God is Using Your Doubt (and Unbelief and Worry), This is How | Melody Alisa
God is Using Your Doubt (and Unbelief and Worry), This is How | Melody Alisa
Are you struggling with doubt? Do you notice that at times you don’t have as much faith as you want to have? I’ve been there. And so have Jesus’ disciples. I used to feel ashamed of this but I came across a verse in Matthew that flipped that shame on it’s head. God is in the unbelief, God is the doubt, God is in the worry and He is using it all. enjoy!!!
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Hi! My name is Melody Alisa – welcome to my channel. I lived in South Korea for two years where I met God and I documented my life as an English teacher (check out my Life in Korea playlist for more on this!) Now, I call Atlanta home. On my YouTube channel, I share my Christian faith and life as a creative, a newlywed, and a new mom through weekly new videos!
your unbelief is opening doors, how every christian should handle doubt, faith and doubt, how god is using your unbelief, the unexpected way god is using your doubt, your unbelief is opening doors, how every christian should handle doubt, faith and doubt, how god is using your unbelief, the unexpected way god is using your doubt, doubting god, doubting jesus, doubting faith
Ive been struggling to obtain a spiritual reboot. i reached a point where i felt numb because God had amazed me(he would first give me all these beautiful things) and then disappoint me by removing them from me. i hope and fast and pray and i even have faith but when he removes them from me i lose hope and become numb to the fact that when he again tries to amaze me i doubt and stay with my hopelessness knowing very well "oh another disappointment Lord, i am not ready for it, so i lose the faith to see any good come out of it. I keep asking myself, why do you give me these goods things fist and take them away. I am trying to reboot my spirit again, knowing as his plans are better and to see that every disappointment as a blessing. I read how Jesus calmed the furious storm, i think he wants me to sleep just as he did in my storms and trust him.
All I can say is thank you❤️ God bless you and your family❤️
I needed this word today, finding this video was the exact verse I needed this morning. Thank you Lord for using this wonderful sister in Christ to remind us you are close to the broken hearted and when the enemy wants to make us feel there’s no hope, you are there to immediately reach out your hand and catch us when we call out to you.
I’m having this intense doubt of believing in Jesus. Believing that he truly existed and is everything we know him to be. Can somebody pray for me please
how does any of this nonsense help you? if god never really does anything about your problems and the circumstances never change, what’s the point of crying out to god? what good is god when he does nothing? the reality is, the Bible thumpers cant stand me saying this because nothing ever really happens, and nothing ever changes.
Build up, tear down. That’s what God does. Sorry, I’m a little upset
Forgive me for doubting You Lord. I’ve placed more of my faith in man and they have failed me when I should have put my complete faith in You Lord. I’m sorry
You should delete this channel as soon as possible.
This is against God.
encouraged & timely! God bless you!
I’m not a Christian but this resonates. I think I lose my faith when those who claim to be close to God turn out to be corrupt. They betrayed me and hurt me to the point of experiencing purity culture trauma paired with my abusive father’s twisted views of religion.
Is it wrong too be an open minded Christian?
Amazing video!!
Thank you for this. I so need this .. thank you thank you
God bless you!! ❤
Thank you.
thank you
Thank you for this – I am currently going through similar struggles and feeling guilty for having unbelief. Really needed this
Thank you for this word of encouragement. I have gone through 3 employment downsizings since the pandemic and I have fallen in such a deep hole of debt. I know God and I know His word, but I can’t stop my flesh from telling me the opposite of God’s word. I have never been in this place and I know what God can do, but where I’m at right now, all I can do is keep moving one step/day at a time. Fighting my flesh! Praying and crying out to God. Only God can get me out of this season, I just have to be still and keep walking no matter how much it hurts.
Peter’s doubt completely unlike ours, though. Peter began to sink because his focus shifter from Jesus to the scary storm. I have not seen Jesus and his miracles. I have not heard Jesus’ voice. Peter had genuine reason to have faith in Jesus as he commanded him to walk on the water. I, on the other hand, hear no command, and have no first-hand evidence (like Peter had) that may produce genuine faith. I read scripture but I cannot force myself to have faith. I pray but I hear nothing in return. What do I do? Why can I not "believe" as readily as other believers?
Thank you so much
Thank you….I really needed to hear this ❤God bless you
Have a good day and stay blessed, this video was definitely for me and today I had a panic attack today and had little faith in many things but this video reached out to me, God bless. <33
Do you still have doubts about herpes cure then I want to highly recommend you use Dr Ozuka herbal medicine and be free today
Very encouraging thank you
Melody, this video is less than 10 minutes long, but it is so powerful!It has completely shifted my mind. I’m in a spiritual battle right now, and I find myself taking my eyes off of Jesus, just like Peter. I must keep my eyes focused on Him, no matter my circumstances.
I need help, the devil disrespect my lord, I don’t whan’t to disrespect my lord it just pop up in to my mind and I need help to stop that, it just pop up I don’t whan’t to it’s just pop up to my mind, I don’t wanna disrespect my lord , I love Jesus
Thank u for this video,I have this problem a lot,I’ve going through + still going through a time of isolation, doubts+fears haunt me every day I need to trust that God will see me through ❤xox
What a beautiful sermonette! I love what you shared and how you shared it. Thank you for your message.
Thanks for shating God bless you
Me and my partner are struggling with sexual sin. I doubt a lot gods love for me and our relationship even though me and her got signs that we’re for each other. But the fact how god never gives up and always loves us is amazing to hear.
This video is amazing ! & it’s my second time watching it through but sometimes I jus can’t hear or don’t want to hear scripture in a certain time ( idk if that ever haps to you but I jus wanted to be honest ) What do you do when you don’t want to go to God in scripture ?
Thank you lord for talking to me through your dauther ❤
It’s been 10 months of rejections and disappointments for me! I have grown and matured a lot, have kept faith and keep calling out that I would like to serve, to earn – but to be honest not much has changed and i still don’t feel anything happening for me. There are some days when it’s too hard to stay positive!
Hallelujah our good God is great ❤
This is something that God has put on my heart. Telling me to give up my worry and stress to HIM. Because I did, our rent was paid just in time to avoid eviction, our electric is paid in this winter weather, and we have everything we need. GOD IS SO GOOD!!!! All you have to do is truly believe that he already has it worked out for you.
This is for me! Thank you, Melody for this. I have been for some strange reason questioning myself if I believed enough or not, I was feeling tortured. Literally. I prayed about it calling on the Lord for faith. As I asked myself the question, would I walk away if I didn’t believe enough? No way. lol! I need Jesus too much to not keep calling on Him. And too, I think the enemy will get in our minds knowing our weaknesses and just poke at us to make us miserable. But, I have never seen your videos before, and yet here it is! Thank You, Jesus!
Thank you for your profound video
Thank you so much—I really needed this scripture. I am a UNC student, and I’m struggling more than I ever have. I came here, and my world was flipped upside down academically. I’m taking chemistry, which is a weed-out class, and I am afraid that I am going to be weeded out. No matter how many different ways I study, I feel like it isn’t enough. I feel like Peter—sinking and sinking—and I need to stay focused on God and rely on Him to pull me up.