CONNECT Q&A | Unfiltered Truth on Israel, Prophecy & Global Events
CONNECT Q&A | Unfiltered Truth on Israel, Prophecy & Global Events
What is really driving the global hostility toward Israel? Is anti-Semitism a religious or political issue—or something much deeper? In this powerful Q&A, we dive into Bible prophecy, Middle East conflicts, and the spiritual battle at play in today’s world. From the deception surrounding Jerusalem’s so-called “importance” in Islam to the true meaning of Jesus fulfilling the law, this discussion exposes the lies, clarifies biblical truth, and equips believers to stand firm.
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4:25 – Benton
Was Jesus crucified on Thursday, thus confirming an actual three days and three nights in the earth as Jesus said it would be the sign based on Jonah being three days and three nights in the belly of a great fish?
11:46 – Liam
The war in Israel: Are the roots primarily a Jew/Muslim conflict or is it an Israeli/Arab conflict?
20:20 – Daniel
Why does Islam consider Jerusalem a holy city?
27:58 – Oprah
I know in my heart God’s promises are true. But how can we believe that heaven will remain pure for all of eternity when God said His creation was good and that only lasted until the third chapter of Genesis?
35:10 – Paul
What does it mean that Jesus “fulfilled” the Law? Aren’t we still supposed to follow the Ten Commandments?
43:20 – Sue
I always thought Judea and Samaria were part of Israel, but in all the news of the last many months, it sounds like only others live in that land. Can you help me with my confusion, please?
0:00 – Introduction & Opening Prayer
2:30 – Understanding Biblical Prophecy in Today’s World
4:44 – Was Jesus Crucified on Thursday? Debunking the Timeline Debate
12:12 – The Root of the War Against Israel – Religious or Political?
20:39 – Why Does Islam Consider Jerusalem Holy? The Truth Revealed
28:34 – Will Heaven Always Be Perfect? A Biblical Perspective
35:39 – Did Jesus Abolish the Law? Understanding the 10 Commandments Today
43:53 – Who Really Owns Judea & Samaria? Debunking the Palestinian Myth
50:43 – The Biblical Boundaries of Israel – What the World Ignores
52:24 – The Future of Israel & the Middle East
54:12 – How You Can Help Spread the Truth
Israel, Bible prophecy, Middle East conflict, Jerusalem, Jesus, End Times, Biblical truth, Judea and Samaria, Christian Q&A, Anti-Semitism, Global events, Christianity, Last Days, Biblical teaching, Prophetic update, Bible study, Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, USA Israel, Trump Israel, Middle East Update, Biblical history, Truth about Israel, Christianity explained, Bible facts, Bible fulfillment
Looking forward to the new content.
Looking forward to hearing all the questions and answers about Israel and the rest of the world
Your broadcasts and scripture teachings are so informative and encouraging to believers in Christ. I pray that God will bless your ministry and protect Israel at this time
Exactly what it is SpiritualWar,They believe they can stop The Return of Jesus if they annalilate The Jews and Christianity Satan Knows His Time Is Short he comes to Steal, Kill and Destroy
A great history lesson…
Very thankful for this ministry!
Shalom! Israel Decree is for now. Praise be to our LORD!
Love this program!
Luv yuns
Liked and shared , keep posting thank you
My news source.
Ialwayalike to listen you programs . I love llsrael and and Israel and God’s people are
In my prayers. God bless you all and ypir families
Tuning in from Cleveland Ohio, God Bless and Be With You All
I Pray for The Peace of Jerusalem and I Plead Your Holy Precious Blood and a Hedge of Protection over All of Israel, The IDF ,Pray for The Safety and Release of All The Hostages i Pray this in Jesus Holy Precious Name Amen
Mr Amir tsarfati what do u think will be the activity of life in New Earth and new heaven pl answer ur personal opinion
Jesus Is The Law
"Not leaning on other nations"…so profound!
My question is on telegram I can listen to all your videos before and after but I cannot hear your behold Israel and beyond it will not let it go through on telegram it’s also playing games with me on YouTube it won’t let me talk
Thank you so much, Amir, Pastor Barry & Mike. I am looking forward to seeing The Middle East & Beyond. Blessings to you all!
I thought Mohammad was supposed to be taken up to Heaven from Jerusalem
Love the program ❤
God bless you Amir, Mike and Barry!!
THIS WAS EXCELLENT!!! Thank-you for your time & knowledge & love of the LORD!
I’m in New Zealand. Bless you both, I look forward to seeing the new show.
Given that our US tax dollars have been used to build an LGBT capital in the center of Tel Aviv, why is it required of Christians to support Jews?
Wat Amir zegt over het belangrijkste: Met Christus opgestaan en wandelen in nieuwheid des levens, dat is waarheid.
Echter we mogen de Schrift wel onderzoeken ( bijbelstudie )
Jezus sprak duidelijk over 3 dagen en 3 nachten!..ook Zei Hij: gaan er niet 12 uren in 1 dag! ( Joh 11 )
De pesach werd gevierd op de 14e van de maand Nissan, in het Johannes Evangelie lezen we dat de sabbath erna een…HOGE…Sabbath was ..een shabbaton.
In die week waren er 2 sabbatten, de hoge en de reguliere op vrijdag, we kunnen dat duidelijk zien adhv de werkzaamheden van de vrouwen en de specerijen tussen die sabbaths in.( Joh )
Jezus was zondagmorgen al opgestaan vroeg in de morgen, het graf was al leeg, Hij kon niet zondagmorgen vroeg zijn opgestaan, want Hij zou 3 dagen en 3 nachten in het graf zijn, dus Hij zou opstaan vlak voor zonsondergang, precies zo als 3 dagen ervoor, toen ze zich moesten haasten om Jezus voor de Sabbath in het graf te krijgen. ( vlak voor zonsondergang )
Hij stond zaterdagmiddag vlak voor zonsondergang op, tel dan 3 dagen EN nachten terug….en zie dat de 14e Nissan op een woensdag viel, wets geleerden hebben dit tevens aangetoond dat die dag van kruisiging viel op een woensdag op hun kalender.
Thank you gentlemen.
I love listening to you talking about anything through a Biblical lens.
The Lord God bless refresh, strengthen, and protect you…and continue to heal you Pastor Mike.
From Australia.
Thank you for question & answers it helps us to understand what & why God is doing what He’s doing in the Middle East.
I’m so grateful for your mission and updates. And for all reading. Amir’s book by way of deception was so good. I sat and read till I was done. I definitely will recommend it to everyone
I heard that question about the 3 Days and 3 Nights and I remembered a teaching on it and it explains this through a Hebrew perspective. I will share the link name for the video for anyone to listen because this teaching will clarify that question. On The Third Day: Resurrection and Ascension | The Chronological Gospels on The Rood Awakening channel on Youtube by Michael Rood. Very insightful information.
Start back at 17 min
please we need the Israel decree in paper pack
Thank you for your faithfulness!
Tanks for this program. We are taught a tremendous lot of truth. ❤
May God continue to bless your ministry.
Sign of Jonah. 3 days and 3 nights
God bless the USA and Israel!!!
Thankyou amen