GIVE IT TO GOD | Stop Worrying & Trust God – Inspirational & Motivational Video
GIVE IT TO GOD | Stop Worrying & Trust God – Inspirational & Motivational Video
When we give our burdens, worries, and cares to God it will bring us peace. Trust and believe that God is for you. He loves you and wants only the best for you. When you let go, you can fully rest in His strength. You don’t have to worry. Worry adds not a single day to your life.
Allen Jackson
Santosh Swamidass
Joyce Meyer
David Gibbs
Jimmy Evans
Whitesand – Awakening
Spotify –
Bandcamp –
Our focus is to inspire, motivate and encourage believers in their walk with God.
#aboveinspiration #inspire #encourage #motivation #inspiration #Jesus #God
Yez yesrs
Challenges produce knowledge and experience. God is a great teacher
Im. Depressed and alone
Tears tears help
If this channel has blessed you, make sure to subscribe & share it with others & lift them up to the Lord!
Yes tears tears
Yez teRs
I’m choosing to trust You GOD and I believe that You will never fail me! Thank You for Your marvelous grace and mercy. I love You. In Jesus Name ❤️.
Hallelujah Amen o
Yrs tears tears
I feared my father
I feared bullies at school
I. Feared my boss for years
I fear illness
I fear for my family
I fear wars
I fear society is go the wrong way
I have h as d a lifetime of fear and I am tired of worrying all the time
So when I am told to fear gods wrath I am sorry I don’t want heaven I don’t want hell , I just want the nothingness of no more , where fear or I no longer exist
Believe god, Time change everything ❤
I’m following GOD through this transition. I may not who I am right now but I’m so glad that I know the One who does. Please pray for me! GOD bless you. In Jesus Name ❤️.
Amin and thanks god
i didn’t study the whole year and i regret it a lot now, but now I’m turning to god. I’ve done everything in my power to save myself but failed everytime but now I’m repenting from my since and im sorry for being lazy. Jesus, do you still love me? will you help me? please get me great marks nd show your glory
Your struggles today are stepping stones for God’s blessings tomorrow
I always come back to this video, thank you!! Amen God bless
God please help me
Amen thank you Jesus, and my heavenly Father. The Lord is my Shepherd
Yez tears
Jesus forgive of my sins. Help me to accept your will. Please help me endure with your love.
Tears tears help
Yes tearz tears
Tears help I lolgod
Tears tears yrs
I trust in God, I surrender ✨
Please pray for me
I have an important job interview in minutes and I have personal problems that sometimes overwhelms me
I pray please pray for me too
Yes yeztesrs
Amen!!!! I trust you Lord. You handle everything, Lord. Hear my prayers.
I want your help help God years allot
This was super helpful ❤
Please pray for me im going through a lot of problems, the enemy doesnt want me to see through it. please pray for me to get gods favour.
Yrs tears help
If you are here this 2025, going through unfortunate situations, pains, anxiety and depression, Just say to yourself that I’m an overcomer and see how God lifts you from those situations. God is too faithful to fail you and to leave you halfway. He started with you and believe that He will bring you to an expected end. Amen!
I asked how to trust in god. I was taken to this video on. I suffer anxiety. I am stressed at work. Money issues. But I learnt this the lord is my sheppard. Thank you. It can’t stop now. It’s to powerful. There’s no way I can go back. It’s forward now.