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Faith In God's Covenant | Pastor Mirek Hufton | Wednesday Evening Service
Faith In God’s Covenant | Pastor Mirek Hufton | Wednesday Evening Service World Harvest Church – Faith In God’s Covenant | Pastor Mirek Hufton | Wednesday Evening Service (03/31/2021) Opening: (00:00) Praise & Worship: (2:05) Announcements: (25:50) Testimony: (32:05) Offering: (38:31) Sermon: (42:20) Communion: (1:39:35) Altar Call: (1:53:03) Closing: (2:12:23) We are a cross-cultural church…
Read MoreUkraine and Bible Prophecy (With Greg Laurie)
Ukraine and Bible Prophecy (With Greg Laurie) We’re all aware of what’s happening over in the Ukraine right now. They’re under attack from Russia, and people have asked the question, “Is there any significance to all of this prophetically?” Let me pull the camera back and say this: I believe we’re living in the last…
Read MoreBible Verses for Grief & Condolence
Bible Verses for Grief & Condolence Like what you see? Please treat me to a cup of coffee by going to Thank you in advance! Links to products by Bible Verses for Greeting Cards eBook “Bible Verses for Greeting Cards” – Healing Scriptures Blanket – Bible Verses for Grief & Condolence…
Read MoreBible story beloved King David movie full English HD
Bible story beloved King David movie full English HD Bible story beloved King David movie full English HD Bible story Psalmist David movie full English King David Bible story movie King Solomon Father David and Bathsheba David vs Goliath Shepherd boy Beloved King David King Saul, Prince Jonathan and Princess Michal ———- *Copyright Disclaimer Under…
Read MoreHow to Deal with Rejection in Christian Singleness: What to Do When You Get Rejected By Your Crush
How to Deal with Rejection in Christian Singleness: What to Do When You Get Rejected By Your Crush When you get rejected by your crush, a guy, or a girl that you really liked, it can be hard. How you deal with rejection will be the key. Rejection happens, even in Christian relationships, but we…
Read MoreSigns of the End Times
Signs of the End Times Are you ready for Christ’s return? For 2,000 years, followers of Christ have been looking for His prophesied reappearance. Could the heightened turmoil in today’s world be a sign that it is imminent? What should we be looking for? Join hosts Mart DeHaan and Jimmy DeYoung as they explore what…
Read MoreWhy Christian Movies are BAD | The Problem with Christian Media
Why Christian Movies are BAD | The Problem with Christian Media As Christians who believe in a limitless creative God, should we demand better films or settle for what is given to us because its Christian? This video will discuss the problem with christian movies, their impact on christianity, and why christian movies are bad…
Read MoreChina And The End Times (Prophecy Points)
China And The End Times (Prophecy Points) The Bible says no one knows the day or the hour of the Lord’s return . . . but it also warns us all to be ready. ___________________________________________________________________________________ Thank you for watching, tune in live here on YouTube every Sunday and Thursday for more messages of hope and…
Read MoreSequence of Events for Christian Robinson
Sequence of Events for Christian Robinson
Read MoreHow Repentance Shapes Leadership – Fr Elias Dorham
How Repentance Shapes Leadership – Fr Elias Dorham Learn more at and support this work at Discussion Questions: 1. How often do I stop to reflect on how my own leadership lines up with the teachings of Christ, Scripture and the Church? 2. How open am I to confessing, repenting of and learning…
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