Pastor John Hagee – "The New World Order"
Pastor John Hagee – "The New World Order"
The New World Order isn’t coming to America. It’s here. From the day Satan was kicked out of heaven, he has attempted to create the New World Order. Evil can have a religious face and kill you. What is the deep state church, and how is totalitarianism creeping in? Wake up, America!
I love Israel even tho they have made mistakes
501c3 = state church controlled by the democrats.
I am not for Yrump or Biden The worst Presidents!!Trump has Christains deceived trying to get the Christain votes in what Trump do and say
Israel is committing acts of genocide we cannot support this !!
The Bible says that the Biblical Hebrews are Black People Negroes and America enslaved them Deuteronomy 28;64-68 Lamentation 5;10 Job 30;30 Isaiah 29;22 Song of Solomon 1:5-6 Jeremiah 14:2, 8:21 Revelation 1:14-15 Exodus 2:19 Acts 21:38
Got involved with another nimrd
I dont think so I know for a fact
expose illuminati In JESUS Name
Good gospel
Watching from eureka ca. Love this pastor
John Hagee, why are American Churches supporting the 501c3 and is your church a 501c3??? THE GREAT FALLING AWAY OF THE CHURCH = THE 501C3, AND YOU KNOW NOT
I can’t believe people actually listen to this satanic deciever.
The Lords words tell me tou cannot serve two MAsTers
رجل تافه يتكلم تفاهة بكل معنى الكلمة هل ستعرفون المسيح اكثر من أهله ايها الاوروبيون لا اظن ذلك
So the Catholic empire abd the antichrist will both be in power the queen of heaven revelation 17 but the ANTICHRIST will win They will be fighting for power.
"constant dependence on his power," sage, sounds like slavery. Sounds like inservitude. Sounds like what your ancestors did to people whose skin contained more melanin than yours. Is your God kind or honest? Or do you chase a thing like Holiness which is actually Servitude and Damnableness? Are you dancing against the mouth of Lucifer?
Love to you 2
The rigt have the righteosness of JESUSCHRST!!! ڤ
Heart warming message, may GOD bless pastor John hagee and his family with a long healthy life on this earth .
Amen that day is comeing
Yes if you look at thing today the way Biden is doing look out it is here now .i think Biden is part of the Antichrist and our gop
The left leftTHELORD
He has
Amen to the king of glory
Yahweh,its no secret
Vote Trump to save America!!!
false prophet
The Satanic system gets Gods Left-Hand
Covid make people sick. God and Jesus once healed the sick. They are far from you, and well they should be. You are a charlatan and a moneymonger, and nothing at all in line with our savior. You are a faker, a greyshirt, and a coward. You stand in a big church because you had lunch with big friends, but God was absent from your bisque. You are a liar and a fake Christian.
The Lord showed me the one world government and He also told me if they want socialism I will give them socialism
Vote foot Mr.Trump tomorrow pllease
Bible says Satan brings in peace not cutting g peoples heads off!! Otherwise everyone would know he’s the fake !
So true
truly feel sorry for the followers of these crazy bibleguys, because nothing they preach will ever happen, even how much they try
Thank you for showing Israels flag.