Deadly Earthquake in Turkey Turns Rivers Blood Red

By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz February 9, 2020 , 4:02 pm

A recent earthquake in Turkey produced an unexpected replay of the first plague in Egypt as a river began flowing deep red.

Ten days ago, a 6.8 magnitude earthquake rocked eastern Turkey, killing 41 people and injured at least 1,600. The earthquake that was centered near Sivrice, Turkey also caused a series of aftershocks ranging from 3.3-5.4 in magnitude. Images of red water flowing into the river appeared on the internet soon after the earth stopped shaking.

For the Biblically inclined, the image of a blood-red river evokes a stark message. The Egyptians and Pharaoh worshiped the Nile as a god. When Moses and Aaron struck at the Egyptian River God was an irrefutable reminder to the Egyptians and to Pharaoh that no matter how advanced or powerful Man is, he will always be dependent and subservient to on his Creator.

According to Jewish tradition, the ten-plagues will reappear before the Messiah as stated by the Prophet Micah.

 I will show him wondrous deeds As in the days when You sallied forth from the land of EgyptMicah 7:15

When the images of the blood-red water appeared on Reddit, many comments suggested that the vivid color could be the result of a dye that was introduced into the water supply to help detect leaks. Others noted that dye used for this purpose is usually bright green or yellow. Others suggested the water turned red from clay beneath the surface being mixed with the water source. Yet another theory was a leak from a local slaughterhouse caused by the tremors.

After the quake, Turkish Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu stated that the government is “seriously” preparing to deal with a stronger earthquake in Istanbul, the country’s largest city

“We expect a [magnitude] 7.5 earthquake in Istanbul … We are seriously working on the possible scenario of the earthquake,” he told CNN Turk.

Turkey is among the world’s most seismically active countries as it is situated on several active fault lines, and dozens of minor earthquakes and aftershocks occur daily. More than 17,000 people were killed and over 43,000 were injured when a magnitude 7.4 quake rocked the Marmara region on August 17, 1999.

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