How to Forgive Someone Who Has Hurt You Deeply (Christian/Bible/Forgiveness)
How to Forgive Someone Who Has Hurt You Deeply (Christian/Bible/Forgiveness)
How can you forgive someone who has hurt you deeply? How can you forgive someone as a Christian and according to the Bible? Here are three Christian ways to forgive someone who has hurt you deeply.
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(Article) How to Forgive Someone Who Has Hurt You Deeply
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(ON SALE) The One: How to Know and Trust God’s Sovereign Plan for Your Future Marriage
The Ultimate Guide to Christian Singleness
Intertwined: Our Happiness Is Tied to God’s Glory
Redeemed Like David: How to Overcome Sexual Temptation
Never Quit: A 5 Week Small Group Bible Study on the Power of Prayer
Basic Transformation: A Small Group Bible Study on the Basics of Christianity and Transformation
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I need to forgive my parents who have been hurting me since I was a toddler. I am now 32. I must forgive because it is in the will of God. Please pray for me. ❤ I must forgive.
thank you so much for this… i now understand that forgiving someone, is taking away the judgement for the sin they have done against us… "its ok…i forgive them lord, nothing to see here"….
If the person who wronged me is an atheist – is he still forgiven? Do I still owe him forgiveness to walk in Gods image!
I was raised in a wonderful Christian home until my parents divorced. My mom cheated on my dad, and he divorced her. She married another man 6 months afterward and started drinking and using pain pills. She completely stole my innocence and ruined my life. I began to use drugs to try and find peace or joy because I couldn’t find it anywhere else, not even from God. God was silent, and I found no peace in Him. I felt like I got off drugs and alcohol all on my own. I would love to forgive my parents, and I would love to drop my bitterness and anger and hatred, but I feel like God hates me now and has given me over to a reprobate mind, because why else would He leave me like this? Please pray for me. I crave righteousness and love and forgiveness and faith, but it all seems to elude me. Will God not answer my prayers for these things? Will he send me to hell and eternal darkness and even more tornent than I’m already in despite me begging Him to change my heart, mind, faith, and love through Jesus’s death on the cross?
When someone deeply hurts us, we should walk away with a forgetful heart.
Please forgive my negative comments on here.
What about parents? Someone told me this only applies to strangers not parents?
I feel hurt even now.Only God knows why I need to give my comment and I’m glad I did.Bye
Guess we are all heading to the pit
God said even sinners love people who are good to them. It takes Him to help us love our enemies. At least I admit I can’t do it alone.
You are forgetting about loving your enemy. If you dont reconcile then they become an enemy.
"Go first and reconcile with your brother". ❤
Thank you so much Mark
Religious christians are evil. They go to church, not because they have any love in their selfish hearts, but because of pride.
I can’t forgive my vet, she underestimated the situation snd she refused to give him a shot of insulin he died. She gaslighted me by pretending it was me, but emails don’t lie, she had personal concerns which were no facts and the reality. I can eat and sleep wirh pills, i have been bodily ill for 15 years, mrn abused me verbally sexually and left me, friends left me all except that cat was more to me than anyone else. He was not as old he was just 8 , other cats live 15 years, it was so unnecessary.
Now I grieve too much i pray God gives me the strength as i cant forgive and i told the vet this into her face. I know I’m a humble person and one day i will forgive for myself out of Gods love.
Nr 1 is so accurate, the society demands forgiveness and wants us to continue our lives as if nothing had happened. I realized by praying, that’s not God’s will, we should forgive for ourselves as God’s love and hatred can’t co-exist, we should not forgive because the society wants us to.
Also is grieving not a linear matter. Some owners sell their cats, others don’t care, for some are pets just fellows and for others like me he was part of my family. That’s why you never know how strong the bond was between two, never judge. Grieving is a process with up and downs, not a 2 weeks program and that was it and everyone grieves differently. I think the society oftentimes makes us feel we aren’t good Christians if we don’t forgive and I withdraw from society I don’t like pressure on me all time
Running out of cheeks to turn. I’m just grateful I haven’t harmed the people physically for their evil towards me …
Thank you, Mark. God bless!
Plis pray for me to forgivw my husband
What am do if i don’t know how to forgive this pain i went through when someone hurt me so deeply?? And does not want to admit it???
No ones gonna see this but my partners parents absolutely loathe me, i have no idea why or how they even have this opinion on me. I have tried to talk to them about this but they wont tell me, they refuse to. I want to learn to forgive but i just cant see myself forgiving someone for something i dont know what to forgive for. Ill be going to church and learning the bible and its contents soon so i can teach myself such things, the only thing i fear is if im too late to turn to christ. I will try to rebuild my faith in God to what it was like before i gave up on him, i was young and stupid, i still am but i am willing to do what i can to sleep at night knowing i at least gave my life to god aftera lifetime of refusing.
True forgiveness is too complex and this is why we struggle with it, so cutting off the offender is easier than to forgive. But who has truly forgiven someone for a terrible betrayal, breach of trust or crime against them, how did it feel after, is it even possible, I struggle with forgiveness, human nature wants justice but rarely is it given.
how to forgive your father who did damage in your life
Don’t want to get into any more trouble, don’t care about it, they never intended for your safety or better life than the other, they are not supposed to care about your life at all they are not meant to care what they do and are not supporting them at all kind, don’t let them get away to staples you behind your back again, never have any once that they try to help you when you being them to stop or let you go, they don’t deserve it all you do not want to see your family to get hurt by they’re not worth your time and lifestyle anymore because of your parents being there for them they don’t need to see you anymore
Since we’re all here I know we are taking the right steps
No one EVER hurt us, that was just predestined loss, abandonment, rejection & not being received trauma to be experienced, along with all predestined emotions, feels & even energy levels nobody EVER created either, also insecurity, jealousy, unworthiness etc etc, time to start owning & being accountable for it all, that’s heart honesty vulnerability.
A mind can’t do vulnerability, only someone in heart can, exposing their soul & connecting to soul.
A person in mind can only manipulate, control, deceive, or be deceived, act & stay a blamer & victim.
I have a hard time forgiving
OK. Are you wishing to Re-Attach or to Detach? Until that question is answered all these forgiveness videos are useless.
God knows we are only human and flawed. And it helps when I see that in the person who hurt me.
Thank you ✨
Thank you. I have noticed that I try to forgive but the second I am around that person again all the forgiveness goes out the window. I have been doing this wrong.
Can you please talk about more topics like this related to the Christian faith and not just about dating and marriage please.
I really needed to see forgiveness in that light , knowing that I’m forgiving someone for Jesus’ sake not their sake
My wife has forgiven me for committing horrors against her and our family. Now it’s my turn….not only to forgive her but also to work doggedly towards reconciliation. Thank you so much for this video, it was truly needed, God bless.
Don’t let anyone to hurt you over and over again. The important thing is in every day in our life let us be careful not to hurt anyone. This make us strong, calm and proud of ourselves. Those who know they always hurt somebody feels so weak and have hate to their heart.
That’s so true I also agree with everything Mark said s I can forgive the one who hurt me so badly but more my daughter and my son
Step sisters.
"we owe it to Jesus" such wise words. Thank you for this video
Thank you for explaining it in the context of a debt owed… a light bulb moment for me.
For some reason it never clicked like that before even though I’ve prayed it.
Great teaching
I’m having trouble right now forgiving someone. I needed this
Do I have to believe God has already forgiven me for that to be true? Because I feel as though I’m going to Hell
If anyone is reading this I want to ask you if you can pray for me to be healed from this heart break help me heal from this hate and evil I have for this person so I can forgive them