Heaven Is * Not* What You Think: My NDE Testimony #jesus #hevrews
Heaven Is * Not* What You Think: My NDE Testimony #jesus #hevrews
On this video, Gabe Poirot shares his testimony of going to heaven and back during his near death encounter.
We’re made in the image of God..Jesus is Lord.
Jesus is Lord!!!
Loneliness rapes me. My best friend raped me. I am raped. Red hot white burning homicidal rage burns through me.
Exactly the kingdom is within
After my second veiled marriage I’m going to be 70 this year and I want to be the kind of man God wants me to be. That’s it I don’t want anything else
Jesus is love.
When you are in a coma are you dead? No.
No one ever says what it feels like. Meaning does it feel like a dream state? Or does being there feel as real as we are living right now with our senses
All I can think of is that episode where the hitman was strangling Will Smith, and the cop hardly notices, and Will narrates: "All I could think of at that moment was TURN AROUND!!" 20:34
So beautifully put.
Wow first time i herd someone give that description….why all the diffrences and diffrent person seen…but claiming the same name ?.. anyway more amazing’ gad to see you well and so alive….that is the miricle…..much peace and blessings to you
I am christian and i believe in heaven, but in a coma, it’s more like you’re sleeping/unconscious and you can’t move. I have heard some people can even hear everything around them.
Wow that is a strong powerful message and so exciting at the same time …BEAUTIFUL
The Holy Spirit poured oil over my head (at 3 am in my living room) and it was warm…. It ran all the way down to my toes. Even the creases of my eyes…!!!
What I think of our Lord Jesus Christ it’s very individual. It’s like you and him are the only ones in the universe yet he can be millions of other places at once and give that same. Feeling to everyone else that’s follows him. For him, our Lord Jesus Christ, you are the most important thing there is. That’s the kind of love that he has. He can be everywhere but when it comes right down to it it’s you and him. It’s the two of you. It’s a very personal relationship. I’m so happy that the Lord Jesus Christ is in my life. I don’t deserve anything. I failed more than I’ve ever succeeded sometimes in life. It feels like you’re running against the wind you’re always knocked backwards and you keep going forward and you keep getting pushed back and you keep going forward or whatever two steps forward one step back but we gotta finish the race. We gotta finish the race, no matter how many pitfalls in life there are or how people have let us down or how the world just seems to be against us. We just keep running the race and even if the wind keeps knocking us down, we get back up and we keep running until we can get home Home. That is nothing like anything that could ever be down here. Amen.
No. Repent of this.
So, uh… what did you see in the coma?
Don’t be. We’re made in the image of God..Your beautiful..
Jesus is the creator of Heaven and Earth. Jesus is the creator, He is Not Heaven itself. He The I AM, and He gave us His Inheritance because of our Faith in Him.
Oh my God THIS
Sorry but this didn’t really make sense to me
A 2 and a half week coma isnt a nde an nde is when you actually die
I liked this video
Blud, u were in a coma not dead, u didn’t go nowhere, u were just sleeping
I believe in Jesus and heaven that is our real home
I died at birth and Jesus brought me back to life a couple times and I have PTSD and sometimes I have dreams about heaven when I was there if you have any questions about heaven ask me
Heaven is a real place, it has houses ,it has God’s throne and all the saints are there worshipping God.
19So then after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received up into heaven, AND SAT ON THE RIGHT HAND OF GOD. 20And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen
He didn’t go to heaven because he didn’t die. You had a vision while you were asleep.
I’m sorry that happened to you. God bless you❤
I love jesus