God's Word Brings Miracles In Your Body, Mind, Soul, Home, & Relationships!
God's Word Brings Miracles In Your Body, Mind, Soul, Home, & Relationships!
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with all my heart,
in Christ,
Barrett Bogan (SoakStream)
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#healingscriptures #bibleversesforsleep #soakstream
Love God
I pray that my daughter is able to attend the h.s of her choice and that we will have the financial means to pay for the Jesuit tuition needed
Pray for my broken family
I am believing for a complete new spine from the part room in heaven. And that every boat and screw s they put in me will turn back into bone. And praise God for this miracle, for a walk by faith and not by sight. I thank God that I will be able to walk again without any assistance and run this race and call to run❤
Beautiful voice, precious Scripture. Thank you. Please leave out the loud music. Waves are enough noise.
Pray for my son he was arrested for something he didn’t do. The policeman that set him up still has a job. He lost all hope and continue to go back and forth to jail because he’s homeless and continue to squat at a house go to jail then goes back to the house and squat again. Pray for the spirit of his spirit mind and body and healing and peace. I pray that hope and faith comes back to him. I pray everything he has lost will be restored back to him. He was on death watch while he was in jail. Now jail seems like his first home. I pray the hope of God is restored to his spirit and he turns his life around
Father God please heal my body from this debilitating pain and issues with my spine and muscles. Please take my anxiety away
I pray for everyone on here please God hear their prayers and show them your mighty power not only heal them but heal them spiritually so everything lines up physically
Amen h hallelujah
God is king of kings Lord of Lords! Forever and ever ! Teshuva shalom and helaluah!
Please pray that Jesus will heal my marriage
Your father is
Believe Gerrelyn and Randy relationship is restored now amen
#1 choaen one under attack now persons ex
Teshuva shalom and helaluah!
I pray to God that my grandma is healthy again and my mom isn’t stressed out anymore in Jesus name amen
Help chosen one at home
I remember listening to this when I had the C*vid Delta Variant, back in August and September 2021. My dad got sick at the same time, but he passed away because of c*vid. When I listen to this, I remember my dad.
I love love love love you gues so much
I’m suffering 18-now from depression I have nobody sure I have a family but they dont care about me I feel alone. Mental health for 26 years I have no friends I cry all the time
I am stella, background of anxiety recovered. Having a episode right now 2.20am till now. I am in Papua New Guinea.
Please I need prayers of healing. And remove this feeling.
Healing totally for Husband Clay
Father I pray that the depression, agony and jealousy may be lifted from my body and replaced with love, happiness and peace. I pray that you may send someone my way to love my son and I, and lord I pray that my son’s father stays out of our lives for it is better that way. Amen
Father I pray that the depression, agony and jealousy may be lifted from my body and replaced with love, happiness and peace. I pray that you may send someone my way to love my son and I, and lord I pray that my son’s father stays out of our lives for it is better that way. Amen
Whoever is reading this, God has a plan. He is waiting for you to turn to him! I promise turning to Christ is the best decision you will make. May God bless you all, Have good sleep. Bye!
Thomas Michelle Jackson Dorothy Williams Frank
Please agree with me for my friend Kristen’s healing from masses on her liver. Thank you
House bills are behind. Need finances.
God I love u so much please guide and heal me ❤
Please pray for my healing and marriage it is done and I’m thankful
Please god please god