Christianity – Rise, History & Beliefs || ईसाई धर्म का इतिहास और धारणाएं | Life & teachings of Jesus
Christianity – Rise, History & Beliefs || ईसाई धर्म का इतिहास और धारणाएं | Life & teachings of Jesus
In this video we have discussed important aspects of Christianity, in which we covered Biography and teachings of Jesus Christ and philosophies/beliefs associate with Christianity. we also covered geography of Christian religion.
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Thanks for explaining, I hope you follow Lord Jesus by excepting Christianity ✝️ keep pierching
Chatra Pati Shivaji Maharaj ki Jai
Tu isai hai kya bhai crushed kisne kiye
Tuj me hi baibl,tuj me hi kuran ,tuj me
Hi gita sar tuj me hi avagun sare
Tuj me gun apar ,tune dekhi duniya sari
Dekha na aatam gnan….!!!baba dekha na
Aatam gnan…..!!!!!
Very very good explening
GBU bro and sis Today let’s study about THE last Adam and sec coming Christ….. Bible testifies about the last Adam and sec coming Christ…from where we ll come to know about it….any plaster???no..from the scriptures…John 5:39…From where can we search. These are the very scriptures testifies about lord…1Cor 15:45_47… First Adam from mud. And sec Adam from heaven…first Adam physical life sec Adam eternal life giver… Then first Adam Rom5:14….then sec coming Christ how he is going to give eternal life???? John 6:53_54…. MATTEW 26:17_19&… MATTEW 26:26_28…ayes bro and sis through of the new covenant… the Passover
Old is best new is very best
Y you are explaining through religious book blindly why romans killed instead of Jew also mention what crime he committed in the market of Jerusalem miracle is scientific simple sadhu of hindu show it
Dharti ki jhankar se pahle kaun tha
Jai shrew ram
Jesus koi bhagwan nhi tha
Bus logo ko rice bags deke convert karta tha
1:20 proud moment❤️. Praise the lord ✝️
Ye sb faltu baat h
विदेशी वीजा, सैलरी और अन्य लोभ देकर पंजाब में सिखों को ईसाई धर्म में परिवर्तित किया जा रहा है
Christinity is Relegion Not Dharma
Praise the lord may the Lord bless all the foolish and illiterate peoples in the comment section and their families
Yahudi is be like Hindu religion ☯️
Jai shree Ram… Jai Sanatan
Yahudi aur Isayi majhabpar anchor confuse ho rahe hain yahudi dharm isliye nahi faila ke koi bhi convert hokar yahudi nahi ho sakta ,usko is yahudi dharm me hi paida hona padega tab ja ke yahudi hoga,,,,,,dusari baat ye hai ke Isayi majhabme dheel jyada hai,(baudh dharm ki tarah kuch bhi pap karo GOD ishvar xama karega
Catholic remaining
Just a small correction Baptism doesn’t mean Pracharak. As per Christian scripture Baptism is purification from sins done by forefathers Adam and eve were water is used for baptism. Pracharak means spreading the News.
Hamara hindutva duniya ka sabse purana aur achha desh h
God bless you
Jesus Christ was first christian, Mary was second Christian, Mary knew Christ came from God, and Christ had power to do miracle, so Mary first time asked Jesus when Jesus was 8years old to do some miracle in the marriage party to help the host, and Jesus did the first miracle, so Mary first believer of Jesus.At the age of 30jesus started working out to build up church and appointed Peter as it first pope, to remain continue his mission through his desiples as he knew he will be crusified. Roman Catholic kept idol, images of Jesus and Mary( and never of God,the almighty father) , who were in the midst of people, catholics not keep images of God. So don’t blame catholics saying they worship ideal and images. All human love to keep photoes of their parents, basic was same, later Catholic College build up in more organised manner and that presently leads by pope. That is my understanding and belief.
Christianity is as misogynist as islam and Hinduism
Kya koi hindu , christion ladki se pyar nhi kar sakta
1:20 Proud moment. ✝️❤️
Read gita too ..
Jai shree krishna
Information updated karo sabse oldest religion Hinduism he
Cristianity is try to sabotage the Sanatan.
सब धर्मोंकी जानकारी जिज्ञासुओं तक पहुंचानेका आपका प्रयास अच्छा है।शुभम् भवतु।
Sir aap Bible ka Old Testament and New Testament padhlo…koi story nhi h sab sach h… mythology nhi h..
jew one of oldest religion today known
Jalan ka se pahle kaun tha
I’m Christ follower ❤️ U Jesus
Never did Jesus said am founder of Christianity or said am Christian.. In Holy Bible he said am here for the people of Jew
Erthe is one god is one