleasehelp
Por favor, equipo de Joyce Meyer, colaboren para tener disponible este sermón traducido al español, en los que tenemos en español hace falta alguno que sea para Matrimonio, confío en Dios que no tardará este mensaje en estar disponible para bendición de matrimonios. Gracias a Dios por su ministerio.
It is true that giving is a virtue and it makes me happy. But what happens if you get so hurt in the end?? When you give, you also give someone the right to hurt you. not everyone is so grateful though
I tried to find this clip in spanish language but could not find it. Somebody knows if it exists in spanish?
Need help in my relationship bad. Help!!!!!+
My husband and I have been married for two years. We’ve been through a lot. I’m wanting to get cousling but he acts like he’s throwing the towel. He keeps bringing up stuff that has supposedly been forgiven. He’s called me a liar and emotionally abusive. I’m getting back lash from him . He says that I’m not changing but I’m getting cousling and doing what I need for myself. Prayers for healing and strength and wisdom. Direction as well. I want to do the right thing.
Great work
i just don’t like what she’s done to her face
Boy, Joyce is the biggest con artist ever. Don’t send her any more money please
Joyce you are a false prophet
Men should not marry. The game is rigged. Marriage and relationships are for beta males.
Good sermon. I like Joyce’s messages.
I expect to have at least 4 wives like God gave Jacob!
Joyce Meyer is a FALSE preacher!
What if your family is totally against your marriage and are doing all they can to get you to end it. I love my husband. We both have faults and things have been very rough. Please help.
You don’t just have an idea of what you have done to me though this message. May God reachly bless you. I listen to your teachings and preachings and you have been a blessing to me. You are such a strong woman and an example role model to many people especially women. I love you Joyce Mayer.
Biblical Marriage
I thank god for separation and now divorced married to a abusive narcissist demon, know way I believe that the sprit would dam my soul from such evil clutches to destroy me as well jealous of me praising worship leadmmm no l
Her dad is the joker. See the resemblance!?
Oh me? Instead of amen? What is “oh me”? I’ve never heard that.
Here is my thoughts on marriage like the vid.
Fake teaching!!
secret relationship obsessions->
This old bat needs to use the millions of dollars she’s conned her followers out of and use it to have her mouth sewed shut.
God is indeed marvelous! I give Him all the glory and honour! susbcribe to his Channel for more.
Want good marriage? Get a sister wife for your husband!!
Bible is full of plural families!
It is really difficult when one person is continuously giving without receiving from your spouse and still be happy. I really need the Grace to be happy not minding if my husband recognizes that I exist or not.
Hello everyone here… Focus on family is a great Christian community that always welcome Christian counselors that give great advices for married couple but also the singles…
Here is one… it is incredibly helpful
Beautiful well said Joyce I love you
I am about to lose my family lord please help me to be strong
My husband buys and gives to me so much and brags about how much he does for me. I feel like I can’t keep up , I feel like it is used as a manipulation tactic more than a genuine gift. I don’t care too much for gifts , they are nice but I prefer time with my husband not things. I give in ways of nurturing , support , intimacy , caring for our home and 6 kids. Then he will tell me to list the things I actually do for him and compare with all that he does for me. It hurts because I feel like he is competing with me or trying to out do me.
This truly blessed me. I needed to listen to it right now
The Woman next to God!
Joyce Meyer I know that God sent you in my life. You have no idea how much you have been helping me in my struggles and trials. May God continue to bless you , your family and your ministry.!
Meyer, who owns several homes and travels in a private jet (currently a Gulfstream G-IV),[8][9] has been criticized by some of her peers[who?] for living an excessive lifestyle. She responded that she doesn’t have to defend her spending habits because "… there’s no need for us to apologize for being blessed."[8] Meyer commented, "You can be a businessman here in St. Louis, and people think the more you have, the more wonderful it is … but if you’re a preacher, then all of a sudden it becomes a problem."[8] In November 2003, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch published a four-part special report[8] detailing Meyer’s "$10 million corporate jet, her husband’s $107,000 silver-gray Mercedes sedan, her $2 million home and houses worth another $2 million for her four children," a $20 million headquarters, furnished with "$5.7 million worth of furniture, artwork, glassware, and the latest equipment and machinery," including a "$30,000 malachite round table, a $23,000 marble-topped antique commode, a $14,000 custom office bookcase, a $7,000 Stations of the Cross in Dresden porcelain, a $6,300 eagle sculpture on a pedestal, another eagle made of silver bought for $5,000, and numerous paintings purchased for $1,000 to $4,000 each," among many other expensive items – all paid for by the ministry. The articles prompted Wall Watchers[10] (a Christian nonprofit watchdog group) to call on the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to investigate Meyer and her family. Following the adverse publicity about her lifestyle and Ministry Watch’s request for an IRS probe, Meyer announced in 2004 plans to take a salary reduction from the $900,000 per year she had been receiving from Joyce Meyer Ministries (in addition to the $450,000 her husband received
Am challenged in that I don’t know how i can listen to God’s voice especially when i ask for direction on how to approach a problem…somebody pleasehelp
Thank You God for Using Joyce Myers. You hit every nail on the Brain. Thank you Jesus!!!
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Por favor, equipo de Joyce Meyer, colaboren para tener disponible este sermón traducido al español, en los que tenemos en español hace falta alguno que sea para Matrimonio, confío en Dios que no tardará este mensaje en estar disponible para bendición de matrimonios. Gracias a Dios por su ministerio.
A pre-requisite course for me,Thank you Reverend Joyce. the difference
It is true that giving is a virtue and it makes me happy. But what happens if you get so hurt in the end?? When you give, you also give someone the right to hurt you. not everyone is so grateful though
Thank you for your message