Godly Discipline: Every Parent Needs to Know This

Godly Discipline: Every Parent Needs to Know This

Many parents wonder if there is a perfect way to discipline and train their children. The answer is not so black-and-white—instead, it signifies a need for divine wisdom.

In this snippet from episode 12 of “At Home with the Beveres”, Addison, Juli, and John share how to develop a holy fear of God that leads to wisdom in all areas of life—especially parenting.

#advice #parenting #parentingadvice #howtodiscipline #godlydiscipline #parentinghacks #parentingtips #family #freshbeginnings #johnbevere #lisabevere #athomewiththebeveres


The At Home with the Beveres podcast is available on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, and Spotify. Subscribe on your favorite podcast platform to get the audio-only version so you can take it on the go!

We love hearing from you! Drop a comment to tell us what spoke to you in this episode. If you have any questions you’d like us to tackle in future episodes, drop them in the comments as well, and we’ll work hard to get to them!


  1. @emutlu4905 on March 19, 2025 at 6:59 pm

    you are not sons or daughters of God, sorry, you are God’s humans to obey him. And God is one not 3 parts and Jesus is not his son or your father but his prophet.. why is it so hard to believe it?

  2. @mtjensen5 on March 19, 2025 at 7:01 pm

    I agree discipline is good but if that’s all a child (9 year old step son) gets and never gets any one on one fun time, then that’s not good. My daughter is 27, her new husband will be 22 the end of the month. They live with me. My grandson really wants “his dad” to spend time with him but he says he’s depressed and needs to play his video games with his friends so he can have a distraction. He has been doing this since Christmas break and it’s almost the end of Jan. My daughter is pregnant too and starting to feel neglected. He laughs and seems like he’s having a great time when he’s playing games and my daughter had a friend and her boyfriend come over to visit and my daughter’s husband laughed and seemed fine with them. I’m wondering if he just doesn’t like her son. I could tell this morning my grandson was very sad. I asked him and he said cause his “dad” wasn’t spending time with him. Of course he was playing a game online with his friend instead. My heart is sad for my grandson who just wants time. Any suggestions?

  3. @breatheasy333 on March 19, 2025 at 7:03 pm

    Godly Discipline:


    All actions are caused by your actions from yesterday.

    Firmly. Clearly. Lovingly.

    I rebuke the spirit of ruby franke and jodi hildebrandt

  4. @kaylanonyaa5291 on March 19, 2025 at 7:04 pm

    For those who did not grow up with an older brother who watched WWE/WWF….. boys would constantly say "suck it"……

  5. @David-bj7zr on March 19, 2025 at 7:07 pm

    If you spank,or hit your childeren you have failed as a parent and an adult

  6. @ThomasSmith-z5q on March 19, 2025 at 7:08 pm

    I’ve been struggling with how to balance technology and faith in our home, and ‘Raising Warriors: Preparing Your Children For a Godly Life’ provided some amazing insights that we’ve already started using

  7. @tihanioliveira on March 19, 2025 at 7:09 pm

    I have 5 children. 7,5,3,1,4mo. And I’m also leading my household because the man doesn’t know how to.. it’s hard. Please pray for me ♥️

  8. @edgarmorales4476 on March 19, 2025 at 7:11 pm

    You can use your talents as a parent, seeking the best means of becoming successful in your job of promoting your children’s well-being.

    What higher calling is there than to be a "good loving parent," more especially if you take as your role model God who is entirely directed at growth, nutrition of mind and body, healing of mind and body, regeneration of mind and body, protection in every form and the fulfillment of every need of mind, emotions and body—all within a system of Law and Order and Unconditional Love.

    As a parent—have you measured up to the Mind of God?

    Think of families where emotional and mental abuse is rife. This is an abhorrent use of "mental power." It rebounds to the abuser in many, many ways—ill-health, sickness, addiction, depression and loss of self-esteem.

    However, do not use your brains, intellect, insight, knowledge and education as a platform from which to criticize, judge or condemn others who do not measure up to your own standards of efficiency or goodness in any area of your life.

    At the same time—since to criticize, judge and condemn is as natural as breathing to selfhood/personality (humanhood)—do not attempt to deny your perceptions of what might be improved. To do so is to deny the reality of the evolutionary process.

  9. @XResolveX on March 19, 2025 at 7:12 pm

    I grew up in a broken home. My knowledge of disciplining my daughter is sorely lacking. I know I can’t spare the rod but how do I know if I’m being to rough with her? The thought that I scare her worries me sick, she’s a 3 year old.

  10. @SashaHali on March 19, 2025 at 7:12 pm

    This was so refreshing and opened up a healthy conversation between my husband and I. We desire to please the Lord with how we raise our kids ❤

  11. @0601vid on March 19, 2025 at 7:14 pm

    Watching this as I struggle through every day with my small kids. It’s just a lot sometimes and I don’t know how to handle it without getting into rage. This is such an important topic especially for those of us who grew up with bad role models.

  12. @uljanakistenev1640 on March 19, 2025 at 7:15 pm

    I’m new here and bing watching your videos and so deeply touched and going to the word and wanting to grow in my relationship with Jesus so that I can do this right !
    The little sweet smile that he gave to Julie when his dad complimented their child rearing was just the sweeeeeetes ! Beautiful beautiful beautiful!

  13. @azmomconnection on March 19, 2025 at 7:16 pm

    I don’t know how to do this right. My son is disrespecting his teachers. Not extreme but any comments are disheartening that we are doing the wrong thing

  14. @zannanoe2836 on March 19, 2025 at 7:16 pm

    I like your good points on staying away from the extremes while parenting our kids. While building relationships with our kids I believe we need to understand the biggest obstacles they are facing in our current culture https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=suH4qaPcuMc

  15. @marylamb6063 on March 19, 2025 at 7:26 pm

    One day I got a severe beating by my father because I skipped school for a week. It didn’t matter that two bullies were threatening to beat me up and I was trying to avoid them. my parents lacked empathy. I now have issues with lack of empathy. The beatings my parents gave me taught me a lesson: There’s no need to worry if someone is being bullied. No person’s sufferings matter. I’m not angry on the outside, but I care little about the plight of others.

  16. @amelajay on March 19, 2025 at 7:27 pm

    tonight we had a special prayer meeting at church, and as a single mom I had a six year old and three year old in tow. I did my best with the situation, but ultimately my six year old has had a consequence for being disobedient and distracting in the service. rather than whoop him, he will have to return to "big church," with a few things provided to help him sit still, until he learns to act appropriately in situations that call for respectful behavior. my children are home schooled and I fear them losing out on learning proper respect. I lectured him pretty heavily to try to help him understand why it was disappointing and why it is important to learn that not every event is all about his entertainment. I hope my approach is right. he ended up apologizing when I compared it to being left out from something I really look forward to. it can be extra tough without a dad at home.

  17. @carolineomori1032 on March 19, 2025 at 7:34 pm

    Is there a full episode? This is goooood

  18. @darrenparker284 on March 19, 2025 at 7:35 pm

    I’m just here wondering what the WWE phrase was that he said?

  19. @marriagemaniaministry on March 19, 2025 at 7:37 pm

    This is good! We are lead by God’s word to raise our children. Great wisdom!

  20. @sheleania on March 19, 2025 at 7:39 pm

    What is wwf?!

  21. @KR-os6nn on March 19, 2025 at 7:41 pm

    Which episode is this from?

  22. @saintamerican6105 on March 19, 2025 at 7:43 pm

    My toddler turned 3 recently and OH MY GOODNESS, i am trying so hard to maintain the fruit of the Holy spirit while disciplining. They hit and yell at me, i didnt realize how fleshly toddlers are and how much they need Jesus, just like us adults do.

  23. @thegavinhoffman on March 19, 2025 at 7:51 pm

    What about all the studies that show otherwise?

  24. @mjwas3475 on March 19, 2025 at 7:57 pm

    Is it okay to tell your 15 year old daughter “If your going to live in this house these are the rules you have to follow “ (then list) please all comment I need help with this.

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