IN THE BLINK OF AN EYE | Full Christian Movie – Starring David A. R. White, Eric Roberts
IN THE BLINK OF AN EYE | Full Christian Movie – Starring David A. R. White, Eric Roberts
In the Blink of an Eye | Full Christian Movie – Starring David A. R. White, Eric Roberts
After police detectives save a pop star, her manager invites them for a weekend in Mexico on his yacht. But the perfect vacation turns to terror when his wife and friends go missing.
David A. R. White
Eric Roberts
Andrea Logan
Carey Scott
Anise Fuller
#movie #faith #bible #jesus #hope #action #thriller
I am in the lend of bengle I am Dom’s day
Great Movie . .Thank you for sharing!
If it’s the end of the world why would they show things to be the same way they where! This is a lie if you believe in the"rapture" there morning like that in the Bible. Go read it and stop day dreaming!
Jesus said that no man would know the day nor the hour of His return. Jesus knew there would be date setters, and there have been many, multitudes of believers have been confused and some devasted by these fake "seers". Paul refers to the coming of Christ in the context of "the day of the Lord", and Paul assures us "ye are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a theif". The coming of Christ will surprise the world, but not believers, who are prepared for His return. Not one verse of Scripture says that anyone vanishes at Christ’s return. The Bible tells a different story than the prophecy movies and books.
❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ JESUS is about to return..repent and give your life to JESUS…to be your LORD and SAVIOUR…we do not know the time or the hour…it will be like a blink of the eye…we should alway’s be prepared…JESUS is coming and HE’S at the door…give your life to JESUS…
stupid movie
I’ve watched this movie several times over the years. It’s a fascinating movie.
The Greatest Man in History.
He had no servants, yet they called him master.
He had no degree, yet they called him teacher.
He had no medicines, yet they called him healer.
He had no army, yet Kings feared him.
He won no military battles, yet he conquered the world.
He committed no crime, yet they crucified him.
He was buried in a tomb, yet he lives today.
He is Christ our Messiah
Bulshit story
Jesus is not got but messenger of god .How can we say a human being god who eat drink sleep like us….There is no God but Allah and prophet Muhammad pbuh is last and final messenger of God. We muslims love and respect all messenger .❤
Been a believer for 40 years, I don’t get this movie at all. Why was he having ground hogs day repeatedly?
Amazing movie out brought tears to my eyes, Jesus is coming very soon the rapture can happen in any second. Please make sure you’re ready. God bless you all.
The lord healed me on my death bed a was dying of septisemer Jesus stood next to me and healed me instantly
That was the 5th may 1987
God showed me the rapture on passover 2014
I asked the lord about the 4 blood red moons that happened on the four Jewish feasts dates
I fell asleep and heard the awesome voice of God saying come up here and a loud trumpet blast Immediately I was taken up and was standing on a cloud and saw these blueish flames coming up from the earth The holy spirit said to me that God has chosen to show you this and that this will happen in a blink of an eye and the flames are those who have the spirit of God and as the holy spirit came down on the apostles as a shape of a flame
I turned and saw a middle eastern man sitting dressed in a white garment and said that he is bringing peace to the earth
I turned and looked back to see one of the flames going back to the earth I shouted don’t listen to him he is the antichrist
I looked to my right and saw Jesus standing on a cloud and asked why they going back Jesus said that they love the world more than they love him and his church has fallen asleep and he is coming for his bride and like in Mathew 25 the ten virgins they all fell asleep and lots wife she looked back
I asked the lord who are the 5 foolish virgins he said they are those Christians who do not have a relationship with him
They think they can buy their way into heaven they are lead by wolves in sheep’s clothing saying if they invest in this and that buy buying there books,cds,DVD,ect they will pray for them and they will get the job house,car
That what the wise say to them
Go to those who buy and sell the oil and buy from them the oil
When they come back and knock on the door Jesus says to them go away I don’t know you
Be blessed Jesus is coming very soon for his bride Amen
I love these movies with David and his wife. I’m so thankful to Jesus Christ that I’ll be one of the people that will disappear in the rapture, it sure is getting close..
Giving him chance over chance over chance will not happen in the real world. Everyone be ready now for the Lord Jesus Christ to come. We will all then go home 🙂 – I pray for everyone in the comments that need prayers. I pray every day for everyone in the entire world to come to know this wonderful Man. Plant the seed and God will do all the rest.
Very amazing story lord jesus thank you for saving us
very beautiful movie,, I really enjoyed and loved this. 🙂 I hope you make alot more Christian movie videos?? these are really good. 🙂
In 2017 I was attacked while I was sleeping in my home. It wasn’t until I was punched in the mouth that I knew I wasn’t dreaming. My brain was frozen in fear except for the screaming out in silence, Jesus save me! My struggles put me on the floor, a pillow being smashed in my face and somehow I got the words out, “I rebuke you in Jesus name!” And the attacker stopped, got up off me and said, “I can’t do this. I know it’s wrong. You called out to my lord and savior. I know he’s telling me to stop.” So much more happened but Jesus kept him from ending my life that night. Thank you Jesus.
This is not going to happen the way movies shows it when Jesus comes back it say every eye will see him, how can you look for something that you know when it left you! there is going to be a trumpet no body is going to be able to sleep through that and the blink of an eye that means the believers that are alive will be changed from corruption to incorruption bodies, Not a disappearing act!
My Lord please give me my own intentional consistent commited full with divine wisdom husband this year Amen.
Thank you for the movie. I enjoyed it very much
I want to pray for all my family and friends who don’t know Jesus yet! Lord please give the increase for all who hear your beautiful words of salvation!❤I love you Jesus and thank you for everything you have given me! And for keeping my kitties safe and for the food I put in my belly! You are Lord of lords…King of kings!
Super movie. Thanks much.
2058 7 coming
The message in this movie was very special. What he needed all along was that breaking down, knees to the ground moment that brings us all to Him. Jesus breaks us down before He builds us up anew. For our new selves, our actual lives. Praise the Lord God forevermore for all that He does!
Great movie!
I thought she was pregnant when she got on the boat??? But she isn’t on the beach…
I Don’t Like All This Violence Myself, Why So Much Killing In The World Today, The Bible Says What To Meditate On Day and Night. (We Become Whatever You Feed Into Your Heart and Mind)
This movie is so true we don’t know the day or hour but believe Jesus is coming. People get ready the King of Kings the Lord of Lords is coming. Glory be to God Hallelujah amen. Rejoice Rejoice look up our Redeem will be here.
I am glad to be born again… halelujah!
Enjoyed. Thanks for sharing. Believe the Gospel repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. Halalujah
Please pray my husband David will give his heart to Jesus! Thank u
What an amazing and inspiring movie this is…. I’m touched
This movie is based on Facts from The Bible…Yes, The Rapture is Real ! Look in The Bible for the facts: 1st Thessalonians ch 5! The Rapture is Real; I wait for It soon! I thank Jesus for His Salvation! Everyone who reads this or watches the movie, please, Trust The Lord Jesus NOW! Proverbs 3:5,6!
This is so beautiful! To God be all the glory. Weldon and much grace