If I Was Single and Wanted to Be Married in 2025, I’d Do This
If I Was Single and Wanted to Be Married in 2025, I’d Do This
Are you a Christian single person who wants dating advice in 2025? Here are 4 biblical principles that can be applied to your desire to be married in 2025.
(COURSES and EMAIL COACHING) AGW University: Relationship Training for Christian Singles: https://agwuniversity.teachable.com/p/total-access
(My new book!) Invite Him: 16 Rules from Ruth to Help Your Future Husband Find You: https://amzn.to/4eL0pjw
Christ-Centered Dating: Pursuing a Relationship that Glorifies God: https://amzn.to/3j3XzyU
100 Relationship Signs: How to Know What God Is Saying to You in Singleness and Dating: https://amzn.to/2RIm02U
The One: How to Know and Trust God’s Sovereign Plan for Your Future Marriage: https://amzn.to/2HIbuXa
The Ultimate Guide to Christian Singleness: https://amzn.to/2OuIL8Q
Intertwined: Our Happiness Is Tied to God’s Glory: https://amzn.to/3kP7epZ
Redeemed Like David: How to Overcome Sexual Temptation: https://amzn.to/3vwctBT
Never Quit: A 5 Week Small Group Bible Study on the Power of Prayer: https://amzn.to/2UZP7PX
Basic Transformation: A Small Group Bible Study on the Basics of Christianity and Transformation: https://amzn.to/2WtsRyg
FREE eBook: 10 Powerful Tips to Prepare You for a Successful Christian Dating Relationship http://applygodsword.com/10-powerful-tips-to-prepare-you-for-a-successful-christian-dating-relationship/
FREE eBook: The Ultimate Guide to Christian Singleness: http://applygodsword.com/christian-singleness-bible-study-book/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/markballengeragw/
Email: markballenger@applyGodsword.com
Please note: Sadly, due to the large amount of emails I receive, I am unable to respond to everyone. I’m so sorry about that! I truly wish I could! The shorter your email is to me, the more likely I will be able to respond. Thank you so much for understanding!
In Christ and with love,
“Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” -Ephesians 3:20-21
It’s possible been single for 5 years and God has allowed me to find a good man of faith ! Perfection doesn’t exist but having a God foundation in relationship is a unique experience
Are you a Christian single woman who would like to be pursued by a godly man? If so, you may really benefit from my new book, Invite Him: 16 Rules from Ruth to Help Your Future Husband Find You: https://amzn.to/4eL0pjw
God bless!
I’m a 35-year-old male and I have been single my whole life. I would like to get married, but I don’t have any friends and I need a significant other. The problem is I need to work on myself by accomplishing all my goals first. One thing I always tell myself is that God will find the right person for me to date and marry if I let Him. This will take some time, but I know it can somehow happen. Let God bring the right person for marriage into my life after I put in some effort and everything else will follow. Thanks for the video.
I was waiting on my soulmate when i was 18. Now I’m 46 and it haven’t came . So sometimes you just got to forget and move on with your life.
Praying for a kingdom spouse this year .
thank you so much brother! I really need to hear those words. Last year, I have this girl that I thought would be my future wife. But then, she said she’s waiting for God’s best (despite of we’ve been dating and waiting) so I was heartbroken. I am now healed from that past trauma and ready to face this year with that HOPE that God will give me the ONE this 2025.
I got an instruction from the Holy spirit to pray for a man …. meanwhile as I was searching for knowledge about the instruction I found myself on this channel and I believe this is my year of being pursued by my husband who’s of the kingdom of God
God bless you all
Go to a mega church with lots of ladies, Bible study, volunteer works through church that’s what I’d do and should do to meet a godly woman
Thank you but we all know , when it comes to relationship wise in this platform it is not something serious but a game . Meaning it is parts of the game . And that is why time to time I acted accordingly . I believe every mature person in this formum is truly occupied , so if it’s part of it’s we have to play it that way . Some people might not understand me better when it’s comes to this . Just to prove a point for you . For example do you remember Nightingale ? if you know him and you where in this from the starting point of this whole game , then you will know what I meant . By then I didn’t even tripped for Nightingale talkless of wind . I am a lady that respected herself highly when it’s comes to romantic love life . I have the conciseness that mən hər the ones that should chase woman not me chasing mən . In this twenty fourth century they dosent worth it to chase them (men) Only if you are already in the relationship and the person concerns values you the wonan / lady .
Thank you and I will make sure that I watch your video later on .
I hate to go but I have to go because my body is telling me to rest . Night , night .
Sometimes I’m afraid when I don’t go to, for example, a christian concert I heard about, I will miss my future husband whom I would have met there.
What do you think about that?
(Sorry,English is not my native language)
You have got to be extremely careful about online dating. Some ppl who claim to be “Christian “ on a dating app are psycho. Now a days you can’t trust anything anymore. Sometimes online dating are more for the thirsty and desperate
Dear Mr. Ballenger how I pray that I could send you letters through post mail though I really feel alone yet I am not ready for a simple marriage because my youngest brother is still finishing his studies I will just trust in God’s perfect timing. Thank you for reading this. May God Bless your family richly
Let’s make this a chain!! Everyone write your name,age,current country and insta/snap & gender obv
It will connect us to like minded people!
This is my prayer for this year! I’m working on these 4 steps. May the Lord’s will be done!
1. Fully surrender to God
2. Look for opportunities to increase your social activity – don’t be passive
3. Ask others to help you identify blind spots that may be hindering you from getting into a relationship – honest feedback from trustworthy people
4. Ask God and be specific with your request to him
I met someone on online dating we will getting engaged leading to marriage met in June 2024
Proverbs 16:3 (KJV)
Commit thy works unto the LORD, and thy thoughts shall be established.
I want to marry this year i believe will get my spouse soon ❤ praying to cover my feelings who gonna understand it and again come to new taughts
@AGW My problem is severe OCD which makes me live for almost 5 years now in isolation. Amongst it is a fear of UV radiation which I haven’t found protection for (it’s a long story). I crave a godly marriage. But I dare only go out in the dark which limits of course many possibilities. I want to beat this OCD to a level where a ‘normal’ life would be possible again but it’s very hard. I crave intimacy and I want to be a loving spouse. I think I can be, with God’s help of course..I really want to be free of this OCD. Could you do a video for christians who struggle with disabilitating mental problems who want to be in a marriage? I know it’s possible, there are many examples. I do pray about it.
Is it possible that a divorced woman was not married to “The One”… and could there be a second chance for her to find the person God intended for her to be with?
Thank u jesus timing is everything
– People need to actually go out there evangelize to recruit people into the Kingdom of God, just like what Jesus did. When you are at your hobbies, talk to people about Christ, bring them to church(don’t go alone), start a small bible study group, etc,. Jesus said the Harvest is Plenty! These are the people that may end up being your close-friends/ and or spouses. There’s No website/App/ or Anyone that can hand you a quality person, you have to actually talk to people, and make personal connections, and be open-minded!
God know best me is build solid friendships then marriage in the future .
At times I feel doubt for a second chance at marriage, I choose to put doubt away and believe God is still good. Working behind the scenes, on my behalf instead. Lovingly. Devoteingly. Absence of a physical husband, is no indication of my spiritual one. It’s a challenge sometimes, but requires faith.
I’m a lady in waiting ❤
Sorry for any mistake in spellings. İt’s is what it is right now . I pray for an imrovement later . It was not my wish tobe this way . I pray for God Almighty for a betterment . Amen !!!!!!!
I rather trust God. The modern dating scene is a nightmare now. God will give us the beautiful relationship and marriage that is not of today’s world. Keep believing ladies ❤
Passive may not be a bad thing. If you’re so actively looking for a man, you could end up in the wrong relationship that set you years back from being in the right one. Pray everyday and believe that God will put the right people on your path. Let God surprise you. Also a lot of people have found their spouses when they were not actively looking but focused on God himself.
It’s Proverbs 16:3, not Psalm 16:3
Maybe, just maybe, when this guy has another 20 to 30 years life experience on him, then I might listen to his advice. This guy is maybe in his 30s. He doesn’t understand what he doesn’t understand. He’s sincere, I’ll give him that.
"I will need to do something and God will take that effort to produce what HE WANTS OUT OF THAT".
I have to be active living my life to the glory of God, because He knows how to pair me with the person He has for me who will also be seeking to glorify Him.
I like how you keep pointing to God. "If it God’s will" "Submit yourself to God."
Because only God knows and He wants us focus to be Him, and that being His will, it will come to pass.
Everytime I ask God for a life partner he SAYS NO. Instead, he gives me a business idea. I fast, I pray, I have faith even when I wasn’t comitted to HIM as I am today, but I came to the conclusion that maybe he knows I will meet that right man for me through one of businesses. Obedience ain’t for the weaks. So if you ask and he says no, it light mean « not now » and you need to accept it.
I am doing all those things but my friend tells me I need to stop looking when I only just started after 4 years being celibate.
@team headjosh there out there pray and ask he will lead and guide u