College advice for Christians
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College advice for Christians
So let’s say you’ve just finished high school and are ready to go to college. What next? Many times it can feel overwhelming to know exactly what to do. So in this video, I give you a few key tips and pieces of advice for any new Christian college students.
My hope is that your college experience will enrich your life and draw you closer to God! That whether you’re college freshmen or senior, boy or girl, Christian or not that your time spent in college will be an amazing journey! God bless!!!
Tip #1- Know what you’re trying to get out of college before you even get there
Tip #2- Realize that figuring out your career path is actually SUPER important
Tip #3- Realize that some of the most important things that you can learn will take place OUTSIDE of college
Tip #4- Create healthy financial habits
Tip #5- Don’t spend your free time, INVEST it instead!
Love it! Financial habits are super important for Christians, especially!
Come check out my testimony! I am a college girl and I saw what it was like to be drug down by The devil and god saved my life.
I would love to know what Christian college you went to!
What about how their are professors and teachers who are extremely left wing and indoctrinate you into thinking that communism is good etc.
Thank you for this. I think we need to take a more active role in preparing those who are headed to college about what they can expect when they get there. We just covered a similar topic this week if you (or anyone else) are interested:
Unfortunately….. I went to a bible college… Our idea of "partying" was playing Chinese fire drill at stop lights… Lost a lot of friends because of these games!
I loved this video, thank you!! I have been under a lot of stress lately because I feel like I have spread myself too thin because of commitments. I am a full time college student studying youth ministry, work 2 jobs and have an internship at my church. I also really focus on my heath and have started my weight loss/ get healthy lifestyle. This video was an amazing reminder of WHY I am doing all of this. I know my hard work will pay off in the long run and I would rather be busy, than bored. Thank you again! ~Paige
Trying to be a biochemist and research medicine. Enjoying my lab classes, but the reports are difficult. It’s probably because i messed my schedule up and only have 5-6 hours free time each week and its not all at the same time… The one thing I need advice on is when you find someone you like, how do you let them know you can’t have sex until marriage…
Thank you so much for this video Justin! I’m going off to college next week and I hope to study to my potential, to find new friends, to go to a party now and then, to grow in my faith, to cook delicious meals and to get more independent. It’s definately a bit scary and intimidating to have so many big changes in your life at once, but I know God is leading the way. I’m praying to see where that road is and goes.
hi guys i am designing christian t shirts can you guys please check it out and tell me what you think
can a christian become a cop? i start college soon i havent choose a major yet im thinking going for law enforcement
Feel like my dad screwed me over. He had me get a student losn saying he’d pay for it, I don’t have to pay anything. That was over a decade ago and I been paying for 4 years now. I agree no student loan.
Such apt advice. Put me to shame. Its time for a challenge!
I’m going to College of The Bible in Moberly Mo but I’m getting my pre-rects done
Matthew 5:19-21 is my favorite "verse"!! (I know it’s not one verse but I like the whole thing lol)
I generally have a 70-75 hour school/job week. I’d say when i do get my job, ill at least have a few hours less than this haha.
You are a filipino?. Hello man!!