Jimmy Evans talk about:" End Times Warning " 🔥- Israel will trigger the tribulation event
Jimmy Evans talk about:" End Times Warning " 🔥- Israel will trigger the tribulation event
Jimmy Evans talk about:” End Times Warning ” 🔥- Israel will trigger the tribulation event
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When Jesus said he’d shorten the days for the Elect sake, he’d shorten those horrific days. This could mean Jesus is taking pity on Christians going thru the Tribulation of that time. What else could Jesus have meant?
Many people solely base their Salvation on what Jesus said in John 3:16, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life." But Jesus was not finished speaking yet. Later after He rose from the dead and just before He ascended into heaven He said in Mark 16:16,"He that believes and is BAPTIZED shall be Saved, but he that believes not shall be damned." At about that same time He said in Matthew 28:19,"Go therefore and teach all nations, BAPTIZING them in the name (SINGULAR name and not names) OF the Father, and OF the Son, and OF the Holy Ghost." Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are titles and not names. Jesus disciples never used those words when they baptized anyone in water, nor did they use those words in one sentence regarding any other topic. Every time Jesus disciples baptized anyone in water they invoked Jesus name at baptism which is Acts 2:38, Acts 8:14-18, Acts 8:38, Acts 9:18, Acts 10:44-48, Acts 16:15, Acts 16:33, Acts 18:7, Acts 18:8, Acts 19:3-5, and Acts 22:16 (Paul’s baptism). Peter said in Acts 4:12,"Neither is there salvation in any other, for there is none other NAME under heaven given among men, whereby we must be SAVED." Paul said in Colossians 3:17,"And whatsoever you do in word or deed, do ALL in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by HIM." Paul said in Colossians 2:8-10,"Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ. 9 For in him dwells ALL the fullness of the Godhead bodily. 10 And you are COMPLETE in him, which is the head of all principality and power." Also verse 12, "BURIED with him in BAPTISM, wherein also you are risen with him through the faith of the operation of God, who has raised him from the dead."
The book of Acts is the most important book in the New Testament because all of it is what Jesus and his disciples said what we must do to be Saved, which is what Jesus meant in John 3:3-7, "Verily, verily I say unto you, Except a man be born again, he can not enter into the kingdom of God. 5 Verily, verily I say unto you, Except a man be born of water AND the of Spirit, he can not enter into the kingdom of God. 7 Marvel not that I say unto you, YOU MUST BE BORN AGAIN." Being born of water is being baptized in water in Jesus name – which is for the Remission of Sins (Acts 2:38). Being born of the Spirit is being baptized with the Holy Ghost – which is addressed in Acts 2:4 (Pentecost), Acts 8:17, Acts 9:18, Acts 10:44-48, and Acts 19:3-5. Nowhere in Scripture does it say it happens any other way than that way. There is not one Scripture that says a person receives the Holy Ghost just because they are a believer. Acts 19:2-5 is a good example.
If you are convinced you need to get Baptized in water in Jesus Name, do a search, type in "United Pentecostal Church International", scroll down to just below the red box, type in your zip code, a screen will show a Church near you that will do that.
Jesus said in John 10:27,"My Sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me."
The literal nation of Israel will not trigger the tribulation. The spiritual nation of Israel which includes only followers of Christ will however will be the last step as it says in Rev 7:3; all must be sealed before the angels holding back the winds can release the winds of strife of the tribulation.
The battle of Armageddon "Gog of Magog" only happens on the New Earth after Satan has been bound for a thousand years. We are not in the battle of Gog and Magog, this is in Revelation 20.
Daniel makes it clear that the last week of the 70 weeks has already been fulfilled, the last week began with the anointing of Holy Spirit when Jesus was baptized the Jordan by John the Baptist, Jesus caused the sacrifice to end at his death, he was the perfect sacrafice; and at the stoning of Stephen 3.5 years after jesus was crucified the 70th week ended in 34a.d. when the gospel was given to the gentiles. The covenant for one week was the literal Jews chance at accepting the Messiah.
The rider on the white horse IS Jesus, because Jesus was given the crown. And he had a bow, which is literally a "rainbow."
Friend, I’d encourage you to get yourself a Strong’s concordance and be very careful in your Bible studies before sharing.
NO!!! read the bible as an anatomy book. you are the temple. the oil and the wine represent the pitutary gland. Zech4:14 it has two halves being represented as the TWO SONS OF OIL 6 hormones in the anterior and two in the posterior . the anterior represents the Tigris and wine. the posterior represents the Gihon or oil. This is a vision in symbolism and parable. the new MYSTERY revealed back in 2017. the bible has a hidden jigsaw puzzle starting with Penuel. once you understand its representation you will find it is the KEY piece all else is built off from pointing to Jesus. the pituitary is our master healing gland that sits to the right hand of the pineal gland being Penuel. Jesus is our Master Healer. Down to Bethlehem The house of bread. The pituitary feeds all of our organs. It also means the house of WAR. this gland wars against all disease attacking our temple body. Between Father and Son Zech 6 is the Counsel of Peace or Hypothalamus representing the Holy Spirits throne. Nobody comes to the Father who is OVER Jacobs Ladder except BY Jesus thru the hypothalamus Holy Spirit. THREE working as ONE in TRINITY. Alpha to Omega Genesis to Revelation. the Crystal sea is our Superior Cistern of CSF UNDER the throne Penuel pineal gland. and so on. you will find a complete blueprint of the human brain right down to the axons and neurons ALL IN SYMBOLISM because Adam was Fathers last creation so the PATTERN was placed into Adams brain as PROOF evolution is the lie of Satan and man is the being created in Gods Image. father has blinded man from seeing this until 2017. why 2017? did we just enter true end times. I think so. it is revving up faster every week. Jesus IS Lord and coming back a lot sooner than most people think. KEEP LOOKING UP and stand strong in THE WORD!!!
The African Americans is the Israelites
Who and what is the talking guy in the corner all about? Inquiring minds want to know! 🙂
Go to TIPPING POINT….JIMMY EVANS This is making money off of Jimmy”s hard work.
Modern day physical israel is a counterfeit Israel. Modern day Jerusalem is the "Synagogue of Satan". Israel is NOT an ethnic designation, it is a spiritual designation for all who receive Christ. All whom are the spiritual seed of Abraham (Christian’s) are of the true Israel. DO NOT BE DECEIVED BY ZIONISM! Jews must repent! Read the King James Bible too.
Remember kids, give your wealth, obedience and political support to the Western Branch of American Reform Presbylutheranism First Church of Springfield and vote for who we tell you to vote for or all this will totally happen for realz. Make all checks payable to cash and follow our handy guide to what to think and which voting ballot boxes will totally keep you from going to hell.
Remember the more you fear, the less you hear! So keep going to our church (just ours, everyone else is lying to you) and keep watching FOX news!! :))
Why is there a guy in the bottom corner of video?
Can you get rid of the guy in the corner
when you fail to rapture, you wont understand the truth about the day that your in, I feel sorry for everyone that believes this ridiculous rapture false doctrine teaching of yours, you sign people up for death.
It is very important not to be so “sure” of a re rapture that is not written to happen. I hope God does In his mercy will rapture at least children. This expectation if undelivered will destroy the confidence of Christians and confuse them when it doesn’t happen and cause panick. Believers of Christ need to be prepared for the spiritual battle and to assist those who are unsaved who now want to seek the Lord. The two witnesses that is the churches and gentiles will be given powers the first 3:5 years of the tribulation to fight Satan and his followers. Then He will be given permission and power to destroy us to fulfill Gods plan of the number to die. It is at the seventh trump just before the wrath of God that the rapture will occur and no other time. God will need Christians like all historical Christians to face the the tribulation to show non believers our Faith was worth dying for. Our Saviour. Most of Christians be “Beheaded” as written in scripture. The Arabs won’t be killed because they will be most of the 200000 going to destroy Israel. We need to very cautious in what we hope for rather than follow and accept without fear the events that are to follow by scripture and use this foundation of scripture to strength us in battle and Glorify Christ and enter us finally at a place of eternal Glory with Jesus and our Father in eternal heaven.
Romans 5:9
This sounded a lot like the KJV until you got to Matthew there. KJV only folks. God bless.
You are reading the scriptures wrong… people beware of false prophets….
Verizon wireless internet has been down since yesterday all up and down the east coast especially around DC.
time of trouble has already started….
I understand now that all these seals ,bowls and trumpets judgements they are all to happen during the 7 years ,that means it will be extremely intensive period of terrible events all coming together.
People are always looking here there and everywhere for the signs of the end times . A very well respected scholar , years ago , said all eyes will return back to Israel . Jesus’ own words say the same thing . The Antichrist will not come on the scene until ground is broke for the Temple . Do some research , as I did , the Jewish leaders all ready have most if not all of the vestments and articles needed to carry out the rituals of the Temple . Yes the end is soon to come . When they break ground for the Temple that will be a sure sign Jesus is coming real soon .
Thaddeus why do you feel to need to pretend to speaking for Jimmy. It’s very evident that you are just going through the motions. I have forwarded this to Jimmy Evans and you a copyrighted his work to get money. You should be ashamed of yourself and people need to boycott watching you. I am also report you to YouTube.
@ Jimmy Evans
Unfortunately, you have the ‘right yo-yo, but the wrong string’.
The people currently located in N.E Africa (the strip of land called "Israel" by The New World Order) are NOT the Hebrews/’Jews’ of The Bible.
Study JOEL chapter 3: pay attention to the "selling and dispersing" verbiage.
Study DEUTERONOMY chapter 28, verses 15-68:
Were the current occupants of "Israel" ever taken away on Ships and Sold to a faraway land of which they did not know the language; that they or their ancestors had never seen?
Referencing (verses 43-44):
Do the foreigners that live amongst the residents in modern day Israel have better opportunities in life than the present day modern "Jewish" People?
Father YAH said He will punish the nations that have murdered and mistreated His people ( the apple of His eye).
The REAL Hebrews/Israelites went into captivity due to their breaking the covenant/agreement, and for following/seeking after foreign gods.
Genesis chapter 15: 13-16 says that that particular enslavement will last for 400 years ( The Egyptian captivity was not chattel slavery, and it did not last for 400 years).
Deuteronomy 28 says the land crops, and everything they worked/produced will be eaten and used by foreigners, and their children sold off; never to be seen again.
Afterwards, according to the prophecy, then the slave masters will be punished.
Could Time Be Up?
Yes, America is doomed; still no collective repentance for the 400 years of mistreatment and horror.
Many prophecy books speak about YAH/God’s vengeance on the nations; concerning His enslaved people.
America (Mystery Babylon), England, Portugal/Spain…and any other enslavement involved countries and people groups will reap YAH’s Wrath.
In ISAIAH Chapter 60 YAH promises to return His people from the four corners of these far away abusive lands.
It is a mistake to base Yeshua’s return on the Rothschild’s land and ‘ ‘Jewish People’ creation who originated from Noah’s Son JAPHETH.
Israelites are from Noah’s Son SHEM.
Look to the REAL murdered, disenfranchised, and mistreated people descending from SHEM; who were originally from Ophir and Havilah (Mozambique/Zimbabwe), as well as other areas in the "mountain ranges in the East" (Genesis 10:21-31).
The True Israelites are called by an epithet…
(The ‘N’ Word).
I understand that the Antichrist will be on the scene when the Tribulation starts?? The Gog of Magog war starts before that??? The Rapture happens anytime?? So am I right in saying that life as we know it here in Canada and the US continues as business as usual??? Will not people and companies be affected by all the missing people to continue with business as usual?? Since Russia invaded Ukraine I still go to work and continue waiting for the Rapture to happen! What can we expect to happen here in Canada and the US on a daily basis?
Anti christ has come to this plain on May 28, as the Messiah in Jerusalem. Before that 800 t0 900 Ethiopians were killed while protecting the ark of the covenant, then after his arrival Jerusalem had a concert and 44 peoole where trampled to death I cal that a sacrifice, after his arrival the world conflict was ramped up
What about the two witnesses that will prophecy in Jerusalem for three years that God protects till they are killed and thier body will be in the streets for 3 days then rise again and be taken up and then the antiChrist will be there and cause the abomination ???
What’s with rhe crazy guy in the corner. Are qe bowing to these Arabs
why get so worked up, about this….
This preacher does not speak truth, the destruction of the world’s false religions will trigger the tribulation and the main part of the world’s false religions is Christendom! It has taught lies and pagan doctrines for centuries and will soon face God’s wrath!
Dear brother, it really îs The end of The world, The sign 666, will be keeping sunday, now what im saying, îs not all adventist repent, as I dont say not all catolics or even, now practicant satanist wont redeem, many will fqll from faith, others that were decived,The entire life, will be very greatfull, and will sincerly turn to god! No în îs reedemed by his deeds,but by gods grace! Read isaias 55 and 56 and 31! If not tell this to a godfearing, but mislead and decived family or friends. You May save a soul , god works în mysterious ways! One more very important thing, The decive that The soul lives afterlife, its a lie, theres no such thing! Ecl3siast 9:4,5 "The man after death, no longer knows anything, hes wishes hes toughts are all gone,he no longer knows anything happening under The sun,even his name îs forgotten" True this idea of afterlife satan decives huge,many ways! For exemple purgatory, depicts god as cruel,no wonder many catolics dont believe în god! Or if theres a purgatory then I can do whatever I want,îl bună anyways,;plus confessions I always did, ave maryas I always said, candles lițe by loved ones, imma be ok. ….. wouldnt that be convenient…! But another crazy huge răzbit he hits, îs trowing poor people, instead of going to god, The only doctor, directly to The one that caused The problem în The first place,under s-o much names, theres s-o called "spirits or energies" , crap theres just demons ,on there work of deciving even more! For exemple: ( The yoga-karma bullshit, tarot, wicca,seance, ouija table, Charlie Charlie,witchraft, horoscop, chaneling .. and s-o on) oh yeah and The first two comandemnts are totaly butchered by catolicism and ortodoxism to: I am youre god, do not have other gods, and do not worship or give prayse to anything and anyone else,do not keep idols, do not forge lokalikes, there shall be no paintings of anything în skyes or on earth :its full(The pope, priests, countless saints, pictures with Mary, angels, opulence ,cruces, dead corpses.. u name it) god bless you and youre loved ones! Remember, its late, god calls us all by name, its oure choice as we have free will, god îs not a tiran, satans a liqr thats all! You make 1 step god makes 100, god bless you and youre loved ones!
The Jewish people are waiting for their messiah: the Antichrist, as they continue to reject the One True Messiah: Jesus.
They will build the Third Temple, for the Antichrist to sit on his throne, and they will implement their Noahide Laws and behead, for idolatry, any Christian who publicly proclaims Jesus as Lord God, King, and Saviour.
The Worldly nation of Israel is not part of the Kingdom of God and Heaven, not is the USA, they are under the authority of Satan, until Jesus returns and destroys His enemies, and will rule and reign from His throne in Jerusalem and we who truly belong to Jesus will rule with Him. Jesus Christ affirmed this when he warned the Jews: “I am come in my Father’s Name but you will not receive Me. Another will come in his own name and him you will receive.” John 5:43
I am serving and living for Christ Jesus alone and no other person, or group will I give my allegiance to. Jesus is coming soon to take back His planet from the enemy Satan and before the Antichrist and False Prophet take complete control over this world, I will keep sharing the gospel of Christ Jesus and exposing the agendas of Satan. Beware of the Judaizers and their Noahide Laws coming soon. Praise Jesus. Thank You Jesus. Maranatha Jesus.
Lost interest
You are reading from the old covenant. There is a new covenant. New covenant its not with Israel. The same us happening in Europe. It happens more or less every 100 years. Its called purification. Jesus said when you see the abomination of desolation enter the house of God run to the mountains. The time to run is now. The church is bringing things of the devil inside, and faiths that don’t belong to God. It happened before the 1st world war. That is why the woman with the crown of 12 starts and a moon under her feet appear in Fatima Virgim Mary "worning if man didn’t change all of this would happen, it took 2wars,Spanish flue famines and plagues for man to change a little. Now its going to be the same. Jesus spoke of a balance that needs to be kept, the balance is kept according to how many people take away their sins with blood of God. Man stop taking away sins. The balance will be kept another way.
I’m GLAD that I simply trust Jesus Who told me in His Word, "Fear not, take no thought for tomorrow" and Who also made clear that Christians who have His PEACE would go about being productive and doing their daily service to Him when He simply takes us out. All this dark worry about the Trib. I’m going to be watching that entire show from the Balcony of Heaven with Him! Are you worried about all that?? Why????
Thank you for the message but don’t forget when you read first Thessalonians 5:2 then team Joel 2:31 the day of the Lord comes after the sixth seal! That is when Jesus says he comes back on a cloud to gather together his elect . Christians buckle up don’t be apart of the great falling away and prepare for the first 5 seals
To those who are BORN again Christian in the scriptures that says we are not appointed to God WRATH but salvation Jesus also says and the scriptures pray that you escape all these things to come it will be like the days of Noah when Jesus Returns there will be eaten drinking given in marriage business as usual there is clear evidence of a Rapture thessalonians we will meet him in the air the snatching away taken up means rapture again God’s church is not appointed to WARTH this is why we are taken out of the way so that God can judge the ungodly and rebellious people who refuse God’s grace love and salvation nobody need to go to hell other people’s Condemned their SELVES TO HE’LL by refusing to believe in Jesus Christ salvation plan I thank God for Jesus Christ god became a man to save humanity to redeemers by his blood and to defeat Satan the devil on the cross the Devil’s worst hangup is to see Jesus nailed to a cross
The rapture happens after the 7th bowl was poured. The saints fight the antichrist. We are the saints. Read your Bible people
You can not be worthy but you can be justified by the blood of Christ.
Repent, confess, trust, surrender, salvation.
Romans 10:9-13
All Children under the age of accountability will go in the rapture. The Rapture will trigger tribulation.
Ever since President Trump unwittingly, thinking it good, entered into trying to ratify a deal involving a divided Israel, he and our Country have been experiencing a tremendous nose dive.
Right up to that point he and our Country were doing incredibly wonderful.
There is a clear and evident curse associated with anyone who enters into any kind of agreement to split Israel, no matter how reasonable and helpful it might seem. That Israel belongs to God, and that He has determined, way back when He made the Covenant with Abraham, that it is to be the homeland of Abraham’s descendants, which blessing was passed down to Jacob/Israel and his descendants. To mess with it in any way brings down curses upon those involved in doing so.
Get the word out. We all must pray that God please, with extreme grace, in Jesus Holy Name, if He would, forgive President Trump, and our Country for entering into trying to set up an agreement for a particular splitting up of Israel.
Someone tell President Trump to notice how, from that very point, he and The USA have been suffering under the extreme weight of the curse, which he unwittingly, with misdirected good intention, has wrought upon himself and our Country. If he would publicly repent to God, it could very well bring God’s blessings back upon both President Trump and upon our whole Country.
This dude is a hack read your KJV And save your money
It sounds to me that there is one return of the Lord, after the Tribulation when Jesus shortens those days because every living soul would die. Maybe nuclear weapons will come into play. Russia is threatening the west for supplying war materials to Ukraine, and even our Congress is saying WE can win in a nuclear exchange. Now China is threatening to shoot down Pelosi’s plane, headed to Taiwan, sounds like a WW3 to me. Israel might very well be attacked by Irsn very soon, or Israel could 1st strike Iran like they did in the 6 day war years back. And catch Iran by surprise. At any rate, I think as Christians we need to repent, and pray for our Lord’s soon return to take us where he is…in heaven, where he is building a mansion for his believers who truly worship him. And are looking for his coming return.
A pre-trib rapture isn’t biblical. Halfway through a 7 yr peace treaty, it will be broken, and then begins the Great Tribulation, and when the pre-trib rapture doesn’t happen at that time, there will be many professing Christians that will lose their faith, and they will accept the "Mark of the Beast", so that they can survive. They will not be prepared to go through the Great Tribulation, and the persecutions that will come with it. The Rapture, and the Resurrection will happen on the same day, which is the last day, when the angels of God will gather up every believer from every corner of the Earth.
It doesn’t say the white horse is the antichrist – it says it has a toxin of corona that conquered the world – which happened w Covid – and the horses symbolize events not particular people
Sheol, not show Just know, subtitles have mistakes.
JESUS CHRIST will not let the 7 years of tribulation start, before He ensures souls are saved and that all His saved children are raptured.