“I Am He” | Jeffrey R. Holland | October 2024 General Conference
“I Am He” | Jeffrey R. Holland | October 2024 General Conference
President Jeffrey R. Holland speaks at the 194th semiannual general conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints held on October 5-6, 2024.
Christ’s charity—evident in complete loyalty to divine will—persisted and continues to persist.
One of my most favorite!
Thank you for blessing everyday
Elder Jeffrey R holland quando eu estava passando pela um bairros pacato de teresina..brasil eu evitei algumas livros e revista a liahonaem português e outro em inglês "preach my gospel " em outro dia eu tive um sonho com o Eldet Wilford woodruff ele estava me chamando..
It’s December 23, and this is what showed up in my fb feed! ❤
The second sentence of his sermon is where it all begins and ends; “I know that my redeemer lives”. To know that, is the beginning of everything meaningful in this life.
I love this talk. Elder Holland is fantastic. I always love this part of the scriptures too. When Christ says "I am He".He is italicized showing that "He" was added and Jesus really said "I Am". There is something to think about. The power in His name with Him speaking it. Amazing.
I listened to him speak at BYU, back in the day when he was the President. The Spirit bore witness to me that he would be an apostle, and sure enough, six months later he was called. Because of that, he’s a special testimony to me that God is in charge of His Church. ❤
A treasure of pure testimony and apostolic authority.
Theses wonderful Church Leaders to help us along our ways spiritually and insights into our spiritual progression!!!!
If we were with Him he would not have died as we would die protecting Him
Such an amazing talk. I love it
Elder Holland is my favorite ❤ He brings so much hope in his talks. I always love to hear him speak. How can you not know he is a true apostle?? How can you not know what he says is from God?? Love you President Holland. So grateful you are still here. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
We gather to speak of Christ, and Him crucified… and some other things unrelated to that.
Powerful teachings based in part on The Bible, John 18:1-9.
The Sabbath is actually Saturday, but in the new covenant, the Sabbath is Jesus. Jesus is our rest. Sabbath means rest.
É um discurso amoroso , muito lindo à Jesus Cristo! Muito obrigado por tanta inspiração querido presidente Holland. O divino dna de Jesus não o permitia ele morrer mais que ele atravessasse a morte e fosse até o seu mundo em três dias e lhe tomasse o seu poder com as chaves de seu poder divino. Amo isso, ver Jesus com o poder da morte e as chaves da prisão. Quando a pedra foi tirada do seu sepulcro e Maria em desespero veio gritando: Levaram o Senhor do sepulcro, não poderia ser real por ele ser o Senhor da luz e da vida e divinamente estar vivo para a eternidade. Amo aprender sobre Jesus e o tanto que ele nos amou, amo o meu Pai Celestial.
I love Pres Holland so much. Such a strong testator and witness to say the least
There’s a great book by an LDS author that shows that there is perfect harmony between the prophetic statements concerning the garden of Eden being in Missouri and the Old Testament account concerning the garden of Eden. It’s called Canaan, Babylon, and Egypt A Comparative Theological Analysis on Creation sold by Eborn Books and Benchmark Books.
Oh Elder Holland! I love him so much!
Amen,I love Jesus Christ ❤️❤️❤️
It is tough but it is so worth it all. No matter what you go through stay the course and keep your eyes on Jesus Christ
He is absolutely beauty with His spirit I love him so much
this girl hurted me so bad i turned to god for help
Holland’s back!! Let’s go!!!
I love Elder Holland. His words always ring true to my soul.❤
Heĺlo Elder Jeffrey R. Holland l like of the preaching the gospel in the village of acentain.
Elder Holland, is one of the big reasons I was encouraged to message a missionary.
Elder Holland God bless you
I love the power he preaches with. May we all be true to Jesus Christ, always.
Yeee!! Llego el sonido!!
Outstanding! I too signed on for the whole term.
Well Done Elder Holland.
10:15 this was an answered prayer before conference. I so desperately needed Elder Hollands council! What a powerful motivational talk to stay the course in the Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day Saints ❤
Thank you brotherholland
Brother Holland is a wonderful inspiring speaker
Hola adorables Elder Jeffrey R. Holland yo estuve uno sono con Wilford woodruff cuando coche su libro en inglês
.preach my gospel..en ciudad de Teresina _Piaui brasil
Love u always Holland
We Love you President Holland Thank You are there more comforting words than when the Savior says I am he to his younger brothers and sisters I LOVE THE SAVIOR AND HEAVENLY FATHER AND THE HOLY SPIRIT
Jesus is God. He said "I AM". 100% human, 100% God. Since Jesus paid for our sin – taking our place, no one has to work for salvation – Jesus paid for it.
I love that we are encouraged not to dumb down Jesus’s teachings. Keep the commandments and love God and others. It won’t always be popular to do, but this what Jesus told us to do.
Jesus warned us in matthew 24 about false latter day jesus’s coming. Who are they?
I don’t know if am confused, i don’t think this is elder Holland
Any ideas on how to teach this talk on EQ?