FAILURE IS NOT FINAL | Never Give Up – Inspirational & Motivational Video
FAILURE IS NOT FINAL | Never Give Up – Inspirational & Motivational Video
Failure is an inevitable part of life. But defeat and failure are not the same thing. Defeat is an end; failure is a means. Failure is never final unless you give up. There’s no success without failure. Failure is not the opposite of success, it’s part of success. God can take your mess and turn it into a message if you allow Him to.
Jentezen Franklin
Robert Jeffress
Chuck Swindoll
Kurt Kettner-Borough
Jim Cymbala
Charles Swindoll
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Failure in trying to overcome all sin in your life is not final, completely giving up in trying is final. Never give up in trying to overcome all sin in your life.
From my childhood I never able to make my parents proud and even now also I am the reason of their unhappiness why I even born I don’t deserve it I only brought sadness and problems in my parents life
Failure is temporary but giving up is forever.
Received n Jesus name amen thank you Jesus
Never never give up
Who’s here in March 2025,?
Thank you Jesus
Would someone please pray for me. I am in need of finances and a good paying job. Thank you.
Jehovah God has always had my back, and am grateful
If you fail… that’s not your subject try another
What a blessing!
I failed so hard recently.. I felt so stupid, so dumb.. Everyone around me are doing so much better than me.. God has humbled me…
Oh how this is fitting for me. Right now i feel like a failure at work. Did an interview for a promotion got the job found out the job isnt for me and now going back to my old office. Feels like big let down on my end and others. So, yes like a failure. I pray God will help me through this process and He has a better office spot for me that is meant for me.
A God of more chances than I can count Amen
I am afraid to ask …
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Keep your mind and heart stayed on him. He is faithful to his word. We are living in times where it is easy to give up but DONT! He sees all and knows all. Keep your head up! I am living proof that he delivers on his word. Be blessed everyone.
My god why have you forsaken me?
Amen. Thank You for the
To all who is reading this, thank you for your time. Somehow I have been listening to this channel a lot. And each time I start my day or even when I take a break in between, I just gota open this Chanel and hear all these advises. Each time I am falling apart, these videos help me up. Each time I am grateful, these videos reminds me of the goodness of God. Many times I am lost, these videos help me to knock back my head and realise that God is in control. Even when I see all the comments , it gives hope and lights to my encounter. I had been failing interviews after interviews . Seems like all door are shut tightly. Even as much as I make my resume better to apply for my dream job at the end it is to no prevail. (I apply for cabin crew). No doors open. I wonder why. I was so angry .I was so frustrated. I checked myself if there is anything physical wrong but nothing. I tried to stay close to God and putting my trust and yet I failed again. One thing for sure, there was a last 2 interview that I attended and I prayed if I didn’t go through it than it’s okay. Help me to accept it and heal my broken heart. True enough, I didn’t got accepted and I was crushed. But there is this little voice and feeling saying ‘ it’s Okay my child.’’. Just cry and get back up again. I am not sure if it’s my conscious or God’s voice. . Slowly, I accepted that perhaps God is preparing something big for me. Something that he knows best about me, At this moment, I still pray and hope one of the airline would offer me a job. If it’s not, I also prayed I go through the day with a productive day. And true enough, though I am jobless at the moment, somehow at the end of the day I notice my day was productive after all even with small stuff I have done. It is true and hard to focus on Gods words at this very hard time. I Myself struggle to battle the negative thoughts . But I am only human. I question God and asked why is he abandoning me. But few hours later, I cried and ask his forgiveness as it is really hard to press on not understanding why I had to stand on this situation. I am still learning and putting my faith and hope to God. Nevertheless, this channel and comments has also help me to pull through. Thank you all.
Thank you!!! If not i already commit last sin
I’m constantly failing… God hear my cry
I was always told if you failed to try ,try again until you succeed. Then remember what you did to get it right . Believe me l did this many many times in my work and in life . I also asked Jesus to help me
I can begin again
The hater wants to sabotage me
Thank you for sharing the word of God through your channel. May God’s love and guidance be with you, and may it touch the lives of many.
Failure is not final
Amen thank you for the words of grace
Very encouraging message.
Thank you?
God, I ask for your forgiveness. I’ve made some mistakes that still weigh me down. Some, have effected others, some have effected me. In any case, when this happens, I feel so sad and get so mad with myself. I feel like I am not worth saving. I know that this is not the case, but I struggle to cast off fear. Lord, please help and have mercy on me.
I have backslided again and again but this message always gets me back on my feet…. Praise The Lord and God bless you all to the Preachers
Best motivational video on YouTube